

So, your boy's name is what? 你那手下叫什么?
Snot . 鼻涕虫
You called the guy Snot? - Snotboogie, yeah. 你们叫他鼻涕虫? - 是的 鼻涕佬
'"Snotboogie." 鼻涕佬
He like the name? 他喜欢这名字?
What? - Snotboogie. 什么? - 鼻涕佬
This kid whose mama went to the trouble of christening him Omar lsaiah Betts? 他老妈可是费尽心思给他想过正儿八经的名字
christening:n.(基督教的)洗礼; v.(施洗时)为(某人)命名; (christen的现在分词)
You know, he forgets his jacket... 你瞧 他忘了自己的夹克...
so his nose starts running, and some asshole ... 鼻涕开始乱流 不知哪个混蛋...
instead of giving him a Kleenex , he calls him "Snot." 没递包舒洁纸巾给他 反而叫他 鼻涕虫
So, he's "Snot" forever. 所以 他永远是个 鼻涕虫 了
Doesn't seem fair. 似乎不公平
Life just be that way, I guess. 我想 活着就是这样吧
So who shot Snot? 那么谁开枪打了鼻涕虫?
I ain't going to no court. 我才不要上法庭
Motherfucker ain't have to put no cap in him though. 狗娘养的也没必要爆了他的头啊
Definitely not. 当然不必
He could've just whipped his ass, like we always whip his ass. 他可以扁他一顿啊 像我们经常扁他一顿一样
I agree with you. - He gonna kill Snot. 我同意你 - 他杀了鼻涕虫
Snot been doing the same shit since I don't know how long. 鼻涕虫老干这种屁事 我都记不清他干了多久了
Kill a man over some bullshit . 怎么能因为这种破事就做掉一个人呢
I'm saying, every Friday night... 其实呢 每个星期五晚上...
in the alley behind the cut- rate, we rolling bones, you know? 在胡同的折扣店后面 我们都会赌骰子 知道吗
All the boys from around the way, we roll till late. 附近的混混都会来 大家赌到很晚
Alley crap game, right? 胡同里的小把戏 对吧?
And like every time, Snot, he'd fade a few shooters . 每一次 鼻涕虫...他都会把钱卷跑
fade:v.褪色; adj.平淡的; n.[电影][电视]淡出; shooters:n.射手;射击武器;枪;(shooter的复数)
Play it out till the pot's deep. Then he'd snatch and run. 玩上一阵子 等钱罐满了 抢了就跑
Every time? - Couldn't help hisself . 每次都是? - 小子管不住自己
Let me understand you. 你看我这样理解对不对
Every Friday night, you and your boys would shoot crap, right? 每个周五晚上 你和你的哥们都会赌骰子 对吧?
And every Friday night, your pal Snotboogie... 然后每个周五晚上 你的哥们鼻涕佬
he'd wait till there was cash on the ground, then grab the money and run away? 他等到满地都是钱的时候 就会卷走跑路?
You let him do that? - We catch him and beat his ass. 你们让他那么做? - 我们会抓住他 然后痛扁他一顿
But ain't nobody ever go past that. 但也就这样而已
I gotta ask you. 我得问问你
If every time Snotboogie would grab the money and run away... 如果每次鼻涕佬都会把钱卷走...
why'd you even let him in the game? 为什么你们还让他来赌呢?
What? 什么?
If Snotboogie always stole the money, why'd you let him play? 如果鼻涕虫每次都偷钱 为什么你们还让他玩呢?
Got to. This America, man. 一定要啊 这里是美国 哥们
The Wire S01E01 The Target 火线重案组 第一季 第一集 目标
* When you walk through the garden *
* You gotta watch your back *
* Well I beg your pardon *
* Walk the straight and narrow track *
narrow:adj.狭窄的; v.使窄小; n.峡谷; (场所,物品等的)狭窄部分; track:n.小道;足迹;车辙;轨道;v.追踪;跟踪;
* If you walk with Jesus *
* He's gonna save your soul *
* You gotta keep the devil *
* Way down in the hole *
* All the angels sing *
* About Jesus' mighty sword *
* And they'll shield you with their wings *
* And keep you close to the lord *
* Don't pay heed to temptation *
heed:v.注意;留心;听从(劝告或警告);n.注意;留心; temptation:n.诱惑;引诱;煽诱人的事物;
* For his hands are so cold *