

The night sky is ablaze with stars... 静谧的夜空中繁星闪烁
..hundreds of billions in our galaxy alone... 单纯我们银河系里的恒星就有数千亿颗
..many larger, brighter and more majestic than our sun. 其中有些比太阳更大 更亮 也更辉煌
On the scale of galaxies and stars, the planets of our solar system are little more than grains of sand caught momentarily in the light of the sun. 从银河系和恒星的角度说 太阳系中的行星 不过是阳光偶然掠过的 一颗沙粒
scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢; galaxies:n.银河; (galaxy的复数) solar system:[天]太阳系; grains:n.谷物;颗粒;细粒;少量;一点儿;(grain的复数) momentarily:adv.随时地;暂时地;立刻; in the light of:根据,按照;当作;
But on those motes of dust, for over four billion years, great stories have played out unseen . 但是40多亿年来 这些微尘之上却写就了 许多鲜为人知的壮丽史篇
motes:n.微粒(mote的复数); played out:adj.失去影响(或作用); unseen:adj.看不见的,未看见的;未经预习的;n.(事前未看过原文的)即席翻译;
Stories of worlds born... 这是关于行星的诞生
..and worlds lost. 还有消亡的故事
Planets forged amongst the calm... 行星在沉寂平静中孕育
forged:v.艰苦干成;努力加强;假冒;制作;(forge的过去分词和过去式) amongst:prep.在…之中;在…当中(等于among);
..and the chaos . 在混沌中成形
Their destinies more entwined than we ever imagined. 它们的命运纠缠关联 超乎我们的想象
destinies:n.命运,定数,天命; entwined:vt.缠住;盘绕;使缠绕;vi.缠住;盘绕;
We know this... 我们知道这些
..because in the last few decades... 是因为在过去的数十年间
..we've sent spacecraft to all seven... 我们向太阳系中地球以外的其它7大行星
..of the worlds beyond our own. 都发射过探测器
These are the stories that they return to Earth, the stories of the planets. 我们这里要讲述的就是它们发送回地球的故事 也就是行星的故事
For the first few million years after the sun formed, there were no planets to see it rise... 在太阳诞生后的最初数百万年里 它的周围还没有行星出现
..just clouds of dust and the gas... 只有无尽的尘埃和气体
..the leftovers from the birth of the sun. 这些是太阳诞生时残留的材料
Over tens of millions of years, the dust began to stick together ... 经过上千万年的时间 这些尘埃开始慢慢结合聚集
stick together:在一起;团结一致;互相支持;
..and form the first rocks. 形成了最早的岩石
Eventually , gravity assembled the rocks to create planetary embryos ... 最终这些岩石在引力作用下 创造出了行星的胚胎
Eventually:adv.最后,终于; assembled:v.聚集;集合;收集;装配;组装;(assemble的过去分词和过去式) planetary:adj.行星的; embryos:n.胚;胚胎;人类胚胎;(embryo的复数)
..that in time formed the four closest planets to the sun. 随后催生出了距离太阳最近的4颗行星
Today, Mercury is the closest of all, enduring the sun's full glare. 如今水星成为离太阳最近的行星 承受着强烈的太阳光照
Mercury:n.[化]汞,水银;[天]水星;温度表;精神,元气; enduring:adj.持久的;耐久的;v.忍耐;忍受;持续;持久;(endure的现在分词)
Further out... 从水星继续向外
..lies Venus ... 是金星
.. chocked by a thick atmosphere . 它的表面包裹着浓密的大气层
chocked:v.楔住;用楔子垫阻(chock的过去分词); atmosphere:n.大气;气氛;气压;风格;
Then Venus's neighbour, Earth. 金星向外的邻居就是我们的地球
And farthest of all, Mars ... 4颗行星中距离太阳最远的是火星
..a cold desert world. 一个寒冷荒凉的世界
Together, they formed the only rocky so-called terrestrial planets in the solar system. 它们共同构成了太阳系中仅有的岩石行星 即“类地行星”
rocky:adj.岩石的;多岩石的;困难的;难以维持的; so-called:adj.所谓的;号称的; terrestrial:adj.地球的;陆地的,[生物]陆生的;人间的;n.陆地生物;地球上的人;
And of the four... 在这4颗行星中
..one is unique . 有一颗显得独一无二
Just look at this... 大家只要放眼四周
..and listen to it. 聆听一番
This is what a planet looks and sounds like after four billion years of evolution by natural selection . 一颗行星在经历了 40亿年的自然进化后 便有了现在的音容外貌
evolution:n.演变;进化;发展;渐进; natural selection:n.自然选择;物竞天择;
There is nowhere else in the solar system that looks and sounds like this, which is interesting, when you think about it, because all the planets and moons and are made out of the same stuff - they're carbon , nitrogen , oxygen, iron. 太阳系中再也找不到 与之相似的行星了 这一点思索起来很有意思 因为所有的行星和卫星都是由相同物质构成的 包括碳 氮 氧 铁
nowhere:v.无处; n.无处; adj.不存在的; stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: carbon:n.[化学]碳;碳棒;复写纸;adj.碳的;碳处理的; nitrogen:n.氮;氮气;
All those atoms were present in the cloud that collapsed to form the solar system, four-and-a-half billion years ago. 45亿年前坍缩形成太阳系的尘埃云里 就包含所有这些原子
atoms:n.[物]原子(atom的复数); collapsed:v.倒塌,坍塌;倒下,昏倒;坐下;(collapse的过去分词和过去式)
And yet Earth appears to be exceptional - a lone living planet in an otherwise desolate solar system. 然而地球却显得格外独特 它是荒芜太阳系中唯一一颗有生命的行星
exceptional:adj.异常的,例外的;n.超常的学生; desolate:adj.荒凉的;无人烟的;vt.使荒凉;使孤寂;
So what is it that makes this place so special? 到底是什么原因让地球显得如此特别呢
Is it fate? Is it chance? 是命中注定 还是巧合