

Stop-ah! 停下-啊
Illumination ! 照明
Yeah, I'm out that Brooklyn, now I'm down in Tribeca ? 我刚刚去了布鲁克林 现在来到了三角地?
Right next to De Niro ? 然后将去德尼罗 ?
But I'll be hood forever ? 但是我会永远带着头巾 ?
I'm the new Sinatra - Yeah! 我是新一代的辛纳屈 - 耶!
And since I made it here ? 既然我可以在这里创造它 ?
I can make it anywhere ? 我就能让它遍布世界各地 ?
Yeah, they love me everywhere ? 他们对我的爱无处不在 ?
In New York - Yes, hey ? 在纽约 - 是的,嘿 ?
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of ? 这个由梦筑城的钢筋混凝土的城市里 ?
Concrete jungle:n.混凝土丛林(指高楼林立、无树木无公园因而单调沉闷的现代化城市或地区);
There's nothin' you can't do, okay ? 你可以为所欲为 OK ?
Now you're in New York... ? 因为你现在在纽约... ?
Ah, kids. 啊,小孩
Everybody loves them, right? 谁都喜欢小孩,是吧
You probably love kids. 可能你也喜欢
Hey! - I got to admit... 嘿! - 但我得承认
...I don't. 我不喜欢
That's me, by the way . I'm Max. 这就是我,我叫麦克
by the way:顺便说一下;
I'm the little dog right there, grateful I'm not being piled on by a horde of children. 就是你面前的小狗 还好没有一堆熊孩子围在我身边
piled:v.堆放;叠放;放置;装入;拥挤;(pile的过去分词和过去式) horde:n.一大群,群;游牧部落;
Wait for me! 等等我!
Ugh. Can you believe that? 我真是受不了这些孩子
Having a kid looks like fun. 有个小孩不是挺好的吗
Nah, man, it ain't fun. 错了哥们,一点都不好
I'm telling you, once the humans bring a kid home, your life ain't the same. 我跟你说人类家里有了小孩子 生活就全变啦
Seen it a billion times. 这种事儿我见得多了
It changes you. 找罪受
I'm from the Empire State, that's... ? 我来自帝国,那是... ?
Now, I thought I never had to worry about any of that, but then one day... 当然了,我以为 我也不用担心这些事儿,可后来有一天...
Ow! 哦!
...my owner Katie met Chuck . - Hey. ...我主人凯蒂遇到了查克 - 嘿
Are you okay? 你没事吧?
Oh. Uh, yeah. 哦,啊,没事
A little while later, they're married. - Hi, guys. 没过多久,他们就结婚了 -你们好
Which... it-it's great. 感觉不错
Chuck is really... he's a good guy. 查克真的是个好人
But then... 可是后来...
Aw. - ...something happened. 哦 - ...意外发生了
Katie and Chuck had a kid of their own. 凯蒂和查克有了个孩子
His name's Liam. 名字叫利安
At first, he slept all the time. 一开始,利安从早睡到晚
Dreaming about, you know, whatever it is that babies dream about. 每天就做做梦 也不知道梦到什么东西了
Who's a cute little baby? 真可爱啊
He had his place... 他睡他的觉...
You little cutie pie. 你这个小可爱
...and I had mine. ...我过我的日子
Things seemed like they were gonna be fine. 我以为一切会顺顺利利
Wha...? 啊呀呀呀
Until he started talking. 直到他开始说话了
And eventually , he started crawling . 再往后,他开始爬来爬去
eventually:adv.最后,终于; crawling:v.爬行;匍匐行进;(crawl的现在分词)
Sort of. And suddenly, my own home wasn't safe anymore. 突然间,这个家不单是我的窝了