

Hey, Grover , we're almost there. 葛罗弗 我们马上就要到了
Check out our new neighborhood . 看看我们的新社区吧
I guess it looks cool. 我看着还行
I'll tell Grammy how nice it is so she won't be worried we moved. 我会告诉奶奶这儿挺好的 这样她就不会担心我们搬走了
Aw, did Grammy tell you she was worried? 奶奶说了她很担心吗
She said she wishes we didn't have to live so far away. 她说不希望我们搬得这么远
She also wishes we weren't moving to a black neighborhood. 她还说不希望我们搬到黑人社区
I am really gonna miss your mom. - ?Okay. 我会想你的妈的 -好吧
Buddy , I-I wouldn't call it a black neighborhood. 小家伙 我可不会把这里叫做黑人社区
Really? He's black. He's black. 真的吗 他是黑人 他也是黑人
She's black. 她还是黑人
Would you look at over there? That's a palm tree. 看那 那儿有棵棕榈树
Oh, yeah, right next to that black guy. 真的诶 就在那个黑人旁边
All right, son. 好了 儿子
It's time to set up for Yardecue Day. 该为院烤日做准备了
Got to get the tables, fire up the smoker, and prep the meats. 摆好桌子 生上火 准备肉
Yeah. That sounds like a whole lot. 是啊 听上去有一大堆事要做
You'd better get busy. 你赶紧忙活起来
What's so important on your phone? 你手机这么重要吗
I know it's not looking for a job. 反正你肯定不是在找工作
It's a video talking about evolution . 是一个关于进化的视频
It says the number one key to survival is being able to adapt to change. 上面说生存的第一法则 就是要学会适应变化
survival:n.幸存,残存;幸存者,残存物; adapt:vt.使适应;改编;vi.适应;
You know, the number one key to your survival is getting your butt up and helping me stack some wood. 你现在的生存第一法则 就是赶紧站起来帮我堆柴火
butt:n.屁股;烟头;笑柄;靶垛;粗大的一端;v.以头抵撞;碰撞; stack:n.堆栈;一摞;大量;许多;v.(使)放成整齐的一叠(或一摞,一堆);
Hey, hey, Pop, look. 老爹啊
I hate stacking that wood, man. There's always spiders . 我讨厌堆柴火 那儿全是蜘蛛
stacking:n.[交]堆垛;v.堆叠,堆积(stack的现在分词); spiders:n.蜘蛛(spider的复数)
Exactly. That's why you're stacking the wood 对啊 所以才要你来堆
Six, seven, eight... 六 七 八
Sweetie, please stop counting black people. 宝贝 别再数黑人了行吗
Okay, just because there's more diversity here doesn't mean we won't get along with everyone. 好吧 虽然这里的人种和我们不同 并不代表我们就和他们合不来
Inside of all these homes are people and families that are just like us. 在这些房子里 住着的都是和我们一样的家庭
Plus, my new school where you're gonna go is super close by. 再说 你要去的新学校离也我们很近
Yes, and that's another reason why we chose this house. 对 这也是我们选择这里的原因
Grammy says that it was the only house that we could afford . 奶奶说只有这里住得起
Wow, it's like she's still here. 她还真是阴魂不散
A spider is on me! It got me! ? 蜘蛛 蜘蛛爬我身上了
It's not funny, man. 一点都不笑
You know, you are extra annoying on Yardecue Day. 每次到院烤日你都超烦人的
extra:adj.额外的:n.额外的事物:adv.额外:另外: annoying:adj.烦人的;使生气的;使烦恼的;v.使生气;打扰;骚扰;(annoy的现在分词)
Son, how can you have such a bad attitude on a day like today? 儿子啊 你今天态度怎么这么差
Yardecue Day is about bringing our community together to celebrate what makes this neighborhood special. 院烤日的意义在于让街坊四邻齐聚一堂 以此歌颂让我们社区变得特别的人
Which is? - ?Me. 是 -我
Seriously, son, our family's been in this neighborhood for generations, and the culture that we helped to create is worthy of respect. 我说真的 儿子 咱们家好几代人都住在这个社区 帮助建立的社区文化 是绝对值得尊敬的
worthy:adj.值得的; n.杰出人物;
Now you watch the firebox while I go in and season the meat. 你看好烤箱 我进去给肉调调味
Oh, boy, you mean I actually get to touch the smoker? 你是说我能碰烤台
No, you don't get to touch the smoker. 不能碰
I said watch the smoker. Don't touch the smoker. 我让你看烤台 没让你碰
I'm the only one touches the smoker. 只有我才能碰