

Who gives a toast at her own wedding? 谁会在自己的婚礼上致祝酒词呢
toast:n.干杯; v.为…干杯;
I mean, who does that? 我是说 谁会那么做啊
Who stands in the middle of a ballroom after three glasses of champagne on a completely empty stomach... 谁会站在舞厅中央 往空空如也的胃里 灌下三杯香槟
ballroom:n.舞厅;跳舞场; champagne:n.香槟酒;香槟酒色;
and I mean completely empty because fitting into this dress required no solid food for three straight weeks. 我是说 空得不能再空 因为为了塞进这条裙子 要整整三周不能吃固态食物
Who does that? 谁这么想不开
I do. 是我
This day is perfect. 今天是完美的一天
It's like a dream... 就像做梦一样
or a nightmare if you're my father. 如果你是我爸的话 那可能是个噩梦
'"How much for the flowers?" 这些花多少钱
'"Who eats mushroom caps?" 谁会吃蘑菇啊
'"Do the caterers have any idea what the Jews just went through a few years ago?" 这些厨师到底知不知道 几年前犹太人经历了什么
Two cakes, one for eating. 两个蛋糕 能吃一个
We're very happy. 我们就很开心了
This day has been long in planning. 这一天我们筹备了很久
Anyone who knows me knows I plan. 认识我的人都知道我是怎么计划的
At 6 I decided Russian literature would be my major. 六岁时我就决定大学专业是俄罗斯文学
At 12 I found my signature haircut. 十二岁时我找到了最适合我的发型
At 13 I announced 十三岁时 我宣布
I was going to Bryn Mawr College. 我要去布林茅尔学院
In Katharine Hepburn's old room. 就在凯瑟琳 赫本住过的宿舍
From Day 1 I knew that decision was a charmed one. 从第一天起 我就知道 那是个令我心醉神迷的决定
charmed:adj.让人心醉的,迷人的; v.吸引; (charm的过去分词和过去式)
? Did you say ? ? 你可曾说过 ?
? I've got a lot to learn? ? ? 我将漫步知识的海洋 ?
First of all , my roommate Petra was friendly and fat, which was perfect. I'll have someone to eat with who won't steal my boyfriend. 首先 我的室友佩特拉人好又胖 这太好了 我们能一起吃饭 又不怕她抢我男友
First of all:adv.首先;
It smells so good. 闻起来真棒
The campus was old and elegant , with ivy- covered buildings and stained glass windows and... 校园古老而优雅 藤蔓爬满墙 彩色玻璃窗 还
campus:n.(大学)校园;大学,大学生活;校园内的草地; elegant:adj.高雅的,优雅的;讲究的;简炼的;简洁的; stained glass:na.有色[彩色]玻璃;
Monogrammed butter pats . 印花的黄油
Monogrammed:adj.有交织字母的;有花押字的; pats:n.拍打;一小块黄油;v.(喜爱地)轻拍;(pat的复数和第三人称单数)
What? 什么
This was a magical place where butter was beautiful and I would solve the mysteries of the universe and meet brilliant women, kindred spirits who would explore this brave new world with me. 真是个令人着迷的地方 有着漂亮的黄油 而我将在此探寻宇宙的奥秘 结识杰出的女性 志趣相投的人 她们将与我一同探寻这美丽新世界
kindred:adj.同类的;血缘的;同族的;n.家族;相似;亲属关系; explore:v.探索:探测:探险:
Ooh! My God, it's burning. 哦 天哪 痛死我了
It's supposed to. It's bleach . 本来就这样 这是漂白剂
supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式) bleach:n.漂白剂;v.(使)变白,漂白,晒白,退色
It's awful. I hate you for this. 太可怕了 都怪你给我弄这个
It was your idea. - Never listen to me. 这是你的主意 - 再也不要听我的了
I'm nuts. 我真是疯了
Why aren't you in pain? 为什么你不痛
I'm from Kansas . 我可是从堪萨斯来的
I don't know what that means. 我不知道那是什么意思
How much longer? - Ten minutes. 还要多久 - 十分钟
Jiminy Crickets . 受不了了
Jiminy:int.天啊(表示温和的惊讶所用感叹词); Crickets:n.[昆]蟋蟀(cricket的复数形式);