

Ok, now I have been sitting second session . 好的 这是第二次开庭
He gave me the last continuance , not happy, for him to get smack . 他同意给我最后延期一次 为此他很气恼
continuance:n.持续;停留;续篇;诉讼延期; smack:v.用巴掌打; n.打巴掌; v.恰好;
Listen, I gotta start with the BMC first, free willy again. 我得先处理BMC那个案子 又是暴露狂
I told Eugene I'd cover. 我跟Eugene说了我会搞定
** still going on Reynolds. Reynolds的案子
You go over her testimony ? 你看过她的证词了吗
Yeah, grandmother's too. 看了 她奶奶的证词也看了
We're doing it at 11. 我们约在11点钟
Hey, Jemmy . 你好 Jemmy
I'm gonna take one more hour without **, see if I can **.
Till nap , ** circumstances .
nap:n.打盹;短绒毛;赛马情报;v.打盹;(naps是nap的复数) circumstances:n.情况;环境;情形;(circumstance的复数)
I know, I know. 我知道 我知道
Commonwealth of Massachusetts vs. Koeman. 马萨诸塞州诉Koeman
Morning your honor, 早上好 法官阁下
you received my supplementals? -Yes, notwithstanding the mitigating circumstances, 你收到我的补充意见了吗 -收到了 尽管存在减轻处罚的情节
notwithstanding:adv.尽管,仍然;prep.尽管,虽然;conj.虽然; mitigating:adj.可考虑从轻处置的情节(或因素)v.减轻;缓和;(mitigate的现在分词)
I feel the heinous nature of this murder 我认为被告主观恶意极大
** seen little remorse by the way , compels me to accept the state's recommendation… 且表现得毫无悔意 因此我不得不采纳控方的建议...
remorse:n.懊悔;同情; by the way:顺便说一下; compels:v.强迫;
Judge, I think we're... 法官阁下 我认为...
I hereby sentence the defendant Roland Koeman to three life terms at Cedar Junction with no possibility of parole . 本庭就此判处被告Roland Koeman 三个终生监禁 在雪松监狱服刑 不得假释
hereby:adv.以此方式,据此;特此; defendant:adj.[法律]被告的;辩护的;n.[法律]被告人;被告方; Cedar:n.雪松;香柏;西洋杉木; Junction:n.连接,接合;交叉点;接合点; parole:n.语言;誓言,诺言;释放宣言;v.有条件释放,假释;使假释出狱;
The defendant is to be transferred forthwith . 被告即刻收押
transferred:v.(使)转移,搬迁;(使)调动;(transfer的过去分词和过去式) forthwith:adv.立刻,立即;不犹豫地;
Adjourned . 休庭
Hold it. 等一会
We'll certify to the SJC, don't be talking in the can like it's over 我们会向麻省最高法院上诉 不要随口乱说 好像事情已经完结了
certify:v.证明;保证; in the can:制成;杀青;摄制完成的;电影杀青;
The guy in the next cell, he's not your friend. 你隔壁监室的人 他不是你的朋友
He is looking to trade up just like you. 他随时可能出卖你 像你一样
Look at me. Look at me. 看着我 看着我
Your own mother comes to visit you, you check her ID first before even saying hello. 就算你亲妈来看你 你在核实她的身份之前都别跟她打招呼
Go away. -Just hear me out. I... 离我远点 -听我说
I've got nothing else to say. 我没什么可说的
I'm taking the heat for hearing you out. 我已经因为你挨批了
They're mad upstairs that I comped it to ten. 我把条件减到10个月 他们已经很不高兴了
You're a compassionate woman. 我知道你富有同情心
Oh, save it. 得了吧
My boss would think we might be sleeping together, isn't it? 我的上司还以为我们肯定有一腿 是吧
Ten months. 10个月
I'm gonna get the NG. 我会打成无罪的
What would your boss think then? -Oh,yeah,yeah,Well,fine. 到时候你上司会怎么想 -行 行 怎么都好
You know what? Get you acquittal . 你打成无罪好了
But whatever you get from now on , you don't get it from me. See you in there. 但是无论如何 从现在开始 我不会再让步了 庭上见
from now on:从今以后;从现在起;
Waive reading. Plead not guilty . 放弃宣读权利 无罪辩护
Waive:vt.放弃;搁置; Plead:v.申辩;恳求;乞求;(在法庭)认罪;辩护; guilty:adj.有罪的;内疚的;
Mr. Sermansky said he won't oppose OR. Sermansky先生说他不反对自我保释
This is your third time, Mrs. Holston. 你这是第三次了 Holsten先生