

I get asked a lot what the difference between my work is and typical Pentagon long-range strategic planners . 很多人问我,我的工作 与一位典型的五角大楼长期战略计划者的工作有什么区别
typical:adj.典型的;特有的;象征性的; Pentagon:n.五角形; long-range:adj.(飞机,火箭等)远程的;长期的;远大的; strategic:adj.战略上的,战略的; planners:n.规划师;规划人员(planner的复数);计划人员;
And the answer I like to offer is, what they typically do is they think about the future of wars in the context of war. 我给他们的答案是 那些计划者们总是在战争的大背景下 思考战争的未来
typically:adv.代表性地;作为特色地; context:n.环境;上下文;来龙去脉;
And what I've spent 15 years doing in this business -- and it's taken me almost 14 to figure it out -- is I think about the future of wars in the context of everything else. 而我花费了15年时间所做的事情 ——其实我花了14年才搞清楚我到底在做什么—— 是我却是在非战争的大背景下思考战争的未来
So I tend to specialize on the scene between war and peace. 所以我倾向于关注那些介于战争和和平之间的事情
The material I'm going to show you is one idea for a book. 我要向大家介绍的是一本书中的一个观点
Well, a lot of ideas. 呃~不是一个,而是好几个观点
It's the one takes me round the world right now interacting with foreign militaries quite a bit. 正是为此我才周游世界 与各国军方交流
interacting:v.交流;沟通;合作;相互影响;(interact的现在分词) militaries:adj.军事的;军人的;适于战争的;n.军队;军人;
The material was generated in two years of work I did for the Secretary of Defense, thinking about a new national grand strategy for the United States. 这些观点都是基于我这两年来 为美国国防部所做的工作 ——为美国 寻找一个新的国家整体战略
generated:v.产生;引起;(generate的过去式和过去分词) strategy:n.策略;行动计划;部署;战略; United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
I'm going to present a problem and try to give you an answer. 我想给大家提出一个问题 看看您怎么回答
Here's my favorite bonehead concept from the 1990s in the Pentagon, the theory of anti-access, area-denial asymmetrical strategies . 以下是自上世纪90年代以来我最喜欢的“五角大楼的愚蠢概念” ——反介入、区域封锁的非对称战略理论
bonehead:n.笨蛋,傻瓜; asymmetrical:adj.[数]非对称的(等于asymmetric);不均匀的;不匀称的; strategies:n.策略;行动计划;部署;战略;(strategy的复数)
Why do we call it that? 为什么我们给它起了这么一个名字呢?
Because it's got all those A's lined up I guess. 我猜这是因为它所有的单词开头都是A
This is gobbledygook for, if the United States fights somebody we're going to be huge, they're going to be small. 带官腔的文章都这样 如果美国要打谁,那么我们美国必是巨大的 则对方必是渺小的
And if they try to fight us in the traditional , straight-up manner we're going to kick their ass, which is why people don't try to do that any more. 如果对方要以传统的直接的方式开战的话 我们必能将其揍扁 正因为如此,他们才不会以那样传统的方式向美国开战
traditional:传统的,惯例的, straight-up:直率地;真实地;(酒)不加冰块的;
I met the last Air Force General who had actually shot down an enemy plane in combat . 我遇到过一个当过空军将军的家伙 他曾经在战斗中击落过敌人的飞机
Air Force:n.空军; combat:v.战斗;防止;减轻;与…搏斗;n.战斗;搏斗;打仗;
He's now a one star General. 而他现在是一个一星上将
That's how distant we are from even meeting an air force willing to fly against ours. 而自上次我们发现一个愿意与美国空军部队进行空战的敌人 竟然已经是那么久远的事情
So that overmatched capability creates problems -- catastrophic successes the White House calls them. 因此,这种压倒对手的能力引起了许多问题 ——而白宫称之为“灾难性的成功”
overmatched:v.胜过,打败,较强对手,劲敌;(overmatch的过去式和过去分词) capability:n.才能,能力;性能,容量; catastrophic:adj.灾难的;悲惨的;灾难性的,毁灭性的; White House:n.白宫(美国总统官邸,位于首都华盛顿);
(Laughter) (笑声)
And we're trying to figure that out, because it is an amazing capability. 我们正努力搞懂它 因为这是一种令人惊奇的能力
The question is, what's the good you can do with it? 问题是,你能用它做什么呢?
OK? 对么?
The theory of anti-access, area-denial asymmetrical strategies -- gobbledygook that we sell to Congress , because if we just told them we can kick anybody's asses they wouldn't buy us all the stuff we want. 反介入、区域封锁的非对称战略理论—— 我们卖给国会的官样文章 因为如果我们直接告诉议员们我们能揍扁敌人 议员们是不会给我们买我们所需要的东西的
Congress:n.国会;代表大会;会议;社交; asses:驴(ass的复数形式); stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
So we say, area-denial, anti-access asymmetrical strategies, and their eyes glaze over. 所以我们将其称之为反介入、区域封锁的非对称战略理论 他们一听,立刻就呆掉了
(Laughter) (笑声)
And they say, will you build it in my district? 然后他们会问:“你会不会在我所在的区部署一个“?
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
Here's my parody and it ain't much of one. 下面我将举一个例子
Let's talk about a battle space, 让我们聊一个“战斗区域”
I don't know, Taiwan Straits 2025. 我也不懂,台湾海峡2025
Let's talk about an enemy embedded within that battle space. 让我们先谈一个在此战斗区域中的敌人
I don't know, the Million Man Swim. 呃~~比如一百万个在海峡中游泳的人
(Laughter) (笑声)
The United States has to access that battle space instantaneously . 美国必须立刻进入该区域
They throw up anti-access, area-denial asymmetrical strategies. 于是使用了反介入、区域封锁的非对称战略理论
A banana peel on the tarmac . 而停机坪上出现了一个香蕉皮~
(Laughter) (笑声)
Trojan horses on our computer networks reveal all our Achilles' heels instantly. 我们电脑网络中的特洛伊木马 立刻告诉敌人我们的致命弱点在何处
Trojan:n.勇士;特洛伊人;勤勉的人;adj.特洛伊的;特洛伊人的; reveal:v.显示;透露;揭露;泄露;n.揭露;暴露;门侧,窗侧; heels:n.高跟鞋(heel的复数);脚踝;残余料;v.紧跟;给(鞋等)装跟(heel的三单形式);
We say, China, it's yours. 我们说,这木马是中国的
Prometheus approach , largely a geographic definition , focus almost exclusively on the start of conflict . 主要从地理定义上来说,是普罗米修斯的方法 几乎完全集中在冲突的初期
approach:n.方法;路径;v.接近;建议;着手处理; largely:adv.主要地;大部分;大量地; geographic:adj.地理的;地理学的; definition:n.定义;清晰度;(尤指词典里的词或短语的)释义;解释; exclusively:adv.唯一地;专有地;排外地; conflict:n.冲突;矛盾;争执;抵触;v.抵触;
We field the first-half team in a league that insists on keeping score until the end of the game. 我们在联赛的上半段领先 保持这个分数,直到比赛结束
first-half:上半年的; league:n.联赛;联盟;协会;种类;v.(使)结盟;(使)联合[团结];一鼻孔出气;组成联盟;
That's the problem. 这就是问题所在
We can run the score up against anybody, and then get our asses kicked in the second half -- what they call fourth generation warfare . 我们能迅速得分超过任何人 然后再后半段的比赛中比人家揍扁 他们称之为第四代战争
Here's the way I like to describe it instead. 下面我要描述一下第四代战争
There is no battle space the U.S. Military cannot access. 目前,没有美军不能进入的战斗区域
They said we couldn't do Afghanistan , we did it with ease. 有人说我们不能进入阿富汗,而我们却轻易地做到了
They said we couldn't do Iraq. 有人说我们不能进入伊拉克
We did it with 150 combat casualties in six weeks. 我们也做到了,而且代价是六周内只有150个战斗伤员
We did it so fast we weren't prepared for their collapse . 我们进入的速度如此之快,以至于我们都还没有对伊拉克的垮台做好准备
There is nobody we can't take down. 世上没有我们打不垮的敌人
The question is, what do you do with the power? 而问题是,我们怎么使用这样的能力
So there's no trouble accessing battle spaces. 因此,在进入战斗区域方面,我们是不存在问题的
What we have trouble accessing is the transition space that must naturally follow, and creating the peace space that allows us to move on. 事实上,我们无法顺利进入的 是随之而来的“过渡区域” 并创造允许我们继续前进的“和平区域”
transition:n.过渡;转变;变革;变迁;v.经历转变过程;过渡; naturally:adv.自然地;自然而然地;轻而易举;天生地;大方地;
Problem is, the Defense Department over here beats the hell out of you. 问题是,管理此处的国防部门 他妈的把人家赶出去了
The State Department over here says, "Come on boy, I know you can make it." 然后管理此处的国务院人员却对人家说 ”来吧伙计,我知道你能行“
State Department:n.(美国)国务院;
And that poor country runs off that ledge , does that cartoon thing and then drops. 然后那个可怜的国家就逃掉了 做一些卡通一样的蠢事然后垮掉了
(Laughter) (笑声)
This is not about overwhelming force, but proportional force. 我们的确拥有压倒性的武力,不应盲目地全部使用
overwhelming:adj.势不可挡的; v.压倒; (overwhelm的现在分词) proportional:adj.比例的,成比例的;相称的,均衡的;n.[数]比例项;
It's about non-lethal technologies , because if you fire real ammo into a crowd of women and children rioting you're going to lose friends very quickly. 有些事情是于致命性武器无关的 因为如果你对一群参与暴乱的妇女和儿童 开火的话 你会很快失去你的朋友
non-lethal:adj.非致死的,不致死的;n.非杀;非致死浓度; technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数); ammo:n.弹药;军火; rioting:v.发生骚乱;闹事;(riot的现在分词)
This is not about projecting power, but about staying power , which is about legitimacy with the locals. 这与启用武力无关,问题在于如何克制使用武力 关系到合法性的问题
staying power:n.持久力;耐力; legitimacy:n.合法;合理;正统;
Who do you access in this transition space? 你应该派谁进入这种过渡区域呢?
You have to create internal partners, you have to access coalition partners. 你必须创造内部的合作伙伴,必须拥有同盟
internal:n.内脏;本质;adj.内部的;里面的;体内的;(机构)内部的; coalition:n.联合;结合,合并;
We asked the Indians for 17,000 peace keepers. 我们请17000个印度人来当和平卫士
I know their senior leadership, they wanted to give it to us. 我认识他们的高层领导人,他们愿意派人给我们
But they said to us, you know what? 但是他们说,你知道么?
In that transition space you're mostly hat not enough cattle. 在那个过渡区域你的人手还不够
We don't think you can pull it off, we're not going to give you our 17,000 peace keepers for fodder . 我们觉得你还是完不成 所以我们不会给我们的17000人去浪费
We asked the Russians for 40,000. 我们问俄国要40000人
They said no. 他们不给
I was in China in August, I said, "You should have 50,000 peace keepers in Iraq. 我说过,八月份的时候我在中国 “你们应该派50000人去伊拉克维和
It's your oil, not ours." 因为那是你的石油,不是我的石油”
Which is the truth, it's their oil. 事实上,那确实是他们的石油
And the Chinese said to me, "Dr. Barnett, you're absolutely right. 然后那个中国人告诉我,“Barnett先生,你完全正确
In a perfect world we'd have 50,000 there. 如果世界是完美的,我们愿意派50000人过去
But it's not a perfect world, and your administration isn't getting us any closer." 但是现在,世界是不完美的 而你们美国人在那里的管理也没有让我们更接近完美世界”
But we have trouble accessing our outcomes . 我们在获取成果上也存在问题
We lucked out, frankly, on the selection . 坦白讲,我们在选举上的胜利是都是凭借运气
lucked:v.靠运气,走运;凑巧碰上;(luck的过去分词和过去式) selection:n.选择;选拔;挑选;被挑选的人(或物);
We face different opponents across these three. 我们面对着这三方的敌人
And it's time to start admitting you can't ask the same 19-year-old to do it all, day in and day out . 是时候开始承认 你不能要求同样是19岁的人来做所有的事情,过一天算一天
day in and day out:天天;夜以继日;
It's just too damn hard. 这他妈的太难了
We have an unparalleled capacity to wage war. 我们拥有一种不平衡的发动战争的能力
unparalleled:adj.无比的;无双的;空前未有的; capacity:n.能力;容量;资格,地位;生产力; wage:v.发动;n.(通常指按周领的)工资;
We don't do the everything else so well. 但我们对非战争的事情却处理不好
Frankly, we do it better than anybody and we still suck at it. 坦白说,我们已经比其他任何人做的都要好了,但我们仍然举步维艰
We have a brilliant Secretary of War. 我们有一个出色的“战争部长”
We don't have a Secretary of Everything Else. 我们却没有一个“非战争事务部长”
Because if we did, that guy would be in front of the Senate , still testifying over Abu Ghraib. 因为如果我们有,那个家伙就会成为出色的议员 继续审查伊拉克美军虐囚事件
Senate:n.参议院,上院;(古罗马的)元老院; testifying:v.(尤指出庭)作证;证实;证明;见证(上帝的存在);(testify的现在分词)
The problem is he doesn't exist. 问题是这个人并不存在
There is no Secretary of Everything Else. 没有所谓的“非战争事务部长”
I think we have an unparalleled capacity to wage war. 我认为我们拥有一种不平衡的发动战争的能力
I call that the Leviathan Force. 我称之为“巨轮之力”
What we need to build is a force for the Everything Else, 而我们需要打造一种能力,是处理非战争事务的能力
I call them System Administrators . 我称之为”系统监管“
What I think this really represents is lack of an A to Z rule set for the world as a whole for processing politically bankrupt states. 我认为,这说明了我们缺乏一套详细的规则 来处理政治破产的国家 使这个世界成为一个整体
represents:v.代表;维护…的利益;相当于;(represent的第三人称单数) A to Z:n.(标明各街道位置的)城市地图册;指南大全; as a whole:总的来说; processing:v.加工;处理;审核;数据处理;v.列队行进;缓缓前进;(process的现在分词) politically:adv.政治上; bankrupt:adj.破产;倒闭;完全缺乏(有价值的东西);n.(经法院判决的)破产者;v.使破产;
We have one for processing economically bankrupt states. 我们有处理经济破产的国家的规则
It's the IMF Sovereign Bankruptcy Plan, OK? 就是”国际货币基金组织主权破产计划“,对么?
Sovereign:adj.至高无上的; n.君主; Bankruptcy:n.破产;
We argue about it every time we use it. 每次使用它时,我们总在争论
Argentina just went through it, broke a lot of rules. 阿根廷正在实行,打破了许多规则
They got out on the far end, we said, fine, don't worry about it. 他们快完了,我们说,无所谓啦,不要担心它
It's transparent , a certain amount of certainty , gives the sense of a non-zero outcome. 它是透明的、总量确定的 给我们的感觉,总归多多少少是有产出的
transparent:adj.透明的;显然的;坦率的;易懂的; certainty:n.必然;确实;确实的事情; non-zero:adj.非零;
We don't have one for processing politically bankrupt states that frankly, everybody wants gone. 而当政治破产的时候呢? 坦白讲,每个人都想逃离
Like Saddam , like Mugabe, like Kim Jong-Il -- people who kill in hundreds of thousands or millions. 例如萨达姆,例如穆加贝,例如金正日—— 那些杀害成百上千人的家伙
Like the 250,000 dead so far in Sudan. 例如目前在苏丹已经有250000人受害
What would an A to Z system look like? 这个监管系统该是什么样的呢?
I'm going to distinguish between what I call front half and back half. 下面我将区分一下我刚刚所讲的 上半场和下半场
And let's call this red line, I don't know, mission accomplished . 我称之为红线,或者说,”完成了的任务“
mission:n.使命,任务;代表团;布道;v.派遣;向…传教; accomplished:adj.完成的;有技巧的;有学问的;v.完成;(accomplish的过去分词和过去式)
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
What we have extant right now, at the beginning of this system, is the U.N. Security Council as a grand jury . 目前在这个监管系统中,我们已经拥有的 是联合国安理会,它可以作为一个大陪审团
extant:adj.现存的;显著的; at the beginning of:在…的开始; Security Council:安理会; grand jury:n.(美国)大陪审团;
What can they do? 他们能做什么呢?
They can indict your ass. 他们能起诉你
They can debate it, they can write it on a piece of paper, they can put it in an envelope and mail it to you. 他们会讨论你问题,然后写下来 装到信封里寄给你
debate:n.辩论;争论;考虑;v.辩论;争论;考虑; envelope:n.信封,封皮;包膜;[天]包层;包迹;
And then say in no uncertain terms, please cut that out. 然后说义正言辞地说,请不要这样做
(Laughter) (笑声)
That gets you about four million dead in Central Africa over the 1990s. 因为它的存在,让上世纪90年代的非洲中部死亡了大约4000000人
That gets you 250,000 dead in the Sudan in the last 15 months. 因为它的存在,过去的15个月中苏丹死亡了250000人
Everybody's got to answer their grandchildren some day what you did about the holocaust in Africa. 有一天每个人都要告诉他们的子孙 你在非洲大屠杀中担任了什么角色
And you better have an answer. 到时你最好能答得出来
We don't have anything to translate that will into action. 我们无法将那种意愿转化为行动
What we do have is the U.S.-enabled Leviathan Force that says, "You want me to take that guy down? I'll take that guy down. 我们所有的就是美国具有的”巨轮之力“,他说 ”你要我打倒谁,我就会打到谁
I'll do it on Tuesday. It will cost you 20 billion dollars." 我周二就能打到他,那会花费你200亿美元“
(Laughter) (笑声)
But here's the deal. 但是立刻就能成交了
As soon as I can't find anybody else to air out, 只要我们找不到任何其他人来
As soon as:一…就;
I leave the scene immediately. 我就立即离开
That's called the Powell Doctrine . 这叫做”鲍威尔主义“
Powell:n.鲍威尔(英国物理学家); Doctrine:n.主义;学说;教义;信条;
Way downstream we have the International Criminal Court. 然后我们有国际刑事法庭
They love to put them on trial, they've got Milosevic right now. 他们喜欢审判罪犯,他们现在已经有了米洛舍维奇了
What are we missing? 我们还缺什么?
A functioning executive that will translate will into action. 一个能发挥作用、将意愿转化为行动的行政力量
executive:n.管理人员; adj.经营管理的;
Because we don't have it, every time we lead one of these efforts we have to whip ourselves into this imminent threat thing. 因为我们还没有 每次我们作为领导力量去做点什么 我们都会为自己制造一种迫在眉睫的巨大威胁
whip:n.鞭子; v.鞭打; imminent:adj.即将来临的;迫近的;
We haven't faced an imminent threat since the Cuban missile crisis , 1962. 自从1962年的古巴导弹危机以来 其实我们再也没有面临过这种威胁了
Cuban:n.古巴人;古巴产雪茄;adj.古巴的; missile:n.导弹;发射物;投掷物; crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的;
But we use this language from a bygone era to scare ourselves into doing something because we're a democracy and that's what it takes. 但我们总在使用一种过了时的语言 自我恐吓地去做一些事情 因为我们是一个民主的国家,就该当如此
bygone:adj.过去的;n.过去的事; democracy:n.民主,民主主义;民主政治;
And if that doesn't work we scream, "He's got a gun!" 如果不能成功,我们就会尖叫,“对方有枪!”
just as we rush in. 一边说着,我们一边急着往对方那里赶
(Laughter) (笑声)
And then we look over the body and we find like an old cigarette lighter and we say, " Jesus , it was dark." 然后,我们搜查人家 我们发现了一个老式的打火机,我们就说 “天哪,果真不是什么好人”
(Laughter) (笑声)
Do you want to do it France? 你想让法国也来这样做么?
France says, "No, but I do like to criticize you after the fact." 法国说,“不,我不去,但是你做完了我会批评你”
What we need downstream is a great power enabled , what I call that Sys Admin Force. 我们接下来需要的,就是启动一种巨大的力量 我们称之为“系统监督部队”
We should have had 250,000 troops streaming into Iraq on the heels of that Leviathan sweeping towards Baghdad . 我们应该派250000部队去伊拉克 为前往巴格达的部队保驾护航
sweeping:n.扫除; adj.影响广泛的; v.打扫; (sweep的现在分词) Baghdad:n.巴格达(伊拉克首都);
What do you get then? 去了能起什么作用呢?
No looting , no military disappearing , no arms disappearing , no ammo disappearing , no Muqtada al-Sadr -- I'm wrecking his bones -- no insurgency . 没有掠夺,不再有军人失踪 没有人再偷我们的武器军火 也再没有萨德尔出现——我正在啃他的骨头—— 也没有叛乱了
looting:n.抢劫;洗劫,趁乱打劫;v.打劫(loot的现在分词); disappearing:v.消失;不复存在;灭绝;丢失(disappear的现在分词) wrecking:v.破坏; n.破坏; (wreck的现在分词) insurgency:n.叛乱;暴动;叛乱状态;
Talk to anybody who was over there in the first six months. 在前半年的时间里,与在伊拉克的人交流
We had six months to feel the lob, to get the job done, and we dicked around for six months. 我们就有六个月的时间去感受“高球”,去完成任务 我们花六个月的时间去熟悉它
And then they turned on us. 然后他们就会站在我们这边了
Why? Because they just got fed up. 为什么?因为他们只是被激怒了
They saw what we did to Saddam. 他们看到了我们队萨达姆做了什么
They said, "You're that powerful, you can resurrect this country. 他们说,“你们真棒,你们能能让这个国家复活
You're America." 你们是美国”
What we need is an international reconstruction fund . 我们需要的是一个国际重建基金
reconstruction:n.再建,重建;改造;复兴; fund:n.基金;资金;存款;v.投资;资助;
Sebastian Mallaby, Washington Post, great idea. 塞巴斯蒂安马拉比,华盛顿邮报,都挺不错的
Model on the IMF. 这都是如同国际货币基金组织一样的好例子
Instead of passing the hat each time, OK? 我们不再需要每次从人们那里筹集善款了
Where are we going to find this guy? G20, that's easy. 那我们从哪里找到钱呢?G20嘛,多简单啊
Check out their agenda since 9/11. 看一下911事件后他们的日程表
All security dominated . 全都在关心安全问题
They're going to decide up front how the money gets spent. 他们会提前决定要花多少钱
Just like in the IMF. 就像国际货币基金组织一样
You vote according to how much money you put in the kitty. 你再根据你下注的钱数来进行投票
according to:根据,据说;
Here's my challenge to the Defense Department. 这是我对国防部门的建议
You've got to build this force, you've got to seed this force, you've got to track coalition partners, create a record of success. 你要建立这支部队,你要供养这支部队 你要跟踪联合部队,创造一个新的成功记录
You will get this model. 你会成功的
You tell me it's too hard to do. 你告诉我这很难
I'll walk this dog right through that six part series on the Balkans. 那为什么我们就在巴尔干半岛做到了呢?
We did it just like that. 我就是照这样做的
I'm talking about regularizing it, making it transparent. 我们现在需要的就是将其规范化,透明化
Would you like Mugabe gone? 你要除掉穆加贝么?
Would you like Kim Jong-Il ,who's killed about two million people, would you like him gone? 你要除掉杀害了大约2百万人的金正日么? 要么?
Would you like a better system? 你喜欢一个更好的系统么?
This is why it matters to the military. 这就是为什么它这么重要
They've been experiencing an identity crisis since the end of the Cold War. 从冷战末期他们就经历着身份危机
I'm not talking about the difference between reality and desire, which I can do because I'm not inside the beltway . 我现在不是在讲现实与期望的差别 虽然真的能讲清楚,因为我不在华盛顿
(Laughter) (笑声)
Talk about the 1990s. 说说上世纪90年代
The Berlin Wall falls, we do Desert Storm. 柏林墙倒了,我们完成了沙漠风暴
The split starts to emerge between those in the military who see a future they can live with, and those who see a future that starts to scare them. 军队中那些看到美好未来的人 还有那些看到一种令他们惊恐的未来的人 他们之间的裂痕开始愈合
split:v.分离;使分离;劈开;离开;分解;n.劈开;裂缝;adj.劈开的; emerge:v.浮现;显现;暴露;露出真相;
Like the U.S. submarine community which watches the Soviet Navy disappear overnight . 就像美军潜水艇部队 目睹了苏联海军的一夜消失
submarine:n.潜艇;adj.水下的;海底的v.用潜艇攻击;驾驶潜艇; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; Soviet:adj.苏维埃的;苏联的;n.苏维埃(前苏联的各级代表会议);苏联人; Navy:n.海军;深蓝色的; overnight:adj.夜间的; v.在夜间; n.(美)前一天的晚上;
(Laughter) (笑声)
So they start moving from reality towards desire and they create their own special language to describe their voyage of self-discovery and self-actualization . 因此他们开始从现实走向理想 他们创造了特殊的语言 来描述这段自我发现、自我实现的旅程
voyage:v.航行;远行;(尤指)远航;n.航行;(尤指)航海; self-discovery:n.自我发现; self-actualization:n.自我实现;
(Laughter) (笑声)
The problem is you need a big, sexy opponent to fight against. 问题是,你需要一个强大而又性感的对手
And if you can't find one you've got to make one up. 如果你找不到,你就需要自己造一个
China, all grown up, going to be a looker ! 中国,或所有成长起来的国家,都是不错的对象
(Laughter) (笑声)
The rest of the military got dragged out into the muck across the 1990s. 整个上世纪90年代 其余的部队都被拖到垃圾堆里去了
And they developed this very derisive term to describe it, military operations other than war. 他们提出了这种非常自嘲的说法 叫“非战争军事行动”
I ask you, who joins the military to do things other than war? 我问你,谁会只为了非战争军事行动而参军?
Actually, most of them. 事实上,大多数军人都是如此
Jessica Lynch never planned on shooting back. Jessica Lynch(从伊拉克战场被俘后归国的女战斗英雄)从没想过要开枪回击敌人
Most of them don't pick up a rifle . 大多数人都没摸过枪
I maintain this is code inside the Army for we don't want to do this. 我坚持认为这是军队内部的法则 因为我们不想这么做
They spent the 1990s working the messy scene between globalized parts of the world 军方在上世纪90年代一直在试图解决这件事 尤其是在世界上的美军可触及的各个角落
messy:adj.肮脏的;凌乱的;不整洁的; globalized:vt.使全球化;
What I call the core and the gap . 我称之为核心的差距
core:n.核心;要点;果心;[计]磁心;vt.挖...的核; gap:n.差距;间隙;缺口;间隔;v.使豁裂;豁开;
The Clinton administration wasn't interested in running this. 克林顿政府可不喜欢这样
For eight years, after screwing up the relationship on day one, inauguration day with gays in the military, which was deft . 整整八年,在他上任的第一天起就犯下了这个错误 与存在同性恋的军队站在一起,进行他的就职演说 而且相当敏捷灵巧
screwing:v.用螺丝固定(或拧牢);拧紧;拧上去;(screw的现在分词) inauguration day:n.美国总统就职日(1月20日); deft:adj.灵巧的;机敏的;敏捷熟练的;
(Laughter) (笑声)
So we were home alone for eight years. 所以我们在家里孤独了八年之久
And what did we do home alone? 我们在这八年中做了什么呢?
We bought one military and we operated another. 我们养着一支部队,然后派另一支去打仗
And it's like the guy who goes to the doctor and says, "Doctor, it hurts when I do this." 就像一个人到医生面前,说: “医生,当我这样做的时候,我很疼”
(Laughter) (笑声)
The doctor says, "Stop doing that you idiot ." 医生说:“笨蛋,那你就别再那样做不就行了?”
I used to give this brief inside the Pentagon in the early 1990s. 我在90年代初期一直给五角大楼这个建议
I'd say, "You're buying one military and you're operating another. 我说:“你们现在正在养着一支部队,却派另一支去打仗
And eventually it's going to hurt, it's wrong. 最后这会让我们都很痛,这样做事是错误的
Bad Pentagon, bad!" 五角大楼那些坏蛋,坏蛋!”
(Laughter) (笑声)
And they'd say, "Dr. Barnett, you are so right. 然后他们说:“Barnett博士,你很正确
Can you come back next year and remind us again?" 请明年再来,然后再提醒我们一次好么?”
(Laughter) (笑声)
Some people say 9/11 heals the rift , jerks the long-term transformation gurus out of their 30,000 foot view of history, drags them down in to the muck and says, you want a networked opponent? 有人说911解决了这个问题 他们认为911让那些所谓的专家 丢开了三万英尺高的历史观 让他们滚到一边,然后说,你想要一个网络化了的对手?
heals:霍尼韦尔错误分析与记录系统; rift:n.裂缝;不和;[木]裂口;vt.使断裂;使分开;vi.裂开; jerks:n.急促而猛烈的动作;傻瓜(jerk的复数);v.猛拉;突然说出(jerk的三单形式); long-term:adj.长期的;从长远来看; transformation:n.转变;(用于南非)民主改革; gurus:n.古鲁(指印度教等宗教的宗师或领袖);领袖;专家;
I've got one, he's everywhere, go find him. 我就有一个,他无处不在,去把他找出来
And it elevates MOOTW -- how we pronounce that acronym -- from crap to grand strategy, because that's how you're going to shrink that gap. 然后我们就有了MOOTW(非战争军事行动)——我们就是这样读它的缩写—— 从废话中提炼出了伟大的战略 因为那是你准备缩小差距的方式
elevates:vt.提升;举起;振奋情绪等;提升…的职位; pronounce:v.发音;读(音);正式宣布(或公布,授予等); acronym:n.首字母缩略词; crap:n.废话;废物;屎;拉屎;vi.掷骰子;拉屎; shrink:v.收缩;减少;退缩;畏缩;n.精神病学家;心理学家;
Some people put these two things together and they call it empire, which I think is a boneheaded concept. 有些人把这两件事归到一起 称之为绝对权力,我觉得这是一派胡言
Empire is about the enforcement of not just minimal rule sets, which you cannot do, but maximum rule sets which you must do. 据对权力是强制性的,而不只是你所做不到的 最小规则集 但是那些你所必须去做的最大规则集
enforcement:n.执行,实施;强制; minimal:adj.最低的;最小限度的; maximum:n.最大限度;最大量;最高限度;adj.最高的;最多的;最大极限的;
It's not our system of governance . 却不属于你所能监管的系统
Never how we've sought to interact with the outside world. 我们从来没有试图去与外界互动
I prefer that phrase System Administration. 我更喜欢“系统监管”这个说法
We enforce the minimal rule sets for maintaining connectivity to the global economy . 我们执行最小规则集 来维系与全球经济的联系
maintaining:n.维护;保养;v.维持;保养;(maintain的现在分词) connectivity:n.[数]连通性; economy:n.经济;节约;理财;
Certain bad things you cannot do. 有些特定的事情你是坚决不能去做的
How this impacts the way we think about the future of war. 如何影响到我们思考战争的未来的方式
impacts:n.影响; v.有影响,有作用;
This is a concept which gets me vilified throughout the Pentagon. 这个概念让我被所有五角大楼的人都鄙视了一遍
vilified:vt.诽谤;中伤;轻视;贬低; throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及;
It makes me very popular as well. 同时它也让我现在如此的受欢迎
Everybody's got an opinion. 人人都有自己的观点
Going back to the beginning of our country -- historically , defenses meant protection of the homeland. 回顾我们国家的历史初期 在历史上,国防意味着保卫家园
Security has meant everything else. 安全高于一切
Written into our constitution , two different forces, two different functions. 这是写进我们的宪法的 两种不同的力量,两种不同的功能
Raise an army when you need it, and maintain a navy for day to day connectivity. 需要的时候,就养一支部队 需要海军就养一支海军
A Department of War, a Department of Everything Else. 一个战争部门,一个战争之外的部门
A big stick, a baton stick. 一个是大棒,另一个却是指挥棒
Can of whup ass, the networking force. 不但要把他们打倒 而且要建立一个网络来进行系统监管
In 1947 we merged these two things together in the Defense Department. 1947年国防部把这两件事情 融合到了一起
Our long term rationale becomes, we're involved in a hair trigger stand off with the Soviets . 这就成为了我们的长期理论基础 我们卷入了一种与苏联一触即发的境地
rationale:n.基本原理;原理的阐述; involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词) trigger:n.触发器; v.触发; Soviets:n.苏联人(soviet的复数);苏联政府;
To attack America is to risk blowing up the world. 进攻美国就是威胁全世界
We connected national security to international security with about a seven minute time delay. 我们将国家安全与世界安全联系起来 其中只有七分钟的延时
That's not our problem now. 现在那已经不是我们的问题了
They can kill three million in Chicago tomorrow and we don't go to the mattresses with nukes . 明天他们就能在芝加哥杀死三百万人 而且我们没有核武器床垫
mattresses:n.床垫,底垫(mattress的复数形式); nukes:n.核武器(nuke的复数); v.用核武器攻击;
That's the scary part. 那才是最可怕的
The question is how do we reconnect American national security with global security to make the world a lot more comfortable, and to embed and contextualize our employment of force around the planet? 问题是我们如何再次将美国的安全与世界的安全联系起来 让世界拥有安全保证,变得更美好 同时又让我们在全球的部队 参与其中
reconnect:v.使再接合; contextualize:vt.将置于上下文中研究;使…溶入背景; employment:n.使用;职业;雇用;
What's happened since, is that bifurcation I described . 目前的情况,正是我所描述的一种
bifurcation:n.分歧,分叉;分歧点; described:v.描述;形容;把…称为;做…运动;(describe的过去分词和过去式)
We talked about this going all the way back to the end of the Cold War. 我们讨论了这种 退回到冷战末期的情况
Let's have a Department of War, and a Department of Something Else. 我们需要一个战争部门,以及一个战争之外的部门
Some people say, hell, 9/11 did it for you. 有人说,嘿,911已经为你完成了这个想法
Now we got a home game and away game. 现在我们已经有了主场和客场之分
(Laughter) (笑声)
The Department of Homeland Security is a strategic feel good measure. 建立本土安全部门是一个很好的战略方法
Homeland Security:n.国土安全(美国防止恐怖袭击的行动及机构);
It's going to be the Department of Agriculture for the 21st century. 它将成为21世纪的农业部门
TSA, thousands standing around. TSA的意思就是成千上万人站在周围
(Laughter) (笑声)
Just be grateful Robert Reed didn't shove that bomb up his ass. 感谢罗伯特里德没有将炸弹塞进屁股里
Reed:n.芦笛;[植]芦苇;芦苇杆;[乐]舌簧; shove:v.猛推;乱挤;推撞;乱放;n.猛推;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Because we'd all be gay then. 因为我们那时都将是同性恋
I supported the war in Iraq. 我支持伊拉克战争
He was a bad guy with multiple priors . 他是个有着多重前科的坏人
multiple:adj.数量多的;多种多样的;n.倍数; priors:n.(小隐修院)院长;(隐修院)会长,副院长(prior的复数)
It's not like we had to find him, actually killing somebody live to arrest him. 我们是不可能在他杀人的现场 找到并逮捕他的
I knew we'd kick ass in the war with the Leviathan Force. 我早就知道我们在用“巨轮之力”来战斗
I knew we'd have a hard time with what followed. 我早就知道之后我们会经历一段困难的时期
But I know this organization doesn't change until it experiences failure. 但是我知道不经历失败,我们的组织是不会改变的
What do I mean by these two different forces? 我提出这两种力量是为了说明什么呢?
This is the Hobbesian Force. 这就是霍布斯的力量
I love this force, I don't want to see it go, that plus nukes rules out great power war. 我喜欢它,我不想没有它 我不愿意只看到由核武器支配的大国战争
This is the military the rest of the world wants us to build. 这才是世界需要我们建立的军事力量
That's why I travel all over the world talking to foreign militaries. 这就是为什么我满世界地跑,去与各国军方交流
What does this mean? 这意味着什么呢?
It means you've got to stop pretending you can do these two very disparate skill sets with the same 19-year-old. 意味着你不能再假装自己能都用同样的 19岁左右的人来完成两件完全不同的事情
Switching back, morning, afternoon, evening, morning, afternoon, evening. 换回去,早、中、晚 早、中、晚
Handing out aid, shooting back, handing out aid, shooting back. 给予援助,还击 给予援助,还击
It's too much. 太过分了
The 19-year-olds get tired from the switching, OK? 那些19岁的家伙会累的好不好
(Laughter) (笑声)
That force on the left, you can train a 19-year-old to do that. 对于左边的力量,你可以训练一群19岁的人去做
That force on the right is more like a 40-year-old cop . 但右边的力量就必须要一群40岁左右的人去做了
You need the experience. 你需要经验
What does this mean in terms of operations? 那怎么行动呢?
The rule is going to be this. 是这样的
That Sys Admin force is the force that never comes home, does most of your work. “系统监管”部队是从来不回家的部队 但去完成了大部分任务
You break out that Leviathan Force only every so often . 你频繁地派出“巨轮之力”
every so often:adv.偶尔;常常;时常;
But here's the promise you make to the American public, to your own people, to the world. 但是你要向美国民众保证 向你的人民、向世界保证
You break out that Leviathan Force, you promise, you guarantee you're going to mount one helluva -- immediately -- follow-on Sys Admin effort. 你派出了军事力量 你保证,你会在随后 立刻跟上“系统监管”
guarantee:n.保证;担保;保证人;保证书;抵押品;v.保证;担保; mount:n.山;坐骑;山峰;衬纸板;v.登上;爬上;攀登;准备; helluva:adj.很难的,很大的; follow-on:n.继续击球;后继的事情;第二代产品;adj.后继的;第二代产品的;
Don't plan for the war unless you plan to win the peace. 只能在你真的要实现和平的时候,才能进行战争!
(Applause) (掌声)
Other difference is Leviathan, traditional partners they all look like the Brits and their former colonies. 另一个区别是军事力量 传统的伙伴,都像英国人 以及他们的殖民地
(Laughter) (笑声)
Including us, I would remind you. 我还要提醒你,这也包括我们
The rest, wider array of partners. 剩下的,更广泛的同盟者
International organizations , non-governmental organizations , private voluntary organizations , contractors . 有国际组织、非政府组织 私人志愿者组织、承包商
organizations:n.组织,构造,有机体(organization的复数);组织机构; non-governmental:非政府的;非官方的; voluntary:adj.自愿的;志愿的;自发的;故意的;n.志愿者;自愿行动; contractors:n.[经]承包商;[法]立约人;合约商(contractor的复数);
You're not going to get away from that. 你不能不管他们
Leviathan Force, it's all about joint operations between the military services. 巨轮之力,都只是在军事方面的联合行动
joint:n.关节; adj.共同的; v.连接,贴合;
We're done with that. 我们已经做完了
What we need to do is inter-agency operations, which frankly Condi Rice was in charge of . 我们需要去做的是在那些组织之间去开展行动 也就是赖斯管的那摊子事
inter-agency:adj.跨机构; in charge of:负责;主管;
And I'm amazed nobody asked her that question when she was confirmed. 而我很奇怪为什么没人问她有关于那方面的问题
I call the Leviathan Force your dad's military. 我把“巨轮之力”称为男人的力量
I like them young, male, unmarried , slightly pissed off. 我喜欢那些年轻、未婚、易怒的男孩子们
unmarried:adj.[法]未婚的;单身的;独身的; slightly:adv.些微地,轻微地;纤细地; pissed:adj.烂醉的;怒冲冲的;v.撒尿;(piss的过去分词和过去式)
(Laughter) (笑声)
I call the Sys Admin Force your mom's military. 我把“系统监管”称为女人的力量
It's everything the man's military hates. 关于它的每件事都是男人不屑于做的
Gender balanced much more, older, educated, married with children. 这样性别更平衡、更成熟、有更好的教育,就会有更好的结果
The force on the left up, or out. 左边的力量要么使用,要不就不用
The force on the right in and out. 而右边的力量不可或缺
The force on the left respects Posse Comitatus restrictions on the use of force inside the U.S. 左边的力量要顾及到在调配美国国内的 临时部队时遇到的问题
Posse:n.一队;民防团;地方武装团队; restrictions:n.限制规定;限制;约束;制约因素;(restriction的复数)
The force on the right's going to obliterate it 而右边的力量就会扫平一切问题
That's what the National Guard 's going to be. 那就是国民警卫队要做的事情
National Guard:n.国民警卫队;后备役军人;
The force on the left is never coming under the purview of the International Criminal Court. 左边的力量从来不需要考虑 是否违反了国际刑事法庭的规定
Sys Admin Force has to. 但“系统监管”会考虑
Different definitions of network centricity. 二者对网络中心的定义是不同的
One takes down networks, one puts them up. 一个是摧毁网络,一个是建立网络
And you've got to wage war here in such a way to facilitate that. 你必须在以一种更好的方式来发动战争
Do we need a bigger budget ? 我们需要更多预算么?
Do we need a draft to pull this off? 我们需要预制一个计划么?
draft:n.草案; v.起草; adj.供役使的;
Absolutely not . 完全不需要
Absolutely not:绝对不会;绝对不是;绝对不行;
I've been told by the Revolution of Military Affairs crowd for years, we can do it faster, cheaper, smaller, just as lethal. 多年来倡导军事变革的人们一种跟我讲 我们能做得更快、花费更少、动员的规模更小,给出致命一击
I say, "Great, I'm going to take the Sys Admin budget out of your hide." 我说,“那太好了,我要把‘系统监管’的钱从你的预算里拿出来”
Here's the larger point. 这才是重点
You're going to build the Sys Admin Force inside the U.S. Military first. 你要首先在美国军队内部建立“系统监管”力量
But ultimately you're going to civilianize it, probably two thirds. 但是最终你要将其中的大约三分之二平民化
Inter agency-ize it, internationalize it. 将它推广到各种组织之间,使其全球化
So yes, it begins inside the Pentagon, but over time it's going to cross that river. 当然,这要从五角大楼开始 但是很快就会越过那条河
(Laughter) (笑声)
I have been to the mountain top, I can see the future. 我已经登顶了,我能看到希望
I may not live long enough to get you there, but it's going to happen. 我可能不能活到那一天,但是事情已经开始进行了
We're going to have a Department of Something Else between war and peace. 我们会拥有一个战争之外的部门 处理战争和和平之间的事务
Last slide. 最后一页
Who gets custody of the kids? 那么谁来照顾这些孩子们呢?
This is where the Marines in the audience get kind of tense. 台下的海军陆战队员们开始有点紧张了
(Laughter) (笑声)
And this is when they think about beating the crap out of me after the talk. 这正是他们把我的话 当成废话的时刻
(Laughter) (笑声)
Read Max Boon . 读一下Max Boon
This is the history of the marines -- small wars, small arms . 这是海军陆战队的历史——小型的战争,轻型的武器
small arms:n.轻武器;
The Marines are like my West Highland Terrier . 海军陆战队就像我的西高地白梗(一种狗)
Highland:n.高地;高原;苏格兰高地;adj.高地的;高原的;苏格兰高地的; Terrier:n.一种活泼的小狗;地籍册;国防自卫队;
They get up every morning, they want to dig a hole and they want to kill something. 每天早上醒来,挖一个洞 然后杀死些什么
(Laughter) (笑声)
I don't want my Marines handing out aid, 我不想我的海军陆战队去给谁提供援助
I want them to be Marines. 我只想让他们当海军陆战队
That's what keeps the Sys Admin Force from being a pussy force. 这使得“系统监管”力量免于沦为一直柔弱的部队
It keeps it from being the U.N. 免于变成联合国的部队
You shoot at these people the Marines are going to come over and kill you. 你若向他们射击,那么海军陆战队员们会冲过来杀掉你
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
Department of Navy, strategic subs go this way, surface combatants are over there, and the news is they may actually be that small. 海军总部的战略者们就要走这条路 水面战斗部队就在那里 将来可能他们会变得很小
subs:n.潜艇;地铁;替补队员(sub的复数);v.替代(sub的三单形式); combatants:n.战士;争斗者;adj.战斗的;好斗的;
(Laughter) (笑声)
I call it the Smart Dust Navy. 我将那时的海军称之为“明智之尘”
I tell young officers, you may command 500 ships in your career , bad news is they may not have anybody on them. 我告诉年轻的官员,你可以在你一生之中指挥500艘舰船 但是船上没有人
Carriers go both ways because they're a swing asset . 航母部队两条路线都要走,因为他们是不固定的
You'll see the pattern -- airborne , just like carriers. 你会看到这样的模式——海军航空部队,就像航母部队一样
Armor goes this way. 装甲部队也会如此
Here's the dirty secret of the Air Force, you can win by bombing. 下面就是关于空军的恶心的秘密 你会用炸弹取胜
But you need lots of these guys on the ground to win the peace. 但是在赢得和平的过程中你需要很多这些在陆上的家伙
Shinseki was right with the argument. 辛赛奇的观点是对的
Air force, strategic airlift goes both ways. 空军,在战略上的空运中也要两条腿走路
Bombers , fighters go over here. 轰炸机,战斗机也要这样走
Special Operations Command down at Tampa . 特殊行动指挥部在坦帕市
Trigger-pullers go this way. 步兵也要如此
Civil Affairs, that bastard child, comes over here. 民政部,那个混蛋小孩,也要到这里来
Return to the Army. 回到部队中去
The point about the trigger-pullers and Special Operations Command. 这是关于步兵和特别行动指挥部的
No off season , these guys are always active. 不需要理由,这些家伙总是很活跃
off season:adj.淡季的;n.淡季;
They drop in, do their business, disappear. 他们介入、做事情,然后消失
See me now, don't talk about it later. 现在看我,以后可不要再讨论这个问题了
(Laughter) (笑声)
I was never here. 我从没来过这里
(Laughter) (笑声)
The world is my playground. 世界都是我的游乐场
(Laughter) (笑声)
I want to keep trigger-pullers trigger-happy . 我只想让步兵们开开心心地当地道的步兵
I want the rules to be as loose as possible. 我想让这些规则尽可能地变宽松
loose:adj.宽松的; v.释放; v.松散地; n.放纵;
Because when the thing gets prevented in Chicago with the three million dead that perverts our political system beyond all recognition , there are the guys who are going to kill them first. 因为在芝加哥事情受阻了 有三百万人都死了 这就让我们的政治部门很受打击 有些人要先杀掉政治部门的人
perverts:v.败坏; n.性变态者(pervert的复数) recognition:n.识别;认识;承认;认可;
So it's better off to have them make some mistakes along the way, than to see that. 所以最好让他们沿着这条路先犯点错误 而不是只是眼睁睁地看着
Reserve component -- 保留部分——
Reserve:n.储备,储存; vt.储备; vi.预订; component:n.成分;部件;组成部分;adj.构成的;
National Guard reserves overwhelmingly Sys Admin. 国民警卫队保留占绝对优势的“系统监管”力量
reserves:n.[油气]储量; v.储备; overwhelmingly:adv.压倒性地;不可抵抗地;
How are you going to get them to work for this force? 你怎样才能让他们为“系统监管”做事呢?
Most firemen in this country do it for free. 美国的许多消防员都是免费为它做事的
This is not about money. 这不是钱的问题
This is about being up front with these guys and gals . 而是要让这些孩子们重到最前面
Last point, intelligence community -- the muscle and the defense agencies go this way. 最后一点,情报界—— 政界和国防部都要参与
intelligence:n.智力;智慧;才智;(尤指关于敌国的)情报; muscle:n.肌肉;力量;v.加强;使劲搬动;使劲挤出; agencies:n.代理;代理处(agency的复数);
What should be the CIA, open, analytical , open source should come over here. CIA要变的开放,去分析问题,公开资源 要参与其中
analytical:adj.分析的;解析的;善于分析的; source:n.来源;水源;原始资料;
The information you need to do this is not secret. 你做事所需要的信息不是秘密
It's not secret. 这不是秘密
Read that great piece in the New Yorker about how our echo boomers , 19 to 25, over in Iraq taught each other how to do Sys Admin work, over the Internet in chat rooms. 读一下《纽约客》上的那一页 关于那些婴儿潮一代的子女们,大约19到25岁的那些在伊拉克的家伙们 是怎样通过互联网上的聊天室来相互学习 完成“系统监管”的工作的
echo:vt.反射;重复;vi.随声附和;发出回声;n.回音;效仿; boomers:n.生育高峰中出生的人;
They said, "Al Qaeda could be listening." 他们说,“基地组织应当听听”
They said, "Well, Jesus, they already know this stuff." 他们说,“其实,主啊,他们已经都知道啦”
(Laughter) (笑声)
Take a gift in the left hand. 左手拿一个礼物
These are the sunglasses that don't scare people, simple stuff. 有不会吓到别人的太阳镜,简单的东西
Censors and transparency , the overheads go in both directions. 经费不仅要用于审查工作,也要用来使工作透明化
Censors:监察官; transparency:n.透明,透明度;幻灯片;有图案的玻璃; overheads:n.企业的日常管理费用;杂项开支;一般费用(overhead的复数);
Thanks. 谢谢大家