

What I do requires a certain mindset . 这份工作需要一种信念
I do assignments . 我负责完成任务
Designated targets. 消灭指定目标
Some jobs need to look like accidents. 其中一些得伪造成意外
Others must cost suspicion on someone else. 其它一些则必须嫁祸他人
I select few need to select a clear message. 我从中筛选出有用的信息
Pulling a trigger is easy. 扣动扳机是很容易
trigger:n.触发器; v.触发;
The best jobs are the one's nobody ever knows you were there. 但最好的结果是 根本没人意识到你的存在
Lake of fairy pay me a visit last night. 湖中仙女昨晚来找我
Left me a big old bottle of scotch . 给了我一大瓶陈酿苏格兰威士忌
He went sprung for this scotch. 把他整得飘飘然
See ya, Henry. 回见 亨利
Why the fuck do I let you drag me into this shithole? 我怎么会答应你来这种鬼地方
You're a snob , Harry. 别抱怨了 哈里
1,100 people come through here everyday. 这每天这么多人进进出出
Aren't you remember two fellas passing through? 谁会记得我们两个人来过
Thank you. 谢谢
Of course, people might remember them. 好吧 也许会有人记得他俩
All I got in the future purpose on if I could go anywhere without them nowhere . 我以后的日子就想搞清楚一点 我是不是没了他们就活不了了
nowhere:v.无处; n.无处; adj.不存在的;
Try to get them suits to fit they look like cartoons. 那让他们穿合身点的西装 不然看起来太搞笑了
Everything went okay? 一切都顺利吗
It got done. 搞定了
You know, I'm better than you, you know. 你也知道 我比你强
That's why they give you those job. 所以他们给你派那些任务
They can't give a little to Harry because... 他们不会考虑交给我
If they were get to Harry, then you would take care of it... 因为如果交给我 还得让你去善后
and that's all they care about. 他们只关心这些
Services, rendered , no loose ends. 一步到位 不留烂摊子
rendered:v.使成为;给予;提供;回报;递交;(render的过去分词和过去式) loose:adj.宽松的; v.释放; v.松散地; n.放纵;
Fait accompli . 这我无法改变
Fait accompli:n.既成事实;
You're a goddamn machine. 你就是台杀人机器
You see things. If you people ... 你很有洞察力 如果你这样的人
Differently than I do differently than anybody does. But you got a problem, Arthur. 和我不同 和其他人都不同 那你就有个问题 亚瑟
You do need companionship . - I have you, Harry. 你需要个同伴 -我有你 哈里
Then, you are in deeper shit than I thought. 那你比我想得还要糟
So, how's Steven? 斯蒂文怎么样
Did I tell you I got him a job at a private security firm? 我有说过 我给他在私人保安公司找了份工作吗
They kicked him out last month. 他上个月被人炒了
He hit some guy half to death. 他把人家打得半死
Goddamn disappointment. 恨铁不成钢啊
It always has been. It always will be. 以前是这样 现在也是这样
Call him. 给他打个电话
Me, call him? For what? 我打给他? 为什么
He probably needs to hear from you. 他也许需要你的鼓励
Let's go. I got your money. 走吧 我给你拿钱去
Come on. Dance with me. 来 和我跳舞吧
Come on, please. 来嘛 求你了
Are you hungry? 你饿了吗
Sure. 当然
I gotta go. - Okay. 我得走了 -好吧
You ever gonna tell me your name? 你都不告诉我你叫什么吗
Arthur. 亚瑟