

? From the day we arrive on the planet ? ? 从那天我们 来到这世界 ?
? And blinking Step into the sun ? ? 张开眼 去拥抱阳光 ?
? There's more to see than can ever be seen ? ? 世界很大 总有新的风景 ?
? More to do than can ever be done ? ? 每一天 总有新的挑战 ?
? There's far too much to take in here ? ? 生命旅程 等你了解 ?
? More to find than can ever be found ? ? 未来的奥妙 待你体会 ?
? But the sun rolling high ? ? 当那旭日东升 ?
? Through the sapphire sky ? ? 划过蔚蓝天空 ?
? Keeps great and small on the endless round ? ? 天地万物 随日夜变换 ?
? It's the circle of life ? ? 这生命的循环 ?
? And it moves us all ? ? 你我在其中 ?
? Through despair and hope ? ? 失望与希望 ?
? Through faith and love ? ? 爱与信仰 ?
? Till we find our place ? ? 终会有一天 ?
? On the path unwinding ? ? 找到你的方向 ?
? In the circle ? ? 生命循环 ?
? The circle of life ? ? 是生生不息 ?
? It's the circle of life ? ? 生命的循环 ?
? And it moves us all ? ? 你我在其中 ?
? Through despair and hope ? ? 失望与希望 ?
? Through faith and love ? ? 爱与信仰 ?
? Till we find our place ? ? 终会有一天 ?
? On the path unwinding ? ? 找到你的方向 ?
? In the circle ? ? 生命循环 ?
? The circle of life ? ? 是生生不息 ?
Life's not fair... 命运 真是不公平
is it, my little friend? 你说是吧 小东西
While some are born to feast ... 有的生来不愁吃喝
others spend their lives in the dark, begging for scraps . 有的却活在阴暗的角落里 讨些残羹剩饭
The way I see it... 在我看来
you and I are exactly the same. 你和我 其实是一样的
We both want to find a way out. 我们都在寻找出路
The king approaches ! 国王驾到
approaches:v.靠近,接近; n.方式,方法,态度;
This is not a drill. 这不是演习
His Majesty has requested an audience. 陛下要找你严肃地谈谈
Upon his entrance, you will rise and genuflect . 待会他进来的时候 你必须起身向他行礼
Zazu... 沙祖
you've made me lose my lunch. 你害我的午餐跑掉了
You will answer to Mufasa for missing the ceremony this morning. 你最好向陛下解释清楚 早上为什么不去参加仪式
I answer to no one. 我不需要解释
Scar? 刀疤
Scar. 刀疤
Scar? Scar. Scar. 刀疤 刀疤 刀疤
No, no. Don't look at me like that. 好了 够了 别那样看着我
Are you hungry, Zazu? 你饿不饿 沙祖
Perhaps we could have a bite together! 要不要 一起吃顿饭
You can't eat me! It is forbidden to eat a member of the king's court! 你不能吃我 这是违法的 你不能吃荣耀王国的大臣
forbidden:adj.禁止的; v.禁止; (forbid的过去分词和过去式)
Ow! No, please! Stop it! 不 求你了 停止
Scar! 刀疤