

Uh, yeah, no. I mean, you people called me. 对 不是 你的人先打给了我
I'm returning your, uh--shh. 我是在回电话... 别吵
Yeah, yes, I am. 对 就是我
I do--I--that's me. 没错 就是我
I'm sorry. 很抱歉
Well, are you the same person that I was just talking to? 刚刚通电话的人就是你吗
Seriously, I don't have the reference number. 我都说了 我真不记得编号
When mommy was single and 20, she used to use quarters for this. 你妈我20岁单身的时候 几十美分就搞定了
But now she has to put money into a machine to get a card to put into another machine. 现在还得往机器里投钱 买到卡之后再放进另一个机器
Oh, goddamn it! Come on! 该死的 快点啊
..broke, and the entire basement was flooded. ...破产了 整个地下室都被水淹了
Crazy. - I know. The water was totally up to our knees, and Ben's exercise shit that he never uses, the washer and dryer . 天啊 -是啊 水都淹到了我们的膝盖 本的那些从来不用的锻炼器械 洗衣机和烘干机都淹了
washer:n.[机]垫圈;洗涤器;洗衣人; dryer:n.烘干机;[助剂]干燥剂;
I'm--I'm actually at a laundromat right now. 我现在正在自助洗衣店里呢
Can you-- I don't know. 你能不能... 我不知道
Can you squeeze me in at 5:00 or something? 能不能把我排到5点
Yeah, I-- - Let me check. 对 我... -我看一下
Hold on. 等等
Oh! Flippy thing. There's a button, a red but--yeah. 你可真能哭 有个按钮 红的 对
Honey. Shh. 亲爱的 别哭了
It's OK, baby. Shh. Shh. 没事了 不哭了 乖
It's a red, uh, button with a, um... 是个红色的按钮...
Oh, my God. Just press it in with a pen or something. 我的天哪 你就拿笔捅一下吧
Oh. It's perfect. 简直了
It'll start back up. 应该会重启
start back:v.突然退缩;动身返回;
OK, I'm in the car right now. 好 我这会在车上
Can you make the formula ? I'm gonna be home in... 你能帮宝宝弄点吃的吗 我一会就回去...
formula:n.公式; adj.(赛车)方程式的(指赛车要符合规定的体积,重量及汽缸容量等);
Sam? 萨姆
Sam? 萨姆
Sam? 萨姆
Sam? 萨姆
Sam? 萨姆
Daddy! 爸爸
Where's my daddy? 我爸爸呢
Sam? - What's going on? 萨姆 -发生什么事了
Daddy! 爸爸
Sam! 萨姆
Sam! 萨姆
Where are you? - See, he was buckled right into that car seat! 你去哪里了 -我明明把他放在后座上的
buckled:adj.有扣的; v.用扣子把…扣紧;
He was right here! 明明就在这里
He was right in the car seat there! - Daddy! 刚刚还在后座上的 -爸爸
Where are you, Sam?! 你在哪里啊 萨姆
Sam! Where is he?! He was right in there! I don't understand! 萨姆 你去哪里了 刚刚还在的 怎么回事
Please call the police! Call 9-1-1! 快点报警 快打911
Daddy! 爸爸
Sam! Sam! Sam! 萨姆 萨姆
Sam! 萨姆
Saa-aam! 萨姆啊
9-1-1. What's your emergency ? 这里是911 请问出了什么事
My son's missing. He was.. 我儿子失踪了 他之前还在...
9-1-1. What's your emergency? 911 请问出了什么事