

Hello, my name is Thomas Heatherwick. 大家好,我叫托马斯·赫斯维克
I have a studio in London that has a particular approach to designing buildings. 我在伦敦有一间工作室 专门用来 设计建筑
studio:n.工作室;[广播][电视]演播室;画室;电影制片厂; approach:n.方法;路径;v.接近;建议;着手处理;
When I was growing up, 在我成长的过程中
I was exposed to making and craft and materials and invention on a small scale . 我接触过制造业 手工业和材料业 和小型的发明
exposed:adj.无遮蔽的; v.暴露; (expose的过去分词和过去式) craft:n.工艺;船;手艺;飞行器;v.(尤指用手工)精心制作; scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢;
And I was there looking at the larger scale of buildings and finding that the buildings that were around me and that were being designed and that were there in the publications I was seeing felt soulless and cold. 当我望向 那些大型的建筑 发现 那些我们周围大型的建筑 那些设计的建筑 还有那些出版物上的建筑设计 是那么无神和冷酷
publications:n.出版物(publication的复数); soulless:adj.没有灵魂的;没有精神的;卑鄙的;无情的;
And there on the smaller scale, the scale of an earring or a ceramic pot or a musical instrument , was a materiality and a soulfulness. 在那些小件的物品 像耳环 陶罐 或是乐器 都是实质化而且有神韵的
ceramic:adj.陶瓷的;陶器的;制陶艺术的;n.陶瓷;陶瓷制品; musical instrument:n.乐器; materiality:n.物质性,重要性;物质;
And this influenced me. 这深深影响了我
The first building I built was 20 years ago. 20年前我建造了第一座建筑
And since, in the last 20 years, 自从那时,在最近的20年里
I've developed a studio in London. 我在伦敦设立了一个工作室
Sorry, this was my mother, by the way , in her bead shop in London. 对不起,顺便说一下,这是我的母亲 在她伦敦的珠宝店
by the way:顺便说一下; bead:n.有孔小珠; v.把…连成一串;
I spent a lot of time counting beads and things like that. 我花了很多时间在数珍珠和相似的事情上
I'm just going to show, for people who don't know my studio's work, a few projects that we've worked on. 我现在要展示给那些不了解我工作室的人 一些我们做过的项目
This is a hospital building. 这是一栋医院
This is a shop for a bag company. 这是一间卖包的店
This is studios for artists. 这是艺术家的工作室
This is a sculpture made from a million yards of wire and 150,000 glass beads the size of a golf ball. 这是一座用 一百万码金属线 和15万颗高尔夫球大小 的玻璃珠做成的雕像
And this is a window display . 而这是橱窗展示
And this is pair of cooling towers for an electricity substation next to St. Paul's Cathedral in London. 这是位于伦敦圣保罗大教堂 附近的变电所的 一对冷凝塔
electricity:n.电力;电流;强烈的紧张情绪; substation:n.分局;变电所;分所;分台; Cathedral:n.大教堂;
And this is a temple in Japan for a Buddhist monk . 这是一座日本的 佛教寺庙
Buddhist:n.佛教徒;adj.佛教的; monk:n.僧侣,修道士;和尚;
And this is a cafe by the sea in Britain. 这是英国靠海的 一座咖啡馆
And just very quickly, something we've been working on very recently is we were commissioned by the mayor of London to design a new bus that gave the passenger their freedom again. 大致的提一下 一些我们最近接受的工作 是受命于伦敦市长 来设计一款 能让乘客重获 自由上下的公交车
recently:adv.最近;新近; commissioned:adj.受委任的;v.正式委托;任命…为军官;(commission的过去式和过去分词) mayor:n.市长;镇长; passenger:n.旅客;乘客;白吃饭的人;闲散人员;
Because the original Routemaster bus that some of you may be familiar with, which had this open platform at the back -- in fact, I think all our Routemasters are here in California now actually. 因为原本的双层巴士 你们有些可能会熟悉 是在后方有个开放式站台的-- 实际上,我觉得我们所有的双层巴士 现在都在加利福尼亚了
original:n.原件;原作;原物;原型;adj.原始的;最初的;独创的;新颖的; familiar:adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的;n.常客;密友; platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处;
But they aren't in London. 而不是在伦敦
And so you're stuck on a bus. 那当你困在车里
And if the bus is going to stop and it's three yards away from the bus stop, you're just a prisoner. 如果汽车将要停靠 但是离站点还有三码距离的话 你就像个囚犯一般
But the mayor of London wanted to reintroduce buses with this open platform. 但是伦敦市长想重新引进 这种有开放式站台的公车
So we've been working with Transport for London, and that organization hasn't actually been responsible as a client for a new bus for 50 years. 我们已经和伦敦交通局进行了合作 这个部门 已经有50年 没有采购过新型的 公交汽车了
Transport:n.运输;输送;运送;运输机;v.输送;传播;使产生身临其境的感觉;(旧时)流放; organization:n.组织;机构;体制;团体; responsible:adj.负责的,可靠的;有责任的; client:n.[经]客户;顾客;委托人;
And so we've been very lucky to have a chance to work. 所以我们十分幸运有这次合作的机会
The brief is that the bus should use 40 percent less energy. 简单的讲公车需要减少40%的能量消耗
So it's got hybrid drive. 所以要采用混合型系统
And we've been working to try to improve everything from the fabric to the format and structure and aesthetics . 我们正在研发 试着改进 所有的方面从结构 到设计 建造 美学
improve:v.改进;改善; fabric:n.织物;布料;(社会,机构等的)结构; structure:n.结构;构造;建筑物;vt.组织;构成;建造; aesthetics:n.美学;美的哲学;
I was going to show four main projects. 我将展示四个主要项目
And this is a project for a bridge. 这是一个桥梁的项目
And so we were commissioned to design a bridge that would open. 我们被委托设计一座能开合的大桥
And openings seemed -- everyone loves opening bridges, but it's quite basic a thing. 这种开合型的似乎-- 每个人都喜欢开合型的桥 但是有件事是很基本的
I think we all kind of stand and watch. 我觉得我们都曾站在一旁观看过
But the bridges that we saw that opened and closed -- 但是我们看到的桥 一开一合--
I'm slightly squeamish -- but I once saw a photograph of a footballer who was diving for a ball. 我是有点反感的-- 自从我看过那张铲球的足球运动员 的照片
slightly:adv.些微地,轻微地;纤细地; squeamish:adj.易呕吐的;易生气的;神经质的;过于拘谨的;洁癖的; footballer:n.足球运动员;橄榄球运动员; diving:n.潜水;跳水;跳水运动;v.下潜;跳水;潜水;(dive的现在分词)
And as he was diving, someone had stamped on his knee, and it had broken like this. 当他在铲球的,另外一个人踩在了他的膝盖上面 接着他的腿就像这样断了
And then we looked at these kinds of bridges and just couldn't help feeling that it was a beautiful thing that had broken. 然后当我们看这些桥的时候 就不经意间觉得 这美丽的建筑就这样毁了
And so this is in Paddington in London. 这是在伦敦帕丁顿
And it's a very boring bridge, as you can see . 正如你看到的,这是一座很平常无趣的桥
boring:adj.无聊的;令人厌烦的;n.钻孔;v.使厌烦;钻孔;(bore的现在分词) as you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的;
It's just steel and timber . 只用了钢筋和木材
But instead of what it is, our focus was on the way it worked. 但是不去看他的材料 我们更关注于它如何运作
(Applause) (掌声)
So we liked the idea that the two farthest bits of it would end up kissing each other. 我们喜欢这种桥两端最终 互相吻合在一起的构想
(Applause) (掌声)
We actually had to halve its speed, because everyone was too scared when we first did it. 实际上我们不得不把速度减半 因为我们第一次做的时候每个人都吓坏了
So that's it speeded up. 这是当它加速的情况
A project that we've been working on very recently is to design a new biomass power station -- so a power station that uses organic waste material. 近期我们着手的一个项目 是设计一座生物化学能发电站-- 那种用有机废料的发电站
biomass:n.(单位面积或体积内的)[生态]生物量; power station:n.发电厂;发电站; organic:adj.有机的;不使用化肥的;绿色的;有机物的;n.分子有机体;
In the news, the subject of where our future water is going to come from and where our power is going to come from is in all the papers all the time. 在新闻界中 我们未来水的来源和能源 的来源相关的主题 一直占据了所有的版面
And we used to be quite proud of the way we generated power. 同时我们曾经对我们发电的方式表示自豪
But recently, any annual report of a power company doesn't have a power station on it. 但是近期 任何电力公司的年报 都不会把发电站印在上面
It has a child running through a field, or something like that. 它们都印孩子跑过田野,或者类似的东西(TBR)
(Laughter) (笑声)
And so when a consortium of engineers approached us and asked us to work with them on this power station, our condition was that we would work with them and that, whatever we did, we were not just going to decorate a normal power station. 所以当一个工程师联盟找到我们 并询问我们和他们一起合作发电站项目 我们的条件是我们能和他们合作 还有,无论我们做什么 我们不仅仅是在装修一座普通的发电站
consortium:n.财团;联合;合伙; approached:v.走近;临近;探讨;建议;(approach的过去分词和过去式) decorate:v.装饰;装点;装潢;点缀;
And instead, we had to learn -- we kind of forced them to teach us. 反而,我们需要学习--我们是逼迫他们教我们
And so we spent time traveling with them and learning about all the different elements , and finding that there were plenty of inefficiencies that weren't being capitalized on. 我们花时间和他们到处考察 学习所有不同的设备 并发现了有很多没有益处的 低效率的设备
elements:n.要素;基本部分;少量;一群;(element的复数) inefficiencies:无能; capitalized:v.用大写字母书写; (capitalize的过去式和过去分词)
That just taking a field and banging all these things out isn't necessarily the most efficient way that they could work. 那种找块地然后把所有设备组装在一起 不是让它运作的最有效的方式
banging:v.猛敲;砸;(把…)砰的关上;猛摔;砰地一扔;(bang的现在分词) necessarily:adv.必要地;必定地,必然地; efficient:adj.有效率的;有能力的;生效的;
So we looked at how we could compose all those elements -- instead of just litter, create one composition . 所以我们在寻找该如何组装所有的设备-- 而不只是胡乱的组装成型
compose:v.组成;作曲;创作(音乐);撰写(信函、讲稿、诗歌等); composition:n.成分;作文;构成;创作;
And what we found -- this area is one of the poorest parts of Britain. 我们还发现-- 这块地区是英国最贫穷的地区之一
It was voted the worst place in Britain to live. 这曾被票选为英国最不适合生活的地方
And there are 2,000 new homes being built next to this power station. 未来将有2000户新房会建造在 这发电站旁
So it felt this has a social dimension . 它引起来社会层面上的问题
It has a symbolic importance. 它拥有着象征性的意义
And we should be proud of where our power is coming from, rather than something we are necessarily ashamed of. 我们应为我们能源的来源感到自豪 而不是感到羞愧
So we were looking at how we could make a power station, that, instead of keeping people out and having a big fence around the outside, could be a place that pulls you in. 我们正在寻找我们如何才能建造发电站 而且,不是那种外围有很大的围栏 把人们排斥在外的 而是一个能吸引你的地方
And it has to be -- 它要--
I'm trying to get my -- 200 ft. high. 让我想想-- 200尺高
So it felt that what we could try to do is make a power park and actually bring the whole area in, and using the spare soil that's there on the site , we could make a power station that was silent as well. 它就感觉好像我们在做的 是一个电力公园 并把整个地区都包括进去 而且利用地区周边空余的土地 我们能建造出一个安静的发电站
spare:v.节约,吝惜;饶恕;分出,分让;adj.多余的;瘦的;少量的;n.剩余;备用零件; site:n.地点;位置;场所;v.设置;为…选址;
Because just that soil could make the acoustic difference. 因为土壤 可以产生声波差
And we also found that we could make a more efficient structure and have a cost-effective way of making a structure to do this. 同时我们也发现我们可以用一种更高效的建筑 和一种划算的方式 来建造这种建筑
The finished project is meant to be more than just a power station. 项目最终 不仅仅只是一个发电站而已
It has a space where you could have a bar mitzvah at the top. 它成了一个你甚至可以在顶部开成人礼酒会的地方
bar mitzvah:n.受诫礼(为年满13岁的犹太男孩举行的成人仪式);v.[犹]使受戒;
(Laughter) (笑声)
And it's a power park. 这是一个电力公园
So people can come and really experience this and also look out all around the area, and use that height that we have to have for its function. 人们可以切身的感受到 还能眺望四周的景观 并利用我们设计的高度
In Shanghai, we were invited to build -- well we weren't invited; what am I talking about. 在上海 我们被邀请建造-- 其实我们不是被邀请的;看我在说什么呢
We won the competition , and it was painful to get there. 我们是赢得了比赛,这是一个艰辛的胜利
competition:n.竞争;比赛,竞赛; painful:adj.痛苦的;疼痛的;令人不快的;
(Laughter) (笑声)
So we won the competition to build the U.K. pavilion . 我们赢得了建造英国馆的比赛
And an expo is a totally bonkers thing. 世博会 完全就是件疯狂的事
There's 250 pavilions . 有250个场馆
pavilions:n.楼阁; v.搭帐篷(pavilion的三单形式);
It's the world's biggest ever expo that had ever happened. 世上未曾有过的最大的世博会
So there are up to a million people there everyday. 每天都有上百万的人参观
And 250 countries all competing . 有250个国家在竞争
And the British government saying, "You need to be in the top five." 而英国政府说 “你要进前五”
And so that became the governmental goal -- is, how do you stand out in this chaos , which is an expo of stimulus ? 这就成了 政府的目标-- 就是,你如何在这混乱中脱颖而出 在竞争如此刺激的世博会中?
governmental:adj.政府的;政治的;统治上的; chaos:n.混沌,混乱; stimulus:n.刺激;激励;刺激物;
So our sense was we had to do one thing, and only one thing, instead of trying to have everything. 我们觉得我们要做一件事 只要一件事 而不是试着做每件事
And so what we also felt was that whatever we did we couldn't do a cheesy advert for Britain. 我们还觉得 无论我们做什么我们也不能用廉价的方式展示英国
cheesy:adj.干酪质的;下等的;漂亮的; advert:vi.注意;谈到;n.广告;
(Laughter) (笑声)
But the thing that was true, the expo was about the future of cities, and particularly the Victorians pioneered integrating nature into the cities. 但是有件事是真实的 世博会是关于未来的城市 特别是维多利亚时代的 那些把自然融入城市的先驱
particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地; Victorians:n.维多利亚时代; integrating:v.(使)合并,成为一体;(使)加入,融入群体;(integrate的现在分词)
And the world's first public park in modern times was in Britain. 世上现代社会中第一个大众开放的公园 是在英国
And the world's first major botanical institution is in London. 同时世上第一座大型植物机构 是在伦敦
botanical:adj.植物学的;n.植物性药材; institution:n.制度;建立;(社会或宗教等)公共机构;习俗;
And they have this extraordinary project where they've been collecting 25 percent of all the world's plant species . 它们有这一个特殊项目 收集了地球上25% 的植物
extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的; species:n.[生物]物种;种类;
So we suddenly realized that there was this thing. 我们突然间意识到这是件重要的事
And everyone agrees that trees are beautiful. 每个人都觉得树是美丽的
And I've never met anyone who says, "I don't like trees." 我从来没听到有人说过 “我不喜欢树” 的
And the same with flowers. 花也是一样
I've never met anyone who says, "I don't like flowers." 我从来没有听到有人说过 “我讨厌花” 的
But we realized that seeds -- there's been this very serious project happening -- but that seeds -- at these major botanical gardens seeds aren't on show. 但是我们意识到种子-- 这已经进行为了一个很重要的项目-- 但是这些种子-- 在这些大型植物园 种子是不展示的
But you just have to go to a garden center, and they're in little paper packets. 但是你只要去园地的角落 它们在那小的纸袋里面
But this phenomenal project's been happening. 但是这庞大的项目还在进行中
So we realized we had to make a project that would be seeds, some kind of seed cathedral. 我们意识到我们需要做这个项目 利用种子,做成某种种子圣殿
But how could we show these teeny-weeny things? 但是我们如何才能展示这种细小的东西呢?
And the film " Jurassic Park" actually really helped us. 事实上电影 “侏罗纪公园” 帮了我们
Because the DNA of the dinosaur that was trapped in the amber gave us some kind of clue that these tiny things could be trapped and be made to seem precious , rather than looking like nuts. 因为保留在琥珀里的恐龙DNA 给了我们些思路 那些细小的东西 可以被保存也能做的很精致 而不是看起来像坚果一样
trapped:adj.受困的;受限制的;v.使落入险境;使陷入困境;(trap的过去分词和过去式) amber:adj.琥珀色的;琥珀制的;n.琥珀;琥珀色;vt.使呈琥珀色; clue:n.提示;迹象;(纵横填字谜、游戏或问题的)提示词语;v.提示;为…提供线索; precious:adj.宝贵的;珍贵的;矫揉造作的;
So the challenge was, how are we going to bring light and expose these things? 挑战就是 我们将如何透过光展示这些东西?
We didn't want to make a separate building and have separate content . 我们不想造一座独立的建造还独立的展示内容
So we were trying to think, how could we make a whole thing emanate . 所以我们试想 我们如何才能把事完整的展现出来
emanate:vt.放射(过去式emanated,过去分词emanated,现在分词emanating,第三人称单数emanates,形容词emanative); vi.发出;
By the way, we had half the budget of the other Western nations. 提一下,我们的预算只有其他西方国家的一半
So that was also in the mix with the site the size of a football pitch . 这又要牵扯到 足球场大小的场地问题
And so there was one particular toy that gave us a clue. 有件特殊的玩具给了我们灵感
(Video) Voice Over: The new Play-Doh Mop Top Hair Shop. 旁白:新型培乐多炫彩发廊
Song: ? We've got the Mop Tops, the Play-Doh Mop Tops ? 歌声:?我们有着蓬松的头发,培乐多炫彩发廊?
? Just turn the chair and grow Play-Doh hair ? ?只要转下椅子就能有培乐多发型?
? They're the Mop Tops ? ?他们是蓬松的发丝?
Thomas Heatherwick: Okay, you get the idea. 好的,你懂了吧
So the idea was to take these 66,000 seeds that they agreed to give us, and to take each seed and trap it in this precious optical hair and grow that through this box, very simple box element, and make it a building that could move in the wind . 这想法 就是用66000粒 它们许诺给我们的种子 把每个种子都包裹进 这些昂贵的光学发丝 让它通过盒子向外延伸 一个很简易的盒子造型 就让建造 随风摆动
optical:adj.光学的;眼睛的,视觉的; in the wind:即将发生;在进行;
So the whole thing can gently move when the wind blows. 以此整栋建筑可以在微风下轻轻的摆动
And inside, the daylight -- each one is an optic and it brings light into the center. 而白天,内部-- 每根发丝都是一个光学设备 并把光线带到每个角落
And by night, artificial light in each one emanates and comes out to the outside. 晚上的话 每根发丝的人造光 发光并照射到外部的设施
artificial:adj.人造的;仿造的;虚伪的;非原产地的;武断的; emanates:vt.放射;
And to make the project affordable , we focused our energy. 为了平衡项目的预算 我们主攻能源板块
Instead of building a building as big as the football pitch, we focused it on this one element. 而不是把建筑造的和足球场一样大 我们把注意力集中到这一元素上
And the government agreed to do that and not do anything else, and focus our energy on that. 政府同意这么做 不做出其他调整 而是集中在能源的方面
And so the rest of the site was a public space. 所以地块其余部分就是公共场所
And with a million people there a day, it just felt like offering some public space. 每天一百万的游客 提供一些公共空间也是合理的
We worked with an Astro Turf manufacturer to develop a mini-me version of the seed cathedral, so that, even if you're partially-sighted, that it was kind of crunchy and soft, that piece of landscape that you see there. 我们和 Astro Turf制造商合作 打造一座小型版本的 种子圣殿 因此,就算你的视力不好 这也会看起来蓬松柔软 你看到这样感觉的景致
Astro:comb.天文的;航天的;宇宙的; Turf:n.草皮;泥炭;跑马场;v.覆草皮于; manufacturer:n.生产商;生产者;制造者; crunchy:adj.易碎的;发嘎吱嘎吱声的; landscape:n.景观;乡村风景画;(文件的)横向打印格式;v.对…做景观美化;美化…的环境;
And then, you know when a pet has an operation and they shave a bit of the skin and get rid of the fur -- in order to get you to go into the seed cathedral, in effect, we've shaved it. 接着,你知道宠物做手术的时候 他们会把一部分的毛剃光 露出一整块的皮肤-- 为了让你进入这种子圣殿 实际上,我们也把它剃了
And inside there's nothing; there's no famous actor's voice; there's no projections; there's no televisions; there's no color changing; there's just silence and a cool temperature. 内部空无一物 没有著名演员的声音 没有放映室 没有电视;也没有色彩的变化 有的只是安静 和凉爽的温度
And if a cloud goes past, you can see a cloud on the tips where it's letting the light through. 如果乌云经过的话 你们在从光线投入的 顶层看到那乌云
tips:n.尖端; v.(使)倾斜,翻覆; (tip的第三人称单数和复数)
This is the only project that we've done where the finished thing looked more like a rendering than our renderings . 这是我们做的唯一的项目 完成之后 看起来更像是有自我的演示
(Laughter) (笑声)
A key thing was how people would interact . 关键在于如何让人们与之互动
I mean, in a way it was the most serious thing you could possible do at the expo. 我指,你能在世博会上 有可能做的最疯狂的事情
And I just wanted to show you. 我刚刚给大家看的
The British government -- any government is potentially the worst client in the world you could ever possibly want to have. 英国政府-- 任何政府都是世上你最不想要的 最糟糕的客户
And there was a lot of terror. 因为它的要求太恐怖了
But there was an underlying support. 但是它还是有基本的支持的
underlying:adj.根本的; v.构成…的基础; (underlie的现在分词)
And so there was a moment when suddenly -- actually, the next thing. 所以在那时刻 突然间--实际上,接下来的事情
This is the head of U.K. Trade and Investment , who was our client, with the Chinese children, using the landscape. 是英国贸易投资部的部长 我们的客户 和中国的孩子们,利用这块空间
(Video) Children: One, two, three, go. (视频)孩子们:一,二,三,开始
(Laughter) (笑声)
TH: I'm sorry about my stupid voice there. 我的声音比较难听不好意思
(Laughter) (笑声)
So finally , texture is something. 最后,质感是很重要的
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; texture:n.质地;纹理;结构;本质,实质;
In the projects we've been working on, these slick buildings, where they might be a fancy shape, but the materiality feels the same, is something that we've been trying to research really, and explore alternatives . 在我们着手的项目中 这种精美的建筑 它们可能有着奇幻的外形 但是本质上是一样的 是最近我们一直在尝试探索 研究的替代物
slick:adj.光滑的; n.[机]平滑器; v.灵活地; v.使光滑; fancy:n.幻想; adj.想象的; v.想象; explore:v.探索:探测:探险: alternatives:n.可供选择的事物;(alternative的复数)
And the project that we're building in Malaysia is apartment buildings for a property developer. 我们在拿来西亚建设的项目 一个开发商的 公寓大楼
And it's in a piece of land that's this site. 这是那块土地 就在这里
And the mayor of Kuala Lumpur said that, if this developer would give something that gave something back to the city, they would give them more gross floor area, buildable . 吉隆坡市长 说,如果开发商 能在开发的同时给予城市回报的话 他们可以给予他们更多的未开发的建设用土地
gross:adj.总共的;粗野的;恶劣的;显而易见的;v.总共收入;n.总额,总数; buildable:可建造的;
So there was an incentive for the developer to really try to think about what would be better for the city. 这激励开发商 去尝试思考 如何把城市建的更好
And the conventional thing with apartment buildings in this part of the world is you have your tower, and you squeeze a few trees around the edge, and you see cars parked. 公寓建筑最平常的东西 根据世界某些地域 是你有自己的大楼 你在边缘种植一些树 开辟停车场
conventional:adj.符合习俗的,传统的;常见的;惯例的; squeeze:v.挤;紧握;勒索;压榨;n.压榨;紧握;拥挤;佣金;
It's actually only the first couple of floors that you really experience, and the rest of it is just for postcards . 其实你只有在底层几楼才能真正体验到 其他的楼层得到的只是展示而已
The lowest value is actually the bottom part of a tower like this. 像这种大楼最底层价值是最低的
So if we could chop that away and give the building a small bottom, we could take that bit and put it at the top where the greater commercial value is for a property developer. 如果我们去除这部分 造个小型的底层 我们就可以把价值附加到顶层去 这样可以让开发商利润最大化
chop:v.砍;劈;切碎;剁碎;n.砍;劈;剁;猪(或羊等)排; commercial:adj.贸易的;商业的;赢利的;以获利为目的的;n.(电台或电视播放的)广告;
And by linking these together, we could have 90 percent of the site as a rainforest , instead of only 10 percent of scrubby trees and bits of road around buildings. 通过连接这些 我们可以把90%的土地 变成雨林 而不是只有10%的矮树 和建筑周边的道路
rainforest:n.(热带)雨林; scrubby:adj.矮小的;树丛繁盛的;
(Applause) (掌声)
So we're building these buildings. 我们建设的这些建筑
They're actually identical , so it's quite cost-effective. 他们实际上是相同的,都符合成本效益
They're just chopped at different heights. 只是用了不同高度
But the key part is trying to give back an extraordinary piece of landscape, rather than engulf it. 但是关键 是试着还给土地一片别致的景观 而不是践踏它
And that's my final slide. 这是我最后一张幻灯片
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)
June Cohen: So thank you. Thank you, Thomas. You're a delight . 琼·科恩:谢谢,谢谢你托马斯
Since we have an extra minute here, 因为我们现在多出了几分钟
I thought perhaps you could tell us a little bit about these seeds, which maybe came from the shaved bit of the building. 我想也许你能告诉我们一些关于种子的事情 它们也许来自那个建筑
TH: These are a few of the tests we did when we were building the structure. 我们在建造的时候 做了一些测试
So there were 66,000 of these. 一共有6万6千个
This optic was 22 ft. long. 这光学设备 22尺长
And so the daylight was just coming -- it was caught on the outside of the box and was coming down to illuminate each seed. 所以日光可以照射进去-- 从盒子的外面进入 一直传输到每个种子的地方
Waterproofing the building was a bit crazy. 防水的大楼是有点疯狂的
Because it's quite hard to waterproof buildings anyway, but if you say you're going to drill 66,000 holes in it -- we had quite a time. 因为怎么说大楼防水就是很困难的 更别提你是有66000个孔在上面了-- 我们的确耗费了很长时间
There was one person in the contractors who was the right size -- and it wasn't a child -- who could fit between them for the final waterproofing of the building. 在承包商中有个体型刚好的工作人员 当然不是小孩-- 可以进入两者间的空隙 做最后的大楼防水工作
JC: Thank you, Thomas. 谢谢, 托马斯
(Applause) (掌声)