

For over a century, I have lived in secret. 过去的一个多世纪 我都秘密地活着
Hiding in the shadows, alone in the world. 藏身暗处 独自一人
Until now. 直到现在
I am a vampire . 我是个吸血鬼
And this is my story. 以下是我的故事
An hour's drive to hear that crap . 居然开一小时的车去听那种垃圾音乐
You know, it wasn't even a band . 根本都算不上是乐队
A guy with a guitar. 就一个人抱把吉他
An hour each way. 往返共浪费两小时
He wasn't that bad. 他没你说的那么差
He sounded like James Blunt . 风格还挺像詹姆斯.布朗特
What's wrong with that? 那有什么不好呢
We already have a James Blunt. 问题是已经有一个詹姆斯.布朗特了
One's all we need. 一个就够了
So why did you come? 那你为什么还要来
Because I love you. 因为我爱你
Nicely done. 聪明的回答
What's with all the fog? 哪来这么大的雾
It'll clear in a second . 很快就会散开的
in a second:立刻,很快;
Watch out! 小心
Are you ok?! 你没事吧
We just hit someone! Oh,my god! 我们撞到人了 上帝啊
Call for help. 快打电话叫救护车
Come on, come on! 快接电话 快啊
Please be alive! 千万别出人命啊
Oh, my god. 哦 上帝啊
There's no signal! 这里没信号
Darren! 达伦
Darren? 达伦
I shouldn't have come home. 我不该回来的
I know the risk. 我知道这很冒险
But I had no choice. 但我别无选择
I have to know her. 我必须去认识她
Dear diary, today will be different. 亲爱的日记本 今天将会不同以往
It has to be. 我必须做出改变
I will smile, and it will be believable. 我将面带笑容 让人觉得可信的笑容
My smile was say "I'm fine, thank you." 我的笑如同在说 我很好 谢谢关心
'"Yes, I feel much better." 是的 我好多了
I will no longer be the sad little girl who lost her parents. 我不再是失去双亲的悲伤女孩
I will start fresh, be someone new. 我要重新开始 做全新的自己
It's the only way I'll make it through. 只有这样我才能撑下去
Toast . I can make toast. 吐司怎么样 我会做土司
Toast:n.干杯; v.为…干杯;
It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna. 只要咖啡就行 珍娜阿姨
Is there coffee? 有咖啡吗
Your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared . 你们开学第一天 我却毫无准备
Lunch money? 要午餐钱吗
I'm good. 我不用了
Anything else? 还有什么别的吗
A number two pencil? What am I missing? 一支2B铅笔 我还漏了什么没
Don't you have a big presentation today? 你今天不是要做一个很重要的报告吗
I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at...now. 我要和论文导师见面 就是现在
Crap! - Then go. We'll be fine. 糟糕 -那走吧 我们自己能行