

Mademoiselle ? 小姐
Mademoiselle Harmon, vous êtes là? 哈蒙小姐 你在吗
Mademoiselle? 小姐
Mademoiselle? 小姐
I'm coming. 来了
Jesus . ?天啊
Shit! 该死的
Je descends , tout de suite . 我马上下来
descends:下降; tout:vt.兜售;招徕;刺探赛马情报;vi.兜售;招徕顾客;拉选票;n.侦查者;兜售者; suite:n.套房;一套家具;组曲(由三个或更多相关部分组成);套装软件;
Yeah. 好吗
Fuck! 该死
Je vous en prie. 请进
Ne regarde pas. 别看了
Thank you. 谢谢
Fuck! 该死
I'm sorry. 抱歉我迟到了
What are we supposed to do with her? 我们要拿她怎么办
They're sending someone. 他们派人来了
There's hardly a scratch on her. 她几乎没有受伤
scratch:n.擦伤; adj.打草稿用的; v.抓;
It's a goddamn miracle . 这是个奇迹
goddamn:adj.该死的;讨厌的;受诅咒的; miracle:n.奇迹,奇迹般的人或物;惊人的事例;
I doubt she'll see it that way. 她肯定不会这么想
You understand, dear, your mother's passed on? 你明白吗 亲爱的 你母亲过世了
You know what that means, don't you? 你知道那是什么意思吧
'"Passed on"? 过世了
I'm sure she's gone on to a better place, and, someday, you'll get to see her again. 我相信她已经前往更美好的地方了 总有一天你会再见到她的
'" Orphaned by yesterday's collision on New Circle Road, 昨日新环城路车祸留下孤儿
Orphaned:v.使成为孤儿;(orphan的过去分词和过去式) collision:n.抵触;碰撞(或相撞)事故;
Elizabeth Harmon surveys a troubled future." 伊丽莎白.哈蒙的未来很不乐观
'"Elizabeth, nine years old, was left without family by the crash." 伊丽莎白 九岁 因为车祸而失去了家人
'"Her mother, Alice Harmon, was pronounced dead at the scene." 她的母亲 爱丽丝.哈蒙被宣布当场死亡
And the father? 父亲呢
Doesn't say. 没说
I would guess that, like most men who live around there, he was yet another victim of a carefree life. 我猜 和大多数住在那里的男人一样 他肯定也是个游手好闲的主儿
victim:n.受害人;牺牲品;牺牲者; carefree:adj.无忧无虑的;不负责的;
Poor dear. 可怜的孩子
Let's welcome her, shall we? 让我们欢迎她吧 好吗
Welcome, Elizabeth. 欢迎 伊丽莎白
Good luck to you, dear. 祝你好运 亲爱的
Here we are. 到了
This is our chapel , the domain of Miss Lonsdale. 这里是礼拜堂 朗斯代尔小姐的领地
chapel:n.小礼拜堂,小教堂;礼拜;adj.非国教的; domain:n.领域;域名;产业;地产;
How do you do, Elizabeth? 你好 伊丽莎白
I also teach etiquette to the young ladies. 我也教少女们礼仪
Mr. Fergussen, this is Elizabeth Harmon. 弗格森先生 这位是伊丽莎白.哈蒙
You're all a bunch of fucking cocksuckers ! 你们都是一群狗杂种
a bunch of:一群;一束;一堆; cocksuckers:n.狗杂种;混蛋;(cocksucker的复数)
Jolene. 乔琳
I got it. 我去处理
Jolene, that mouth will be the death of you! 乔琳 你的嘴会害死你的
Oh, fuck you, you cocksucker. - You can't yell like that. 去死吧 你个狗杂种 -你不能说这种话
In there is our classroom. You'll meet your teachers on Monday. 那边是教室 你会在周一见到你的老师
Two times six. 二乘以六
And this is our day room, where you will have all your meals, and enjoy daily socialization . 这里是客厅 你要在这里吃饭 进行日常社交
Good morning, Mrs. Deardorff. 早上好 迪尔多夫女士
Good morning, girls. 早上好 姑娘们
Home sweet home. 到家了