

(Bass guitar) 低音吉他
(Bass guitar and accordion) 低音吉他和手风琴
? You're older than you've ever been ? 你比从前苍老
? and now you're even older ? 现在你更老了
? and now you're even older ? 现在你更老了
? and now you're even older. ? 现在你更老了
? You're older than you've even been ? 你比从前苍老
? and now you're even older ? 现在你更老了
? and now you're older still. ? 现在你更老了
? Time ? 时间
? is marching on ? 正在前行
? and time ? 时间
? is still marching on. ? 仍然在前行
? This day will soon be at an end ? 这一天很快会结束
? and now it's even sooner ? 现在甚至更快了
? and now it's even sooner ? 现在甚至更快了
? and now it's even sooner. ? 现在甚至更快了
? This day will soon be at an end ? 这一天很快会结束
? and now it's even sooner ? 现在甚至更快了
? and now it's sooner still. ? 现在更快了
? You're older than you've ever been ? 你比从前苍老
? and now you're even older ? 现在你更老了
? and now you're even older ? 现在你更老了
? and now you're even older. ? 现在你更老了
? You're older than you've ever been ? 你比从前苍老
? and now you're even older ? 现在你更老了
? and now you're older still. ? 现在你更老了
Thank you very much. 非常感谢
Good morning everybody. 大家早上好
We are They Might Be Giants . 我们是明日巨星
(Applause) 掌声
I am wearing the Al Gore in-ear monitors he wore on the Larry King show and I'm hearing that transmission and not mine. 我正带着阿尔戈尔在拉里-金现场秀上 所带的入耳式监控器 我在听阿尔戈尔的那场秀,而不是我自己的
But I guess that's in keeping, so now we'll just move to the PowerPoint presentation , ladies and gentlemen. 但我猜我的节目已经被保存下来了 所以现在我们开始做PPT演讲吧 女士们,先生们
This is a brand new song. 这是一首新歌
brand new:adj.崭新的;最近获得的;
In the spirit of TED, we're bringing you something that has not been released . 本着TED的精神,我们现在要带给你们 一些还未发布的东西
John, do you want to introduce the song? 约翰,你想介绍这首歌么
This is a song about a creature called a hummingbird moth which imitates another creature which imitates yet another creature. 这首歌是关于一种名为蜂鸟蛾的生物 它模仿另外一种生物 而那种生物则模仿又一种生物
creature:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人; hummingbird:n.蜂鸟; moth:n.蛾;蛀虫; imitates:v.仿效;模仿;(imitate的第三人称单数)
It's completely fucked up and can only be explained in song. 这完全是一团糟 只能用歌曲来解释
? Everyone is crying at the dread hypnotic flying ? 每个人都为蜂鸟蛾
dread:n.恐惧;可怕的人(或物);vi.惧怕;担心;vt.惧怕;担心;adj.可怕的; hypnotic:adj.催眠的,催眠术的;易于催眠的;n.安眠药;催眠状态的人;
? of the bee of the bird of the moth. ? 那可怕的催眠飞行而哭泣
? You can't walk, you can't ramble ? 你不能走路,你也不能漫步
? 'cause you're gonna have to scramble ? 所以你不得不从蜂鸟蛾中
scramble:vt.攀登; n.抢夺,争夺; vi.爬行,攀登;
? from the bee of the bird of the moth. ? 爬出来
? Catbird is a cat ? 猫鹊是一只猫
? but he's got bugness in his veins . ? 但它的血脉中有着昆虫的天性
veins:n.[解剖]静脉(vein的复数); v.使有脉络;
? Manhouse lives within himself ? 它的内心像人类一样
? with thoughtful human brains. ? 它拥有和人一样的大脑
? Neither one is equal 没有哪一个挑战
? to the challenge of the freak we'll call ? 能和我们所说的这个怪物相比
? the bee of the bird of the moth. ? 那就是蜂鸟蛾
? Now the moth ? 现在蛾
? defeats the mouse and man. ? 打败了老鼠和人类
? It's messing with the plan. ? 把计划搞得一团糟
? It can't be believed ? 真让人无法置信
? 'cause it's just a hummingbird moth ? 因为那只是一只小小的蜂鸟蛾
? who's acting like the bird ? 它像鸟一样
? that thinks it's a bee. ? 但却认为自己是一只蜜蜂
? Got a brand new shipment ? 有一次新的
? of electrical equipment ? 电力设备的航运
? it's addressed to the bottom of the sea. ? 一直运到海底
addressed:v.写(收信人)姓名地址:致函:演说:演讲:向…说话; (address的过去分词和过去式)
? Send a tangerine-colored ? 派出一艘橘色的
? nuclear submarine ? 核潜艇
nuclear:adj.原子能的;[细胞]细胞核的;中心的;原子核的; submarine:n.潜艇;adj.水下的;海底的v.用潜艇攻击;驾驶潜艇;
? with a sticker that says STP. ? 上面贴着一张写着STP的纸
? Windshield wiper washer fluid ? 雨刷将清洗液
Windshield wiper:n.雨刷; washer:n.[机]垫圈;洗涤器;洗衣人; fluid:adj.流动的;流畅的;不固定的;n.流体;液体;
? spraying in the air ... ? 喷洒到空气当中
? headlights under head lice ? 前照灯下
headlights:n.(车辆的)前灯,前灯的光束;(headlight的复数) lice:n.虱子(louse的复数);
? under hats lie everywhere. ? 帽子下的头虱到处都是
? Subatomic waves ? 亚原子波
? to the underwater caves ? 深入水下的洞穴
? of the bee of the bird of the moth. ? 那是蜂鸟蛾的所在
? Now the moth defeats the mouse and man. ? 现在蛾击败了老鼠和人
? It's messing with the plan. ? 计划被搅得一团糟
? It can't be believed ? 真令人难以置信
? 'cause it's just a hummingbird moth ? 因为这只是一只蜂鸟蛾
? who's acting like a bird ? 它的行为像鸟一样
? that thinks it's a bee. ? 却认为自己是一只蜜蜂
? Is it us or is this messed up? ? 混乱的到底是我们还是它
? Everyone's deforming ? 每个人都在畸形化
? in the presence of the swarming ? 化作蜂拥而来的
in the presence of:在…面前;有某人在场; swarming:v.成群地飞来飞去;(swarm的现在分词)
? of the bee of the bird of the moth. ? 蜂鸟蛾
? Protozoa , snakes and horses ? 原生动物,蛇和马
? have enlisted in the forces ? 也位列于
? of the bee of bird of the moth. ? 蜂鸟蛾的大军之中
? Catbug is a cat ? 猫虱是一只猫
? but he's got bugness in his veins. ? 但它的血脉中有着昆虫的天性
? Manhouse lives within himself ? 它的内心像人一样
? with thoughtful human brains. ? 它拥有和人一样的大脑
? Neither one is equal ? 没有谁是平等的
? to the challenge of the freak we'll call ? 当面对着我们所谓的怪物的挑战时
? the bee of the bird of the moth. ? 那就是蜂鸟蛾
(Applause) 掌声
Thanks a lot. 谢谢
Thank you very much. 非常感谢你们
So we are past our 1,000th show. 所以现在我们的表演超过一千场了
Probably somewhere around 1,500. 可能快1500场了
It's hard to know. 很难数清楚
We've only done two shows in 2007 so far, but our first show was actually the coldest performance we've ever had. 我们在2007年到目前为止只表演了2场 但我们的第一场表演 事实上是我们遇到过的最冷的一次
It was 19 degrees in St. Louis about a month ago and I'm happy to report that this performance you are seeing today is the earliest we have ever performed . 那是一个月前,在圣路易斯,只有19华氏度 我很高兴的告诉大家 今天你们看到的这场表演 是所有表演中时间最早的一场
So thank you. 所以,谢谢你们捧场
We are cultural test pilots, ladies and gentlemen. 女士们先生们,我们是文化试验的先锋
How early can a rock performance begin? 摇滚表演的时间能早到什么程度呢
Not all the facts are in about performing at 8.30 in the morning. 但并不是所有的表演都是在 清晨8点半举行的
I can tell you the 19 degree thing was fantastic . 我可以告诉你们 只有19华氏度的那天棒极了
All right. 好吧
So we don't know that much about the history of violinists but we do know that when we entered the state of New Jersey there is an uptick in violence . 所以我们对于 小提琴家的历史并不清楚 但我们知道 当我们去新泽西时 那里正发生着暴力升级事件
violinists:n.小提琴演奏者,小提琴家; uptick:n.报升(股票成交价格比上一个交易的为高); violence:n.暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲;
This song is called "Asbury Park." 这首歌叫“阿斯伯里帕克”
It's based on a real life experience. 它来源于一次真实的经历
? I ? 音乐
? I got ?
? I got kicked ? 我被砸了
? I got kicked in the head ? 我被砸中了头
? backstage at the Stone. ? 在石小马的后台
? Stone Pone . ? 在石小马
? Stone Pony . ? 石小马
? I got kicked in the head ? 我被砸中了头
? backstage at the Stone Pony ? 在石小马的后台
? where I swore to the guy ? 我向那个人保证
? that the guy who took his beer wasn't me. ? 我可没拿他的啤酒
? Me got ?
? Me got kicked ? 我被砸了
? Me got kicked in the head ? 我被砸中了头
? backstage at the Stone. ? 在石小马的后台
? Stone Pone. ? 在石小马
? Stone Pony. ? 石小马
? Me got kicked in the head ? 我被砸中了头
? backstage at the Stone Pony ? 在石小马的后台
? where I swore to the guy ? 我向那个人赌咒
? that the guy who took his beer ? 那个拿了他啤酒的人
? was a guy dressed like me. ? 只是和我穿了相似的衣服
? Not me! ? 但不是我
? Not me! ? 绝不是我
? Not me! ? 绝不是我
Thank you. 谢谢
Marty Beller on the drums over there. 马蒂·贝勒我们的鼓手
(Applause) 掌声
We want to get in as many songs as possible during our brief time here so this is the one to play. 我们想在有限的时间里 尽可能的多表演几首歌 所以接下来是这一首
This song is called " Fingertips ." 这首歌名叫“指尖”
? Everything is catching on fire ? 一切都着了火
? Yes, everything is catching on fire ? 是的,一切都着了火
? Yes, everything is catching on fire. ? 是的,一切都着了火
? Fingertips ? 指尖
? Fingertips ? 指尖
? Fingertips ? 指尖
? I hear the wind blow ? 我听见了风声
? I hear the wind blow ? 我听见了风声
? It seems to say ? 它似乎在说
? Hello ? 你好
? Hello ? 你好
? I'm the one who loves you so. ? 我是如此的爱你
? Hey, now everybody, now. ? 嗨,就是现在
? Hey, now everybody ? 嗨,就是现在
? Hey, now everybody, now ? 嗨,就是现在
? Who's that standing ? 是谁
? at the window?? 站在窗边
? I found a new friend ? 我找到一个新朋友
? underneath my pillow . ? 就在我的枕头下面
underneath:prep.在…的下面;在…的支配下;n.下面;底部;adj.下面的;底层的; pillow:n.枕头;v.垫;枕于…;使…靠在;
? Come on and wreck my car ? 来吧,砸我的车吧
? Come on and wreck my car ? 来吧,砸我的车吧
? Come on and wreck my car ? 来吧,砸我的车吧
? Come on and wreck my car ? 来吧,砸我的车吧
? Aren't you the guy who hit me in the eye? ? 你不就是那个打了我眼睛的人么
? Aren't you the guy who hit me in the eye? ? 你不就是那个打了我眼睛的人么
? Please pass the milk, please. ? 请把牛奶递给我
? Please pass the milk, please. ? 请把牛奶递给我
? Please pass the milk, please. ? 请把牛奶递给我
? Leave me alone , leave me alone. ? 让我一个人,让我一个人呆一会儿
Leave me alone:走开;别理我;别管我;
? Who's knocking on the wall? ? 是谁在墙上敲
? All alone, all alone. ? 孤单啊孤单
? All by myself. ? 只有我一个人
? What's that blue thing doing here? ? 那个蓝色的东西在这里干什么
? Something grabbed ahold of my hand ? 什么东西抓住了我的手
grabbed:v.抓住;攫取;抓住,夺得;(grab的过去分词和过去式) ahold:n.抓,握;adv.迎风航驶;
? I didn't know what had my hand ? 我不知道那是什么
? but that's when all my troubles began. ? 但自那以后我有了麻烦
? I don't understand you ? 我不了解你
? I don't understand you ? 我不了解你
? I cannot understand you ? 我无法了解你
? I cannot understand you ? 我无法了解你
? I don't understand the things you say ? 我不明白你在说什么
? I can't understand a single word ? 我一个字也听不懂
? I don't understand you ? 我不了解你
? I don't understand you ? 我不了解你
? I just don't understand you ? 我只是不了解你
? I don't understand you ? 我不了解你
? I do not understand you ? 我不了解你
? Don't understand you ? 不了解你
? Don't understand you ? 不了解你
? I turn around ? 我转身
? See the sound ? 看见了
? Turn around and see the thing ? 转身看见了
? that made the sound. ? 发出声音的那个东西
? Mysterious whisper ? 神秘的低语
Mysterious:adj.神秘的;不可思议的;难解的; whisper:v.耳语;低语;私语;小声说;n.耳语(声);低语(声);私语(声);轻柔的声音;
? Mysterious whisper ? 神秘的低语
? Mysterious whisper ? 神秘的低语
? Mysterious whisper ? 神秘的低语
? The day that love came to play. ? 那一天爱情来临
? I'm having a heart attack ? 我心如鹿撞
heart attack:n.[医]心肌梗塞
? I'm having a heart attack ? 我心如鹿撞
? I'm having a heart attack ? 我心如鹿撞
? I'm having a ... ?
? Fingertips ? 指尖
? Fingertips ? 指尖
? I walk along darkened corridors ? 我走在黑暗的长廊
darkened:adj.变黑的,没有灯光的; corridors:n.廊道,[建]走廊(corridor的复数形式);
? And I walk along darkened corridors ? 我走在黑暗的长廊
Thank you very much -- "Fingertips." 非常感谢,这就是“指尖”
(Applause) 掌声
? We're taking calls -- from the dead. ? 我们接来自幽灵的电话
? We're taking calls -- from the dead. ? 我们接来自幽灵的电话
? We're taking phone calls from the dead. ? 我们接来自幽灵的电话
? They're calling from beyond the grave . ? 他们从坟墓之外给我们打电话
? Beyond the grave. ? 坟墓之外
? They have some questions ? 他们有些问题
? And things to share ? 有些事情想要分享
? From underneath the cold, cold ground. ? 他们来自那冰冷的地下
We're soliciting phone calls from dead people as a special TED presentation. 我们征集一些来自幽灵的电话 作为一次特殊的TED演讲
We're taking calls live on stage here at TED in Monterey . 我们在现场接电话 就在蒙特雷的TED
And I think we have a caller coming in here. 我认为我们有电话来了
Hello there. 你好
You're live. 现在是实况转播
Hello. Who's there, please? 你好,请问你是哪位
Am I on the air ? 在转播吗
on the air:在广播,广播中;
Hi there. 你好
You're on with They Might Be Giants. 你现在正与明日巨星对话
This is Eleanor Roosevelt. 我是埃莉诺·罗斯福
Hello, Eleanor, please ... 你好,埃莉诺,请你
I want to talk to ... 我想跟
Please turn off your radio, Eleanor. 请关掉收音机,埃莉诺
I wanna talk to Randi. 我想跟兰迪说话
I've got a question for Randi. 我有个问题要问他
What's your question, please? 你有什么问题
I want to talk to the Amazing Randi. 我要跟最棒的兰迪说话
Do you have a laminated badge , Eleanor? 埃莉诺,你有一枚层压的徽章是么
laminated:adj.层压的;层积的;薄板状的;v.分成薄片;用薄片覆盖(laminate的过去分词); badge:n.徽章;证章;标记;v.授给…徽章;
I want my million dollars. 我要我的一百万美金
Eleanor, I'm sorry, do you have a laminated badge? 埃莉诺,对不起 你有层压的徽章么
No, I don't have a badge. 不,我没有徽章
Well, I think we're going to stop that part of the show. 好吧,我想我们应该停下 这一段表演
Here's a song we like to think of as the future anthem of TED. 这里有一首歌 我们想把它作为TED未来的赞歌
It's actually a children's song but like so many projects for children it's really just a Trojan horse for adult work. 事实上是一首儿童歌曲 但是就像很多看似为儿童制作的项目一样 这只是个幌子而已 这是成人歌曲
Trojan horse:n.特洛伊木马;(来自外部的)颠覆分子(或活动);
This song is called "The Alphabet ... 这首歌名叫 国家
Of Nations!" 排名
? Algeria, Bulgaria, Cambodia , Dominica , ? 阿尔及利亚,保加利亚,柬埔寨,多米尼加
Cambodia:n.柬埔寨(位于亚洲); Dominica:n.多米尼加岛(拉丁美洲岛屿);
? Egypt, France, The Gambia ? 埃及,法国,冈比亚
? Hungary, Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, ? 匈牙利,伊朗,日本,哈萨克斯坦
? Libya and Mongolia. ? 利比亚和蒙古
? Norway, Oman, Pakistan, ? 挪威,阿曼,巴基斯坦
? Qatar, Russia, Suriname, ? 卡塔尔,俄罗斯,苏里南
? Turkey, Uruguay, Vietnam, ? 土耳其,乌拉圭,越南
? West Xylophone , Yemen, Zimbabwe . ? 西木琴,也门,津巴布韦
Xylophone:n.木琴; Zimbabwe:n.津巴布韦(国家名,位于非洲);
? Algeria, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Dominica, ? 阿尔及利亚,保加利亚,柬埔寨,多米尼加
? Egypt, France, The Gambia, ? 埃及,法国,冈比亚
? Hungary, Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, ? 匈牙利,伊朗,日本,哈萨克斯坦
? Libya and Mongolia. ? 利比亚和蒙古
? Norway, Oman, Pakistan, ? 挪威,阿曼,巴基斯坦
? Qatar, Russia, Suriname, ? 卡塔尔,俄罗斯,苏里南
? Turkey, Uruguay, Vietnam, ? 土耳其,乌拉圭,越南
? West Xylophone, Yemen, Zimbabwe. ? 西木琴,也门,津巴布韦
? Azerbaijan, Bolivia, Canada, ? 阿塞拜疆,玻利维亚,加拿大
? Australia, Belgium, Chad, ? 澳大利亚,比利时,乍得
? Afghanistan , Brunei , China, Denmark, ? 阿富汗,文莱,中国,丹麦
Afghanistan:n.阿富汗(国家名称,位于亚洲); Brunei:n.文莱(东南亚苏丹国);
? Ecuador , Fiji, Guatemala , ? 厄瓜多尔,斐济,危地马拉
Ecuador:n.厄瓜多尔(位于拉丁美洲); Guatemala:n.危地马拉(拉丁美洲国家);危地马拉人;
? Algeria, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Dominica, ? 阿尔及利亚,保加利亚,柬埔寨,多米尼加
? Egypt, France, The Gambia, ? 埃及,法国,冈比亚
? Hungary, Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, ? 匈牙利,伊朗,日本,哈萨克斯坦
? Libya and Mongolia. ? 利比亚和蒙古
? Norway, Oman, Pakistan, ? 挪威,阿曼,巴基斯坦
? Qatar, Russia, Suriname, ? 卡塔尔,俄罗斯,苏里南
? Turkey, Uruguay, Vietnam, ? 土耳其,乌拉圭,越南
? West Xylophone, Yemen, Zimbabwe. ? 西木琴,也门,津巴布韦
Thank you so much. 非常感谢
You've been a wonderful 8:30 audience. 你们是早晨8:30最棒的一群观众
Have a great session . 希望你们喜欢这场表演
Thank you all. 谢谢大家