

Look, I'm incredibly proud of my career in the military , and I did two combat tours, but, uh, I was never gonna be a career guy. 我为我的军队生涯感到自豪 我服过两次兵役 但我的事业心向来不强
incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历; military:adj.军事的;军人的;适于战争的;n.军队;军人; combat:v.战斗;防止;减轻;与…搏斗;n.战斗;搏斗;打仗;
I found my passion in the Army Research Lab. 我在军队研究实验室找到了我热爱的事
I used my GI Bill to, uh... to go to Cal State, and I'm currently teaching high school biology . 用安置金上了加州州立大学 目前在高中教生物
currently:adv.当前;一般地; biology:n.(一个地区全部的)生物;生物学;
Okay, Dan. I-I think Arthur's still reviewing the proposal . 好的 丹 我觉得阿瑟还在审查提案
reviewing:v.复查;重新考虑;反思;评论;(review的现在分词) proposal:n.提议,建议;求婚;
That's great, but I have some more data, and I'm nearby , so I-I want to bring a new proposal tonight. -Let me put you on hold. 那很好 但我有更多的数据 而且我就在附近 -我想把一个新提案给你送过去 -那你别挂断
Muri? Muri! 缪丽
Okay, none of you are my child. Has anyone seen Muri? 你们都不是我的孩子 有人见过缪丽吗
Coming! -Grab these. 我来了 -拿着这些
I have a mission . Get those to the kitchen. 你的任务是把那些送到厨房
Yes, sir. -There you are. March. 是 长官 -很好 踏步走
Great party, Dan. -Oh, thank you. I appreciate ... 派对很棒 -谢谢
Your place smells amazing. -Thank you. 这里很香 -谢谢
Things are heating up in this final match of the World Cup. 世界杯总决赛的局势越来越紧张 跑过球场…
Hey, Forester . 嘿 弗雷斯特
Sorry, guys. Gonna steal him for a second. -Hey. Sorry, guys. 我要借用丹一下 -抱歉 各位
We are out of Christmas napkins . 圣诞餐巾纸用完了
Okay, we have "I'm just here for the booze " or "Happy 70th birthday." 这里有“我只是来吓人的” 或者“七十大寿快乐”
Go "Happy 70th." -Yeah. 那就七十大寿吧 -行
Babe, I'm on hold right now. They're trying to track down Arthur. 我正在通话 他们在找阿瑟
Right now? -This is happening right now. 现在 -是真的 就是现在
I am gonna punch you in your unfortunately very handsome face. 我要揍你这张帅得令人惋惜的脸一拳
punch:n.冲床; v.拳打; (用打孔器等)打孔; unfortunately:adv.不幸地;
This is the call, though. I'm in the final round. 但是这通电话能决定一切 我已经进入最后一轮了
This is real work in an actual lab. It's my dream. 这是在真正的实验室做真正的工作 这是我的梦想
Well, Muri's dream is that you wa... - Hee-haw ! -...that you watch the game with her. 缪丽的梦想是你跟她一起看球赛
I promise I'll be back before the end of the game. -Okay? -All right. 比赛结束前我一定会回来 好吗
What's this? 这是什么
Um, that's...Your-your dad sent Muri a Christmas card . 那…你爸爸给缪丽寄了张圣诞贺卡
Christmas card:n.圣诞贺卡;
Can we talk about it tomorrow? -Hmm. 我们明天再聊这事 行吗
Babe, we'll talk about it. Daniel. What? We don't have to talk. 宝贝 我们再谈…怎么了 -我们不必谈这事
He's just trying to be a grandpa. 他只是想尽爷爷的义务
Well, I think he forfeited the right to meet his granddaughter when he abandoned your husband. 他抛弃你丈夫的时候 就放弃了当爷爷的权利
forfeited:v.(因犯错)丧失,被没收;(forfeit的过去分词和过去式) abandoned:adj.被抛弃的放纵的;v.抛弃;丢弃,离开;放弃;(abandon的过去分词和过去式)
Hey. No one's eating my tuna Santa. 宝贝 没人吃我做的金枪鱼圣诞老人
When I come back, I'm gonna have a new job, and I'm gonna eat all of your tuna Santa. 我回来的时候 会有一份新工作 而且我会把你做的金枪鱼圣诞老人全吃光
Hey, Dan. - Bye. 嘿 丹 -回头见
Arthur. Hey, man. - I'm glad you called. 阿瑟 嘿 兄弟 -很高兴你打来了
It's a very competitive position. -Yes, sir. 这个职位的竞争很激烈 -是的
And experience is everything. 经验最重要
Well, I have leadership experience. I ran combat missions in Iraq. 我有领袖经验 我在伊拉克负责过战斗任务
missions:n.任务; v.给…交代任务; (mission的复数)
Does that translate , though? It sure comes in handy teaching high school. 那种经验能应用到其他工作吗 -对高中教学挺有帮助的
translate:v.翻译;被翻译;被译成;(使)转变; handy:adj.便利的;手边的,就近的;容易取得的;敏捷的;
Listen. You're a great candidate. 听着 你是个出色的候选人
The only thing you're missing is private sector experience. 你唯一缺乏的是在私人企业的工作经验
private sector:n.(国家经济的)私营部分;
Which we have to say is an important part of what we're looking for. 我们要招的人必须有私企经验 这非常重要
No, guys, guys... 各位…
And that's why we had to make a tough choice. 所以我们不得不做出了一个艰难的选择
We found someone else. 我们找到了别的人选
His background and education--he's just a better fit for us. 他的背景和学历都更适合我们
Sorry, Dan. Good luck. 对不起 丹 祝你好运
Yeah. 好吧
Of course you're not the guy. 你当然不适合了
You are such an idiot . 你真是个白痴
Sorry. 对不起