

What? 怎么
Was the joke that bad? 不好笑吗
I'm gonna kill you. 我要杀了你
What? 什么
I didn't quite catch that. You're gonna have to speak up. 我没听见 你得大声点
Not today... 不在今天
...not tomorrow... 不在明天
...but I'm gonna kill you. 但我要杀了你
Jesus . 天啊
Simon... 西蒙
what did he have, a knife? 他有什么 一把刀吗
Uh, he had a hatchet . 他有一把短斧
A hatchet? 一把短斧
He had an ax. 他有一把斧子
Simon's my right-hand man . 西蒙是我的左右手
right-hand man:n.得力助手;左右手;
Having one of those is important. 有左右手是很重要的
I mean, what do you have left without them? 没了他们 你会剩下什么
A whole lot of work. 许多工作
Do you have one? 你有左右手吗
Maybe one of these fine people still breathing? 也许是这里还活着的一个人
Or did I... 还是我...
Sure. 好吧
Give me his ax. 把他的斧子给我
I'll be right back. 我马上回来
Maybe Rick will be with me. 也许瑞克会跟我一起回来
And if not, well, we can just turn these people inside out, won't we? 如果没有 我们可以将他们扒皮抽骨 对吧
I mean... the ones that are left. 我是说 剩下的人
Let's go for a ride. 我们去兜兜风
What a piece of shit. 真是垃圾
'"I'm gonna kill you." 我要杀了你
Are you kiddin' me? 你开玩笑吗
Did you see what just happened, what I just did? 你看见刚发生的事了吗 我做的事
You just... 你就
Your best chance... 你最好的机会是
is to stand up, grab that ax, and drive it through the back of my head. 站起来 拿起那把斧子 砍穿我的后脑勺
See how you do. 看看你怎么做
Keep actin' tough. 继续装硬汉
Go ahead. 来吧
Grab the damn ax. 拿起斧子
Drop it. 放下
Don't make me get up again. 别让我再起身
Well, look at that. 瞧瞧
Dawn is breakin'. 快破晓了
It's a brand-new day, Rick. 又是全新的一天 瑞克
I want you to think about what could have happened... 我想要你想想可能发生的事
...think about what happened, and think about what can still happen. 想想发生的事 想想还可能发生的事
Boom !
That remind you of anybody you know? 那让你想到你认识的人了吗
Oh, yeah. 是啊
You are mine. 你是我的了
The people back there -- they are mine. 那里的人 他们是我的了