

So good of you to come see me, Mr. Bond. 邦德先生 谢谢你百忙之中
Particularly on such short notice. 还能抽空赶来
lf you can't trust a Swiss banker, what's the world come to? 如果信不过瑞士银行家 这世界会变成什么样子?
And now that we're all comfortable... 既然大家都准备好了
...why don't you sit down? 请坐好吗?
It was not easy... 我费了点工夫
...but I have retrieved the money. 终于拿回钱
No doubt Sir Robert will be pleased to see it again. 罗伯爵士一定会很高兴的
At the current rate of exchange , minus the fees and certain... 以目前的汇率来计算 扣掉手续费
exchange:n.交换;交流;交易所;兑换;v.交换;交易;兑换; minus:prep.减,减去;n.负号,减号;不足;负数;adj.减的;负的;
... unforeseeable expenses . 和一些额外费用
unforeseeable:adj.不可预见的;无法预料的; expenses:n.费用;价钱;开销;开支;花费;(expense的复数)
Voila , the receipt . 这就是收据
Voila:int.(法)瞧;可不是; receipt:n.收据;收入;接受;字据;v.开收据;
Would you like to check my figures? 你要过目吗?
I'm sure they're perfectly rounded. 我确定数字是正确的
It's all there. 全都在这儿
I didn't come for the money. 我不是为钱来的
The report Sir Robert bought was stolen... 罗伯爵士买的报告
...from an Ml6 agent who was killed for it. 是从一个为它而死的 情报员手中偷来的
I want to know who killed him. 我要知道凶手是谁
Terrible tragedy . - I just want a name. 真惨 - 我只要名字
I am merely the middleman . I'm trying to do the honorable thing... 我只是中间人 把钱归还原主
merely:adv.仅仅,只不过;只是; middleman:n.中间人;经纪人;调解人; honorable:adj.光荣的;可敬的;高贵的;
...returning the money to its rightful owner. 算是很有良心了
We know how difficult that can be for a Swiss banker. 这对瑞士银行家来说 是多不简单的事啊
I am offering you the opportunity to walk out with the money. 我给你机会把钱带走
And I'm giving you the opportunity to walk out with your life. 我给你机会把命留下来
Looking at our present situation... 照目前的情况看来
...as a banker, I'd have to say... 身为一个银行家 我得说你没有
...that the numbers are not on your side. 说这种狠话的本钱
Perhaps you failed to take into account ... 也许你没有看到
take into account:考虑;重视;体谅;
...my hidden assets . 我潜在的资本
You've had a small reversal of fortune . 现在是我占上风
reversal:n.逆转;[摄]反转;[法]撤销; fortune:n.财富;命运;运气;v.给予财富,偶然发生
Give me the name. - I can't tell you. 把名字说出来 - 办不到
Let's count to three. 咱们数到三
You can do that, can't you? 你一定办得到 对吗?
All right.
But you'll have to protect me... 不过你得保护我
James. 詹姆斯
Have you brought me a souvenir from your trip? 你有没有带礼物送我?
Chocolates? 巧克力?
An engagement ring ? 订婚戒?
engagement ring:n.订婚戒指;
I thought you'd enjoy one of these. 你一定喜欢这玩意
How romantic . 真浪漫
I know exactly where to put that. 我知道该放哪
Oh, Moneypenny. 钱班霓
The story of our relationship: 就像我俩的关系
Close, but no cigar. 食之无味 弃之可惜
I hate to tear you away from affairs of state. Would you mind coming in? 抱歉打扰了 007 请你进来一下?
Right away , M. 马上来 M夫人
Right away:立刻;
Sir Robert King, James Bond. 罗伯金恩爵士 这是詹姆斯邦德
The man who retrieved my money. Thank you. Excellent work. 你帮我找回我的钱 谢谢 干得好
Be careful, M. I might steal him from you. 你要小心 M夫人 我可能会把他挖走的
Construction's not exactly my specialty . 建筑不是我的专长
Quite the opposite, in fact. 事实上 他是专门搞破坏的
Best to the family. 帮我问候你家人