

I would like to tell you about a project which I started about 16 years ago, and it's about making new forms of life. 我希望向你们介绍一个工程 一个我16年以前就开始的工程 这是关于制造新形态生命的工程
And these are made of this kind of tube -- electricity tube, we call it in Holland 它们是由这种管材所制造 在荷兰我们称它为电力管
electricity:n.电力;电流;强烈的紧张情绪; Holland:n.荷兰;
- and we can start a film about that and we can see a little bit backwards in time. 接着我们来播放一段关于此项目的短片 从中可以看到我们之前的工作
Narrator : Eventually these beasts are going to live in herds on the beaches. 解说:最终这些怪兽们将会群居在海滩上
Narrator:n.讲述者;(电视节目中的)幕后解说员;旁白员; Eventually:adv.最后,终于; herds:n.畜群;大量(herd的复数);人群;v.聚在一起;结交(herd的三单形式);
Theo Jansen is working hard on this evolution . 西奥.简森一直致力于此项工作
Theo Jansen: I want to put these forms of life on the beaches. 西奥.简森:我希望将这些生命态展现在海滩上
And they should survive over there, on their own, in the future. 并且未来他们能够 在此独立生存
Learning to live on their own, and it'll take couple of more years to let them walk on their own. 学会依靠自己生活 他们学会自己行走需要若干年的时间
Narrator: The mechanical beasts will not get their energy from food, but from the wind. 解说:这些机械怪兽不是从食物中,反而是从风能中获取能量
The wind will move feathers on their back, which will drive their feet. 风能带动背部的翅膀摆动,从而驱动四肢行走
The beast walks sideways on the wet sand of the beach, with its nose pointed into the wind. 怪兽行走在柔软湿润泥土的海边 它的鼻子朝向风的方向
As soon as it walks into either the rolling surf or the dry sand, it stops, and walks in the opposite direction. 当它靠近海浪或者干地时,便会停下来 然后向相反的方向行走
As soon as:一…就; surf:v.冲浪;进行冲浪运动;(互联网上)浏览;n.激浪;拍岸浪花;
Evolution has generated many species . 进化产生了许多物种
generated:v.产生;引起;(generate的过去式和过去分词) species:n.[生物]物种;种类;
This is the Animaris Currens Ventosa. 这个作品名为Animaris Currens Ventosa
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Jansen: This is a herd, and it is built according genetical codes, and it is a sort of race, and each and every animal is different, and the winning codes will multiply . 简森:这是一种基于遗传密码所制造的族群 它也属于某物种,并且独一无二 具有优势地位的物种将会繁衍下去
according:v.给予,赠予,授予;(与…)一致,符合;(accord的现在分词) genetical:adj.遗传的;起源的;创始的; multiply:vt.乘; vi.乘; v.多样地; adj.多层的;
This is the wave, going from left to right, you can see this one. 看着这怪兽,从左到右
And now it goes from -- yes, now it goes from left to right. 而现在是,哦是的从左到右
This is a new generation, a new family, which is able to store the winds. 这是新的物种 能够储藏风能的物种
So the wings pump up air in lemonade bottles which are on top of that -- and they can use that energy in case the wind falls away, and the tide is coming up, and there is still a little bit of energy to reach the dunes and save their lives, because they are drowned very easily. 当风把空气充入位于怪兽头部的 柠檬汁瓶中时 从而可以利用这些能量。如果风停了 或者涨潮了,还有后备能量可以使用 从而能够走到沙丘避难,因为它们很容易淹死
pump:n.抽水机;泵;打气筒;v.用泵输送;涌出;奔流;快速摇动; lemonade:n.柠檬水; tide:n.潮汐; v.顺应潮水航行; dunes:n.[地理]沙丘(dune的复数); drowned:v.(使)淹死,溺死;浸透;淹没;浸泡;(drown的过去分词和过去式)
(Laughter) (笑声)
I could show you this animal. 我可以向大家展示一下这只怪兽
(Applause) Thank you. (鼓掌)谢谢
So the proportion of the tubes in this animal is very important for the walking. 为了能够顺利行走,管材的精确比例至关重要
There are 11 numbers, which I call the 11 holy numbers. 总共有11个数字,我称之为11个神秘数字
These are the distances of the tubes which makes it walk that way. 这些让它顺利行走的数字代表管材之间的距离
In fact it's a new invention of the wheel . 事实上,这是一种新型车轮
It works the same as a wheel. 它与普通车轮运行机理相同
The axis of a wheel is staying on the same level , and this hip is staying on the same level as well. 车轮的轴停留在同一水平线上 同时髋关节也停在同一水平线上
axis:n.轴;轴线;轴心国; on the same level:在同一水平上;高度相同;同级; hip:n.臀部;蔷薇果;忧郁;adj.熟悉内情的;非常时尚的;
In fact, this is better than a wheel, because when you try to drive with your bicycle on the beach , you will notice it's very hard to do. 事实上,这比车轮更加强大。 因为当你尝试着在沙滩上骑自行车时 你会发现自行车难以行驶
on the beach:adj.在海滩上;失业的;潦倒的;退休的;
And the feet just step over the sand, and the wheel has to touch every piece of the ground in between. 当怪兽的脚接触到沙滩时 车轮将会感触到经过的每一寸土地
So 5,000 years after the invention of the wheel, we have a new wheel. And I will show you in the next video 所以在车轮发明了5000年之后 我们创造了一种新型的车轮。将会在下个视频中向你们展示
- can you start it, please? -- that very heavy loads can be moved. 请问能播放视频吗? 只要有人在后面推这个庞大的家伙
There's a guy pushing there behind, but can also walk on the wind very well. 它就可以行走 但是它也可以利用风能顺利行走
It's 3.2 tons. 它重达3.2吨
And this is working on the stored winds in the bottles. 这只怪兽仅利用瓶子中储藏的风能来行走
It has a feeler where it can feel obstacles and turn around. 它装备有感应器,可以感应到阻碍物从而避开
feeler:n.[动]触角;试探;试探者;厚薄规; obstacles:n.障碍;障碍物;阻碍;(obstacle的复数形式)
And that stuff , you see, is going to it the other way. 你看这只怪兽,它向另一个方向行走了
Can I have the feeler here? 可以帮我把感知器拿过来吗
OK. Good. 很好
So, they have to survive all the dangers of the beach, and one of the big dangers is the sea. This is the sea. 所以它们可以避开海滩上的所有危险 其中最大的危险是大海。这是大海
And it must feel the water of the sea. 它必须拥有感知海水的能力
And this is the water feeler. 这是水感应器
And what's very important is this tube. It sucks in air normally , but when it swallows water it feels the resistance of it. 这根管道非常重要。平时它可以吸入空气 当它吸入水时便会对此进行排斥
sucks:v.吮吸;吸;咂;啜;抽吸;抽取;(suck的第三人称单数) normally:adv.正常地;通常地,一般地; swallows:n.燕子;咽喉(swallow的复数);v.吞下;吞没;忍受(swallow的三单形式); resistance:n.电阻;抵抗;阻力;抗力;
So imagine that the animal is walking towards the sea. 所以想象当动物向大海行走时
As soon as it touches the water you should hear a sort of sound of running air. 当它接触到海水,你应该可以听到排气的声音
Yes! So if it doesn't feel, it will be drowned, OK? 成功了!如果它没有感知到,就会淹死,是吧?
Here we have the brain of the animal. 这里我们有怪兽的大脑
In fact, it is a step-counter, and it counts the steps. 其实这是步伐计数器,它计算行走的步伐数
It's a binary step-counter. 它是双相步伐计数器
So as soon it has been to the sea, it changes the pattern of zeroes and ones here, and it knows always where it is on the beach. So it's very simple brain. 当它接触到大海时 就会改变0和1的排序 从而就可以感知到自己相对大海的位置,这是个简单的大脑
It says, well there's the sea, there are dunes, and I'm here. 大脑告诉怪兽,海在哪,沙丘在哪,自己在这
So it's a sort of imagination of the simple world of the beach animal. 它协助生活在海边的怪兽描绘出了简单的世界
Thank you. 谢谢
One of the biggest enemies are the storms. 另一个生存的最大敌人是暴风雨
This is a part of the nose of the Animaris Percipiere, and when the nose is fixed of the animal, the whole animal is fixed. 这是Animaris Percipiere鼻子的一部分 一旦鼻子停止运动时,怪兽也就会静止不动
So when the storm is coming up, it drives a pin into the ground. (Laughter) 当暴风雨来临时 它就会把钉子钉到土里面(笑声)
And the nose is fixed, the whole animal is fixed. 当鼻子被固定后,整只怪兽也就被固定在地上
The wind may turn, but the animal will turn always its nose into the wind. 风向改变时,怪兽也会跟着风向变换鼻子方向
nose into:查探,探听;
Now another couple of years, and these animals will survive on their own. 再过上几年,这些怪兽就能够独自生活
I still have to help them a lot. 现在它们仍然需要我多方面的帮助
Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. 非常感谢,女士们,先生们
(Applause). (鼓掌)