

All right Jim your quarterlies look very good. [00:32]
quarterlies:adj.季度的,按季度的; v.按季度,[农]一季一次地; n.季刊;
How the thing is going at the library?? [00:36]
Oh I told you couldn't close it so? [00:38]
So you've come to the master for?guidance?? [00:40]
Is this what you're saying grasshopper ? [00:44]
Actually you call me in here, but yeah. [00:46]
All right, well let me show you how it's done. [00:49]
Yes, I liked to speak to your office manager please? [00:52]
yes hello this is Michael Scott, I am the regional manager of dundler Mifflin paper products. [00:54]
Just wanted to talk to you manager à manager. [01:00]
All right done deal, thank you very much sir, you're a gentleman in the scolar. [01:06]
Oh I'm sorry, ok, I'm sorry, my mistake. [01:13]
That was a woman I was talking to... she had a very low voice. [01:19]
Probably a smoker. [01:24]
So?so that's the way it's done. [01:30]
I've been in Dundler Mifflin for twelve years, the last four as regional manager [01:31]
If you want to come through here, so we have the entire floor, so this is my kingdom, as far as the eye can see, ah this is our receptionist Pam. [01:37]
as far as:至于…; receptionist:n.接待员;传达员;
Pam, Pam Pam! Pam Beesly. [01:48]
Pam has been with us for? [01:51]
for ever, right Pam? [01:53]
Well, I don't know! [01:56]
If you think she's cute now you should have seen her a couple of years ago! [01:57]
What? [02:01]
Any messages? [02:02]
Yeah, just a fax [02:05]
Pam this is from corporate . [02:08]
How many times have I told you that there's a special filing cabinet for things from corporate. [02:09]
filing cabinet:n.文件柜;档案柜;
You haven't told me! [02:13]
It's called the wastepaper basket. [02:14]
Look at that ! [02:19]
Look at that face! [02:21]
People say I'm the best boss. [02:22]
They go, "God we've never worked in a place like this before, [02:25]
I found it at Spencer Gifts. [02:38]
My job is to speak to clients on the phone about quantities and type of copier paper. [03:00]
clients:n.委托人;当事人;客户机;(client的复数) quantities:n.数量;数目;大量;大宗;(quantity的复数) copier:n.复印机(等于copyingmachine);抄写员;模仿者;
You know, whether we can supply to them whether they can pay for it and... [03:12]
I'm boring myself just talking about this. [03:25]
He still loves that after seven years! [03:36]
What? [03:59]
Nothing [04:01]
Ok, all right. See you later [04:02]
All right, take care. [04:05]
Back to work. [04:09]
Corporate really doesn't interfere with me at all, Jan Levinson-Gould [04:20]