

Dan Holzman: Please throw out the beanbag chairs. Here we go. Dan Holzman:请把豆袋椅扔过来.我们开始吧.
throw out:v.扔掉;伸出;说出;否决;突出; beanbag:n.游戏用的装了豆子的小袋;
Barry Friedman: There are all kinds of high-tech chairs here today, but this is really, I think, when it reached its peak as far as ergonomics , comfort, design, flexibility -- Barry friedman:现在这里有许多高科技的椅子. 当它到达顶峰时,我想,这些都很 符合人类工程学,舒适度,外观设计,弯曲性的的设计
high-tech:adj.高科技的,高技术的;仿真技术的;n.高科技; peak:n.高峰; v.达到高峰; adj.最高度的; as far as:至于…; ergonomics:n.工效学;人类工程学; flexibility:n.灵活性;弹性;适应性;
DH: Now obviously, this is not something we do on our regular show. DH:很明显,这些不是我们的常规表演.
It's something we just kind of learned for this. 这是我们不经意学会的.
So we're going to try. But can we have some inspirational music for the beanbag chairs? 我们将要尝试一下。可以来点鼓舞人心的音乐吗?
BF: Nice show, Daniel, nice show. You are the man. BF:很棒的表演,Danial,很棒.你了不起.
Nice show. Man, that was good. 很棒的表演.很好.
DH: Thank you. DH:谢谢.
BF: Sometimes when people do those, they go all the way down. BF:人们做这些的时候,他们会一直落下去.
You actually just did that. 你实际上做了这些.
That's the kind of extra effort that's gotten us where we are today. 就是这种额外的努力让我们走到了今天。
DH: All right, let's show them something special. DH:行,让我们来表演点特殊的.
BF: Without a MacArthur grant . BF:这个不需要领导批准
MacArthur:n.麦克阿瑟(美国五星上将); grant:v.授予;允许;承认;同意;n.拨款;[法]授予物;
Yeah, look at this. You know, all kinds of different -- 对,来看看这个,全是一些不同的.....
TED is about invention, let's be honest. DH: Yeah, it is. 老实讲,TED是关于发明创造的。DH:是的
BF: Last night, Michael Moschen showed some juggling props he has invented and working on. BF:昨天Michael Moschen展示了一些杂技的道具 是他发明的而且在继续干
juggling:v.玩杂耍;尽力同时应付;有效利用;(juggle的现在分词) props:n.[矿业]支柱;小道具;后盾(prop的复数);v.支撑;维持(prop的三单形式);
Right now, Dan's going to show something he actually invented. 现在,Dan准备给我们展示他发明的一些东西
DH: A type of juggling I actually invented, right after I saw another juggler do it. DH:我自己发明的一个道具 在我看了另一个杂技演员表演之后制作的
BF: Shut up. BF:别说了
DH: This is a small excerpt from a longer piece. DH:这是个小插曲
(Laughter) (笑)
(Applause) (鼓掌)
DH: Folks, this is shaker-cup juggling. It's not a show-stopper , but it certainly slows it down. DH:各位,这是摇摇杯道具,不是用来让大家安静的 但肯定会慢下来
BF: Oh yeah, it does. BF:噢对,是这样
BF: Oh, Daniel BF:噢 Daniel
(Applause) (鼓掌)
DH: One more. DH:再来一次
Perfect. 好极了
Perfect. 太棒了
OK. BF: Oh! DH: All right. 好.BF:噢!DH:好的
(Applause) (鼓掌)
I'm now pushing my luck. I'm skipping right to -- six cups. 让我得寸进尺试一下,我来玩转6个杯子
In order to do six cups, I must have perfect control over three with my right hand. 为了表演玩转6个杯子,我必须控制好 3个杯子在我右手
BF: Also three with his left. 还有3个在我左手
DH: Perfect. DH: 好极了
(Laughter) (笑)
And now all six cups. Should I do it on the first try, or should I miss once on purpose ? 现在有6个杯子,让我先试一下 或者放弃呢?
on purpose:有目的地,故意地;
BF: First try, once on purpose. 尝试,放弃
Audience: Once on purpose! 放弃
DH: How about if I try first and then decide? 我先尝试然后再决定,怎么样?
BF: Good idea. Let's leave that. Leave that door open. BF: 好主意,让那个门开着
(Laughter) (笑)
DH: He's looking at me. DH: 他在看我
BF: That's all right, he does that. All right, oh. BF: 好,他做那个,好的
DH: It's time for Richard's help. DH: 现在该Richard出场帮忙了
Oh, good, all right. 噢,对
BF: You know, over the years, every year at the conference , it's kind of become a tradition for us to do something dangerous with Richard. And we've always done something with the bullwhips in our act. It's funny, for years I did it with Daniel holding balloons. BF: 你知道,多年以来,每年聚会时 玩点刺激的东西成了我们的惯例 还有Richard. 我们经常玩赶牛鞭子 在我们的表演中你看可以看到,很有趣,这些年都是Daniel拿气球
And then we thought, "How stupid." 我们在想,“真傻”
DH: Excuse me, could we work on the design of the microphone ? DH:对不起,我们可以做那个麦克风设计的表演吗?
BF: I think that's the next session . BF:我想等下一个节再做
DH: Next session? DH: 下节?
BF: Yeah. And so we've actually found a way to incorporate Richard in this. BF: 是,我们找到了如何让Richard参与这个节目的办法
incorporate:vt.包含,吸收; vi.合并; adj.合并的;
He actually assumes more of the danger in this. 他实际上做的比这个更危险
DH: Please stand up, Richard. DH:请站好, Richard
(Laughter) (笑)
DH: Now Richard, please -- DH: Richard,请
BF: OK, sorry. BF: 好, 对不起
DH: Jesus Christ . Richard, please stand in front of me. DH: 耶稣啊. Richard, 请站到我前面
Jesus:int.上帝啊:天哪:n.耶稣:耶稣基督: Christ:n.基督;耶稣基督
Richard Wurman: Can I say something? Richard Wurman: 我可以说几句吗?
DH: Sure. DH: 没问题
RW: In all past years, I've rehearsed with them, the things that have happened to me. RW: 过去的每一年, 我都和他们排练这个表演 这些过去都做过
This is -- I have no idea , and that's the truth. 这就是 - 我不知道,是真的
I have no idea:我没有头绪…;
DH: Right, please stand here in front -- DH: 好,请站在 ...
God, I hate that. Put your hands out like this, please. 上帝,我讨厌那个. 把你的手这样放,谢谢
(Laughter) (笑)
BF: Come stay up with him. This is -- BF: 靠前和他站一起. 这是-
Dan used to actually hold them, but now he's got you for protection. 通常是Dan来拿气球的,但是现在有你保护着他
It's kind of neat . OK. 看起来挺优雅的,好
(Laughter) (笑)
DH: Wow, you've been working out. DF: 哇,你以前练过。
BF: No, shut up. BF: 没有,闭嘴
(Laughter) (笑)
Having a little bit of Richard time, that's nice, that's good. 来一点理查德的时间,真好,很好
OK, here we go. 好,我们开始
Have him hold your wrist so I can -- 让他握住你的你的手腕,这样我就可以
DH: Please hold my wrist. Hold this a minute. DH: 请握住我的手腕,保持一会儿
BF: Here you go. BF: 干得好
(Laughter) (笑)
OK. 好的
OK, hold on. 好,保持住
BF: Hmmm. BF: 嗯
(Laughter) (笑)
DH: First one. DH:第一个
BF: All those mid-year phone calls are coming back to me now, Richard. BF: 这些年的电话都打过来了,Richard。(暗指:以前和和他练过的人)
(Laughter) (笑)
DH: So, Richard, what were we on the list? Like 1,020? DH:那么,理查德,我们在名单上吗?1020个?
(Laughter) (笑)
What happened there? 那里发生了什么
BF: I think we were just outside. BF: 我想我们刚才在外边
(Applause) (鼓掌)
(Laughter) (笑)
Having some bad flashbacks . 你这回可要被耍了
DH: Don't hold me that hard. DH: 别握我太紧
BF: Here we go, I'm taking it. BF: 干得好,我要开始了
DH: One more, one more. DH: 再来一次,再来一次
BF: We've got one more we're going to do. BF: 我们已经进行了一次
RW: Can I get to hold them? RW: 我可以抓住气球?
BF: Yeah, you don't want to hold these, trust me. BF: 对,你可不想抓,相信我
DH: Could you spread your legs a little bit? DH: 你能分开一下腿吗?
(Laughter) (笑)
BF: Gloria, you want to do it? It's very cool. BF: Gloria,你想这么干?酷极了
(Laughter) (笑)
(Applause) (鼓掌)
(Laughter) (笑)
One more try. Man, I don't want to get too close. 再来一次,哥们,我可不想它们靠的太近
(Laughter) (笑)
Could you just push that? 你能收一下腹吗?
(Applause) (鼓掌)
DH: Wow! Boy! DH:喔,哥们
BF: That's cool. I always wanted to try that. BF: 真酷.我一直想试试刚才的那个表演
(Laughter) (笑)
DH: Let's jump this way, though. DH: 让我们沿着这个方向来跳
Now, we risked Richard's life, it's only fair we risk our own lives. 现在,我们冒着理查德的生命危险,只有我们冒着自己的危险才显得公平。
So to do that, I will juggle these three razor-sharp sickles . 因此,为了做到这一点,我要用这三个锋利的镰刀来杂耍。
razor-sharp:adj.锋利的;犀利的; sickles:呈镰刀状;镰状的;
And if that wasn't enough, and judging by your response , it's not -- 如果这个不够锋利,你们的反应也是以一样的。
(Laughter) (笑)
BF: Wow! Hoping for a little more build. BF:哇,希望能更加锋利点。
DH: True. Barry -- DH:是的。Barry
BF: I'm going to run up behind him. BF:我要跑着跳过他。
DH: Leap over my shoulder. DH:从我的肩膀上跳过。
BF: Up and over his shoulders. BF:从他的肩膀上面越过。
DH: Grab the blades in mid-air . Land right there in a pool of blood. DH: 在空中接到镰刀。在那着地,倒在血泊中。
Grab:v.攫取;霸占;将…深深吸引;n.攫取;霸占;夺取之物; blades:n.刀身;刀片;刀刃;叶片;桨叶;桨身;(blade的复数) mid-air:n.空中;
(Laughter) (笑)
Still juggling. 仍然在抽搐。
Impossible, you say? 你说,不可能?
BF: Incredible , you say? BF:你说,不可思议?
DH: Why bother , you say? DH:为什么自找麻烦呢,你说?
BF: Here we go. BF:我们开始。
DH: Just do it juggler boys, you say. DH:你说 ,玩吧杂耍男孩?
BF: This guy, this guy invented air. BF:这家伙发明了空气。
DH: I think so, that's right. DH:恩,是的。
Even the pencil. 即使是铅笔。
BF: He invented the pencil. BF:他发明了铅笔。
DH: All right, we'll do this trick, but please remember, it took us over 10 years to perfect. DH:好的,我们开始这个特技,但请记住, 我们花了十年的时间来完善它。
BF: 10 years to perfect, which you're about to see. BF:十年来完善,你们将看到的是什么呢?
DH: It's not that difficult, we just don't like to practice that much. DH:其实没那么难,我们只是不喜欢练习太久。
BF: Hassle , traveling too much. BF:旅行太多,这个比较麻烦。
Actually, we will take a second to prove -- these could be fake -- that the blades are indeed razor-sharp. 事实上,我们会证实—它们可能假的— —它们可能假的—它们都是很锋利的。
DH: Will someone please throw a small farm animal up onto the stage. DH:有人可以扔个农场的小动物 到台上来吗?
(Laughter) (笑)
Or a virgin for a sacrifice . 或者是个处女来牺牲。
virgin:n.处女;童男;无…经验的人;新手; sacrifice:n.牺牲;舍弃;祭献;祭祀;祭品;v.牺牲;献出;作祭献
BF: Anything. BF:任何东西。
DH: Where's Gloria? DH:Gloria,哪去了?
BF: No, she's got -- farm animal. BF:她去拿农场动物去了?
DH: Do you have a small farm animal? DH:你有农场小动物吗?
Just trying to play the odds . All right, here we go. 只是想试一下可能性。好的,我们开始。
BF: Over the top , over the top. BF:扔过头顶,扔过头顶。
Over the top:adj.过多的;言过其实的;夸大其词的;
DH: How you feeling, Barry, you feeling all right? DH:你感觉怎么样,Barry,你感觉好吗?
BF: Yeah, it's all right. BF:恩,可以的。
DH: Do you feel everything's OK, the atmosphere , the -- DH:你感觉所有都好吗?氛围,那个--
BF: Yes, a little sketchy . BF:有一点模糊。
DH: Everything up here's OK? DH:上面所有的都好吗?
BF: Yeah. BF:恩。
DH: Then here we go. DH:好的,我们开始。
BF: This one's a little -- who's doing the lights? Could you -- this one's pointing -- could you point that a little more directly into my eyeballs , is that possible? I can still see a little. BF:这个有一点,谁负责灯光?你可以 把这灯直射进我的眼睛吗? 我还能看到一点点。
directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就; eyeballs:n.[解剖]眼球(eyeball的复数); v.注视;
DH: And turn up the intensity -- we're still pink in the middle. DH:调大强度,我们中间还是粉红色的。
We went too far out. 我们离得太远了。
BF: Yeah, it's too far. It's too much of a visual . BF:恩,太远。这太多关于视觉的了。
The design of the body -- it's a whole different thing. 身体的设计—完全不同的事情。
DH: Ready, Barry? BF: Over the top. DH:准备好了吗,Baryy。BF:扔过头顶。
DH: May we have our jumping music please? DH:可以放我们的音乐吗?
May we have it a bit louder? 可以大点声吗?
(Laughter) (笑)
BF: They're a good crew! BF:他们是很好的工作人员!
DH: Whoa, whoa, right, right. DH:噢,噢。
BF: We're going on. BF:我们接着来。
DH: All right, we'll try again. DH:好的我们再试一次。
BF: All right? Oh my gosh, oh. BF:好了吗?天
DH: Sorry about that. DH:对不起。
BF: I thought I had the hard part. OK. BF:我想我的部分是难的。
DH: Whenever you're ready. DH:你什么时候可以了都可以。
BF: There we go. BF:开始。
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Take it up, come on and dance, come on, come on and dance. 来,跳起来,快来,跳啊。
Somebody dance, come on. 大家跳啊。
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Wow, wow, OK, stop. 哇,好的,停。
Weird , no one dances -- we're two guys doing this. 奇怪,没人跳舞。只有我们两在这儿这样。
I think that's uncomfortable for everyone. 这肯定让大家很不舒服。
DH: The French judge -- DH:法国裁判—
BF: One more quick thing. BF:再来一个
DH: The French judge gives it a 5.2. DH:法国裁判给了5.2分。
(Laughter) (笑)
BF: Well, you know -- BF:恩,大家都知道—
DH: There you go -- BF: Yeah, another one coming in. DH:恩。BF:还有另外一个
DH: Tell them about our bio and stuff . DH:告诉他们我们的情况。
BF: Yeah, in our bio some of you may have read that we've won two world juggling championships . BF:恩,有些我们的经历你们可能知道。 我们获得了两次世界杂耍冠军。。
And believe it or not, you don't win juggling champions for doing things with bullwhips or shaker cups. 不管你相信与否,你不可能夺得世界杂耍冠军 靠长鞭和抖杯。
We're going to show you right now an excerpt from a routine that we used to wipe out the other juggling team competition . 我们将给大家展示一小段 我们用来与其他队 来竞争冠军的杂耍
wipe:v.擦;抹;拭;消除;n.擦;拭;揩;(湿)抹布; competition:n.竞争;比赛,竞赛;
DH: That's right. DH:是的。
BF: Good. 好。
DH: I know what you're thinking. Other juggling teams must really suck . 我知道你在想什么,别的杂耍队一定很逊色。
(Laughter) (笑)
BF: Juggling's got a bad rap . 杂耍界有坏的说唱。
DH: But wait, Barry, there's still one more club lying there by my foot. 但是,Barry,还有一个棒子在我的脚旁边,
And look, it has a twin. 看它有一个双胞胎兄弟。
(Laughter) (笑)
There's still one more by my foot. 还有一个在我的脚的附近,
What do you want me to do with it? 你想要我怎么做。
BF: Richard, Richard you tell him, it's your last year. 理查德,理查德,你告诉他。这是你最后一年了。
DH: That's a pretty good setup, Richard. 这是一个不错的机会,理查德。
BF: Yeah, it's a good setup. That's a big setup. 恩,一个好机会。
DH: All right. What I will do -- I will use my panther-like reflexes . 我要用我黑豹般的反应。
BF: Nice. 不错。
DH: I've got that. 我明白了,俯身用劲抓棒子。
To reach down and grab that club in my grip of steel. 俯身用劲抓棒子。
BF: Nice. 好的。
DH: I touched it, Barry. That should be enough. 我碰到了,Barry。这就足够了。
BF: It's progress, that's the thing. 重要的是,这是进步。
(Laughter) (笑)
DH: How about that? Oh, do it again. 刚才怎么样?噢,再尝试一次。
Oh wait, it's on your side, Barry. 哦,等一下,它在你那边,Barry。
And it's awfully windy over there. 那边有一整冷风啊!
BF: Yes it is, it's weird. You wouldn't think it would affect half the stage, but it is. It's weird. 是的,很奇怪啊。你不认为 它会影响一半的舞台吗。是的,太怪异了。
Watch this, what I'm going to do is slide the seventh one onto my foot. 请看,我将会把第七个棒子移动到我脚上。
DH: Wow! What a great trick, Barry. 哇哦!多么厉害的把戏啊,Barry。
Oh, look how it lies there. 看,它在那躺着呢。
Oh, Barry, is there nothing you can't do? 哦,Barry,难道你一无所为吗?
(Laughter) (笑)
You are my hero. You're my Jim Shea Jr. 你是我的英雄,你是我的小吉姆谢伊。
Too much Olympics. 太多的奥林匹克。
BF: From my foot, I'll attempt to kick the seventh club. 从我的脚上,我会踢起第七个棒子。
DH: Where Barry? Where? Tell us, Barry. 哪里,Barry,哪里?告诉我们想买,Barry。
[Unclear] eagerly awaits your next syllable . What will it be? 在等着你的下一句话呢。它会是什么呢?
eagerly:adv.急切地;渴望地;热心地; awaits:v.等候;等待;期待;(await的第三人称单数) syllable:n.音节;v.划分音节;;讲话;
What gem of knowledge? 什么样的知识呢?
gem:n.宝石,珍宝; vi.点缀; adj.最佳品质的;
What pearl of wisdom ? 什么样的才智呢?
pearl:n.珍珠; v.使成小圆粒; adj.珍珠(制)的; wisdom:n.智慧;明智;才智;学问;
Do you want to buy a vowel , Barry? 你一个吗?Barry,
Is that your final answer? 这就是你最后的答案?
BF: All right! You have to turn off the TV from time to time . 好的。你有时必须得关闭电视。
from time to time:不时,有时;
DH: I do, I do. 好的,好的。
From my foot, the kick up in the seventh. 从我的脚上,踢起第七个。
DH: We will juggle seven. 我们能玩七个。
BF: From six to seven. DH: That's a world's record -- for us. 从六个到七个。DH:这是一个世界纪录。我们的。
BF: Yes. 是的
DH: Whenever you're ready there, big guy. 大个子,无论你什么时候准备好。
Put your tongue away, Barry. 收回你的舌头。Barry。
BF: Oh, oh, whoa. 哦,哦,喔。
(Applause) (鼓掌)
DH: Please, please stay seated. Stay seated. Thank you. 请,请安静。安静。谢谢。
Because now, to make this twice as difficult, we'll juggle the seven clubs back -- 因为现在我们要把它变的更加困难。 我们会把这七个棒子往后抛。
BF: Seven-club juggling. 七个棒子的杂耍。
DH: to back. DH:背对背。
BF: Thank you, that's it. BF:谢谢,就是这样。
BF: Thank you guys! BF:谢谢大家
DH: Thank you very much! DH:非常感谢