

'"There was a time when children dreaded the night, for the sleeping hours brought visions of horror ." “曾几何时 孩子们惧怕黑夜 因为睡着了会看到恐怖的景象”
dreaded:adj.令人畏惧的,可怕的;v.惧怕(dread的过去分词); visions:n.愿景; v.想像; horror:n.恐惧;厌恶;震惊;对某事物的强烈畏惧(或憎恨);
'"The dark times when those terrible sea beasts would ravage our shores, and no ship was safe on the sea." “那些黑暗的时刻 可怕的海兽 会在我们的海岸上横行肆虐 大海上没有一艘船是安全的”
'"But thanks to the hunters, those days are over." “但多亏了猎人 那些日子一去不回了”
'"Today, these valiant warriors battle the beasts far beyond the horizon , risking their lives to rid the seas of those nightmare creatures ." “如今 这些英武的勇士们 在遥远的天边与海兽作战 为消灭那些多得数不清的 梦魇生物赌上性命”
valiant:adj.英勇的,勇敢的;n.勇士;勇敢的人; warriors:n.(尤指旧时的)武士,勇士,斗士(warrior的复数) horizon:n.地平线;(欲望、知识或兴趣的)范围; nightmare:n.恶梦;梦魇般的经历;adj.可怕的;噩梦似的; creatures:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人(creature的复数)
'"And the greatest of the hunting ships is the Inevitable--" “最伟大的猎兽船就是势不可挡号…”
'"And the greatest of the hunters is Captain Crow !" “最伟大的猎人就是克罗船长 ”
Yar! -Captain Crow! 克罗船长
I'm Captain Crow. Smelly old beast! 我是克罗船长 臭烘烘的老海兽
Who's reading this story 谁在给大家读故事
Oh my word! 老天
What's this 这是什么情况
Lights-out was an hour ago. Oh, you'll be the death of me. 一个小时前就熄灯了 你们真是我的克星
Come on. Along. Along you pop. 行了 快上床睡觉 -必须睡觉吗
And, Miss Maisie, the king and queen care for you hunter orphans out of their kindness. 还有 梅茜小姐 国王和王后是出于善心 才关照你们这些猎人孤儿
When you disobey the house rules, you disrespect them. 如果你们违反这里的规则 就是对他们不敬
disobey:v.不服从;不听话;不顺从; disrespect:n.无礼,失礼,不敬;
So we're not going to have any more attempts now, are we 所以你以后不会再犯了 对吧
Absolutely not . 绝对不会
Absolutely not:绝对不会;绝对不是;绝对不行;
Fair travels, me swabs . 一路顺风 我的船员们
swabs:n.棉签; v.(用棉签)拭抹;
And remember, live a great life and die a great death. 记住了 一定要生有如遇 死有重于泰山
Bye-bye, Maisie! 再见 梅茜
Bye-bye, Maisie! -We'll miss you! See you tomorrow! 再见 梅茜 我们会想你的 -明天见
All hands on deck ! 全体就位
All together now! 大家齐心协力
Heave away! 用力拉
Heave:n.举; v.拖;
Hold your tongues! 保持船尾平衡
Where'd you see it -Dead ahead, Jacob. 你在哪里看到的 -正前方 雅各布
Are you sure 你确定吗
Aye, a red tail. Biggest I ever saw. Just under the surface. 是的 我所见过最大的红尾 就在海面之下
Then today is the day. 就是今天了
It's the Red Bluster . 是红焰魔
I know it in me bones. 我敢确信
Birds follow it. 海鸟都在追随
We come all this way for a proper fight. -And we'll get it, me boy. 我们一路过来就是为了好好打一场 -我们会实现的 孩子
It's been 30 years since that thing took me deadlight. 那东西夺走我的眼睛已经30年了
Now I'll have me revenge . 现在我要报仇雪恨了
Aye. 是的
Well, we've passed Rum Pepper Island. 好了 我们已经过了朗姆椒岛
Rum:adj.古怪的;奇特的;n.朗姆酒; Pepper:n.胡椒;辣椒;胡椒粉;v.加胡椒粉于;使布满;
It's heading for the Dregmorr Sea. 它正朝着德格莫尔海前进
If we're gonna do battle with the greatest and most terrible thing in the sea, it's best not to wait till after. 如果我们准备 要与海里最可怕的海兽开战 最好不要拖到之后
There might not be an after. 可能它没有以后了
Haul away, all! Haul, you dogs! 各位用力拉 稳住别动
Haul:v.拉; n.大批赃物;
Captain! 船长
It's another hunting ship under attack! 另一艘猎兽船受到了攻击
It's Jim Nicklebones' ship. 是吉姆.尼克伯恩斯的船