

[girl] We all wanna be the perfect family. 我们都想成为完美家庭
But who's perfect, right 但谁又是完美的呢?
Every family has its challenges, from picture day to picky eaters . (#哎呀)
picky:adj.挑剔的;吹毛求疵的;过分讲究的; eaters:n.食者;
For my family, our greatest challenge… …probably the machine apocalypse . 对于我家来说 我们最大的挑战 应该是机器大劫难吧
The last humans must be here somewhere. 最后的人类应该在这里的某处
Wait. 等等
They're coming. 他们来了
Is that a burnt-orange 1993 station wagon 那是一辆烧焦的橙色1993年旅行车?
station wagon:(美)客货两用轿车,旅行轿车;
Or is it-- -[all scream] 还是…
Who are these unstoppable warriors 这些不可阻挡的战士是谁?
unstoppable:adj.无法阻碍的;无法停止的(副词unstoppably); warriors:n.(尤指旧时的)武士,勇士,斗士(warrior的复数)
[yells] Hot! Hot! -I told you to get a lid ! 好烫! -我都叫你拿盖子了!
The dog is biting my hair! -Look out! 狗在咬我的头发! -当心啊!
[girl] There we are, warriors. 这就是我们 (史上最糟家庭)
Most action heroes have a lot of strengths. 大多数动作英雄都有很多强项
Dad, look out! -Katie, use a weapon! 爸 小心! -凯蒂 用武器!
[Katie] My family only has weaknesses. 我们一家只有弱点
[all screaming] -[grunts rapidly]
[Katie] My dad kind of reminds me of that YouTube video of the screaming gibbon monkey. 我爸有点像YouTube上尖叫的长臂猿
reminds:v.提醒;使想起;(remind的第三人称单数) gibbon:n.[脊椎]长臂猿;
[all gasping] -[tires squealing]
[Katie] Look out, robots, because we're brave… …we are hungry for action, and we're strapped in for success. 看招吧 机器人 因为我们是勇敢的 我们渴求行动 而且做好了成功的准备
strapped:adj.缺钱的; v.用带子系; (strap的过去分词和过去式)
And we have no… …idea what we're doing. 而且我们丝毫 不知道我们在干什么
And I want more
Turning all their tricks It's rotten to the core
rotten:adj.腐烂的;堕落的;恶臭的;虚弱的;极坏的;adv.非常; to the core:到心;彻底;彻底地;透顶的;
Tastes so sugary But I want more…
[Katie] I've always felt a little different than everyone else. 我一直觉得有点
different than:不同于;
So I did what any outsider would do, made weird art. 所以我做了任何边缘人都会做的事: 制作奇怪的艺术
outsider:n.外人;无取胜希望者; weird:adj.奇怪的;奇异的;离奇的;n.命运;宿命;命运女神;
Behold ! Cinema. 看好了 电影开始!
Hello, Katie. 你好 凯蒂!
[yells] -I'm alive now.
Even though I'm a hamburger, 虽然我是个汉堡
I wanna go to the big city and be a Broadway star. 但我要到大城市去成为百老汇明星
Razzle dazzle I'm a talking- 啦啦啦 我是个会说话的…
Razzle:n.旋转木马;喧闹; dazzle:n.耀眼的光;灿烂;v.使目眩;使眼花;眼花缭乱;炫耀;
Oh gosh! Why Oh, my innards ! 天啊!为什么?我的内脏!
[blows raspberry] -[laughter]
[Katie] I never fit in, for lots of reasons. 我一直无法融入 因为很多原因
But movies were always there for me. 但电影总是一直陪伴着我
All right, Aaron, you're 58 years old, you're a hardened criminal, and you got nothing to lose. 好 亚伦 你58岁 你是一个惯犯
[sirens wailing] -Oh no. It's Dog Cop . 糟糕!是狗警察
[Katie in deep voice] I'm here to bust criminals and lick my own butt . 我来打击罪犯和舔我自己的屁股
bust:n.(石或金属的)半身像; v.打破; adj.破碎; lick:v.舔;舔吃;舔着喝;掠过;轻松战胜;n.舔;一点儿(涂料); butt:n.屁股;烟头;笑柄;靶垛;粗大的一端;v.以头抵撞;碰撞;
And I'm all out of criminals. 而且我已经把罪犯抓完了
[Katie in normal voice] My parents haven't figured me out yet. 我父母还无法了解我
To be fair, it took me a while to figure myself out. 公平来说 我也花了一段时间才弄清楚自己
My little brother Aaron gets me. 我的弟弟亚伦倒是了解我
But he's got his own weird interests. 但他有自己的奇怪爱好
Hi. Would you like to talk to me about dinosaurs 嗨 你想和我聊聊恐龙吗?