

Oh, God. Fred, what happened? 天啊 弗雷德 怎么回事?
So, that's it? 就这样?
Motherfuck, we're destroyed. 混蛋 我们完了
No, I'll tell him. 不 我来告诉他
Someone better be dead, buddy . 你最好有人命关天的大事 兄弟
Shit. 该死
Following that, you'll interview Gerard Thompson, 接下来 你要访问杰拉德汤普森
Art Department at Vanderbilt, to discuss a recently resurfaced Van Gogh. 他来自范德堡大学艺术系 主题是讨论最近出现的梵高画作
recently:adv.最近;新近; resurfaced:vi.重新露面;浮上水面;vt.重铺路面;为…铺设新表面; Van:n.厢式货车;客货车;v.选矿;用车搬运;
I'm scheduling an hour to go over your speech for Friday night. 我给你排了一小时 来过一遍星期五晚上的演讲
to go over:复习;
I think it's gonna run over though. I'm gonna push your drinks with Jane Fonda . 不过我认为一小时不够 我会把你和简方达喝酒的时间往后推
Next up, you'll interview the senator to discuss her book on policy-making and why it's broken. 接下来 你要访问议员 讨论她那本关于制定政策… …及其问题所在的书
senator:n.参议员; policy-making:adj.决策的;决策性质的;n.决策;
And you need to do your final fitting for your gown for Friday. 然后你要最后试穿一次星期五的礼服
fitting:adj.适合的;恰当的;n.试衣;小配件,附件;v.适合,合身;试穿;(fit的现在分词) gown:v.给…穿宽大的长袍;使穿睡衣;n.长袍;长外衣;睡衣;
They're gonna bring it to the studio today. 他们今天会把礼服带到摄影棚来
And if you ever want the senator on the show again. . . 如果你想让议员再次上节目的话…
You have a parent-teacher night at Lizzy's school next week. 你下周有个老师家长见面夜 莉兹的学校
Chip's trying to get ahold of you. Something urgent . 奇普在找你
ahold:n.抓,握;adv.迎风航驶; urgent:adj.紧急的;急迫的;
Oh, my God. 我的天啊
Who died? 谁死了?
Oh, my God. Jesus , would you turn this off? 我的天 能把它关掉吗?
He's been singing about the same fucking plane crash the past 50 years. 这首坠机的歌他都唱50年了
Everybody's still dead. Time to move on. 人死不能复生 该展开新生活了
Am I right, Joe? - Yep. 我说得对吗 乔? - 对
Hey, watch the bumps . I'm doing my eyeliner . 嘿 小心地面不平 我在画眼线
bumps:碰撞(bump的第三人称单数);碰撞(bump的复数); eyeliner:n.眼线膏,眼线笔;
I'm. . . 我…
And, Alan, what is this anyway? What is this bullshit ? 还有 阿伦 这是什么?这是什么废话?
What exactly is bullshit this time? What is it? 这次又有什么问题?哪里不好?
This stupid idea that we're gonna convince the world's coal-fired power plants to invest in carbon capture without linkage . 不透过连结其他议题 就想说服全世界的燃煤电厂 让他们投资碳捕获 这想法太愚蠢
convince:v.使确信;使相信;说服,劝说; coal-fired:adj.烧煤的; invest:v.投资;(把资金)投入;投入(时间、精力等);授予; carbon:n.[化学]碳;碳棒;复写纸;adj.碳的;碳处理的; capture:v.俘虏;捕获;攻占;夺得;刻画,描述;n.(被)捕获;(被)俘获 linkage:n.连接;结合;联接;联动装置;
Oh, my God, Jesus. Can we please not have this linkage debate again? 天啊 别再争论议题连结的问题 好吗?
What? - It's not about linkage. 怎么? - 与连结无关
This is about a protest and how the town is divided. 重点是示威和镇民意见分歧
That's what this is about. - Yes, I know. 这才是关键 - 是 我知道
Who went through all the burgers ? 谁把汉堡都吃完了?
No. - Here, Joe. Have my french fries . 不 - 给 乔 吃我的薯条吧
french fries:法式炸薯条;炸土豆片;
Thank you. - They're cold, but don't complain . 谢谢 - 已经凉了 请别抱怨
How many burgers did you eat, Joe? 你吃了几个汉堡 乔?
By the way , okay, so we're gonna talk about how the town's divided. 顺便一提 我们既然要谈镇民意见分歧
By the way:顺便说一下;
But we're also gonna slip in how safe carbon capture is. 我们也可以顺便谈一下碳捕获是很安全的
What? You put it in the copy. 怎么了?是你写进稿子里的
This is not my agenda , Bradley, okay? 可我并不赞成此观点 布莱德莉 懂吗?
I'm just a liberal Harvard longhair who cut his hair short for this job. 我只是为了工作削足适履的哈佛自由派
liberal:adj.宽宏大度的; n.理解且尊重他人意见的人; Harvard:n.哈佛大学;哈佛大学学生; longhair:n.(嬉皮士之类)留长发者; adj.知识分子的;
This is a stepping-stone for me. I play by the rules. 这工作是我的跳板 我要守规矩
The truth is the truth, whether you're writing for The Bumfuck Gazette 事实如此 无论你是为街头小报撰稿
or The New York Times. - Shit. 还是《纽约时报》 - 该死
I hope we made the right turn back there. - And by the way, that was an award-worthy shoehorning of the word "Harvard" into the conversation. 刚才该右转的 - 顺便一提 对话里强行提到“哈佛” 真该给你颁奖
turn back:往回走;阻挡;翻回到;
Okay, you guys, can we please. . . 好了 能不能…
I swear, Joe. Everybody who's ever been to Harvard can make an entire conversation out of the word "Harvard, " like, "Harvard, Harvard, Harvard?" 我发誓 乔 所有去过哈佛的人 都能用“哈佛”这个词聊个不停 比如这样:“哈佛…”
Harvard, Harvard, Harvard. 哈佛…
Are we gonna keep doing this? How long is this gonna go on for ? 要一直这样下去吗?还要持续多久?
go on for:接近;
Holy shit. Mitch Kessler just got fired off The Morning Show. 老天 米切凯斯勒 刚被《The Morning Show》开除了
What? - Wait, what? What the hell happened? 什么? - 等等 什么?怎么回事?
Let me see. 让我看看