

BGM:《Death With Dignity》 - Sufjan Stevens
*Spirit of my silence I can hear you* *我能听见你沉默的心绪*
*But I'm afraid to be near you* *但我却不敢靠近*
*And I don't know where to begin* *我不知该从何开始*
*And I don't know where to begin* *我不知该从何开始*
Okay, I'm ready. 我准备好了
You promise you like your gift? 你保证喜欢我送的礼物吗
The towel? It's absolutely terrible. 这条毛巾吗 简直糟透了
Suit's on? 穿戴好了吗
Only one I've got. 就一条毛巾
I had to put the lingerie on top of my clothes. 我只能把内衣套在外面了
I see that. 看出来了
It wasn't a great moment for me. 这感觉一点也不好
Tradition is tradition. 尊重传统嘛
Yeah. But I'm gonna go ahead and spare us both the seductive birthday dance this year. 是啊 不过今年呢 我们就不跳撩人生日舞折磨彼此了
spare:v.节约,吝惜;饶恕;分出,分让;adj.多余的;瘦的;少量的;n.剩余;备用零件; seductive:adj.有魅力的;性感的;引人注意的;
I'm sorry, baby, but it's my birthday, and I would really, really like to see the dance. 抱歉宝贝 今天是我生日 而我非常非常想看生日舞
Your funeral . 恶心到了别怪我
Ready? Mm-hmm. 准备好了吗
You like it, right?? 喜欢吗
This is what you want? 你是想看这个吗
A little of that. 撩一下衣服
A little of that, for you? 是不是想看这里
I will gag you dead with that towel. 我真想用那条毛巾噎死你
Okay, okay. 我错了
I'm quiet. - Come on. 我不笑了 -能不能行
*Amethyst and flowers on the table* *桌上摆放着紫水晶和鲜花*
*Is it real or a fable* *不知是真是假*
*Well, I suppose a friend is a friend* *我想朋友总归只是萍水相逢*
*And we all know how this will end* *我们都知道结局将会如何*
You suck . 真过分
*What is that song you sing for the dead* *你会用哪首歌悼念逝去的生灵*
*I see the signal searchlight strike me* *我看见探照灯光照向我*
*In the window of my room* *透过窗子 照进房间*
Got a sec, boss? 方便说话吗 老板
Yeah. What's up? 是 怎么了
*Happy birthday to you* *祝你生日快乐*
*Happy birthday...* *祝你生日...*
Yeah... - *to you* 这... -*快乐*
*Happy...* *祝你...*
*I forgive you, mother, I can hear you* *我原谅你了 妈妈 我能听见你的声音*
*And I long to be near you* *我多想靠着你*
We love your show. 我们特别喜欢你演的剧
Do you want to dance? 要来跳个舞吗
Uh-uh. No. But, um, you know, you go ahead. 不了 不过... 你们随便玩
It's my birthday today. 今天是我生日
36 today. 36岁了
You don't look 36. - Yeah, 根本看不出来 -客气了
I do. 看得出来
*Happy 36th birthday to you* *祝你36岁生日快乐*
Happy 36th birthday to you *祝你36岁生日快乐*
*I have triplets inside of me* *我怀了三胞胎*
*I am Shamu* *我是杀人鲸*