

Many strange tales are told of this Jungle ... 这片森林里有许多离奇的故事
but none so strange... 但最离奇的
as the tale of the cub we call Mowgli. 就是我们叫他毛克利的人孩的故事
You must be the very worst wolf I've ever seen. 你绝对是我见过的最差劲的狼
Yeah, but if that branch didn't break, I would've made it. 可是要是那根树枝没断 我应该能逃掉
Crossing upwind , breaking from your numbers. 逆风而动,脱离族群
If you can't learn to run with the Pack... 如果你不学会跟狼群一起行动
one of these days, you'll be someone's dinner. 你会变成别人的盘中餐的
How'd we do? - Not Mowgli, again. 我们怎么样 - 不算,毛克利
He's never gonna make the Council . - Let's go! 反正他也进不了议会 - 我们走
Race you to the top! 去地狱议会
It was higher ground. 我占据了制高点
Wolves don't hide in trees. 狼是不会躲到树上的
I can't keep up with them, Bagheera. 我跟不上他们,巴希拉
keep up with:赶得上;和…保持联系;
I tried. I just picked the wrong tree. 我尽力了,可惜我爬错了树
It was a dead tree. 那是棵死树
How was I supposed to know it was dead? 我怎么知道它是死是活
It had a fig vine . 那树上有无花果藤
fig:n.无花果 vine:n.藤;葡萄树;藤本植物;攀缘植物;vi.长成藤蔓;爬藤;
Any tree girdled by a creeper is either dead or close to it. 凡是被匍匐枝缠绕的树 不是死了,就是快死了
girdled:n.腰带;围绕物;妇女紧身褡;vt.围绕;绕…而行;用带子捆扎; creeper:n.爬行者;[植]匍匐植物;定速运送器;
These are things a wolf must know. - Yeah. 这些都是狼必须要知道的 - 是啊
But if the branch didn't break, I would've made it. 要是那根树枝不断 我应该能跑掉
I realise you weren't born a wolf but couldn't you at least act like one? 我知道你不是生下来就是狼 你不能表现得像一点吗
When I found him many years ago... 很多年前 当我发现他的时候
he was just an infant , abandoned in the woods. 他只是个被遗弃的森林里的婴儿
infant:n.婴儿;幼儿;未成年人;adj.婴儿的;幼稚的;初期的;未成年的; abandoned:adj.被抛弃的放纵的;v.抛弃;丢弃,离开;放弃;(abandon的过去分词和过去式)
Get the deer! 抓住那只鹿!
If he was going to survive... 我很清楚如果他想活下来
I knew he needed a people. 就必须得有个族群
A people to protect him. 一个可以保护他的族群
That's why I entrusted him to the wolves. 所以我就把他托付给了狼群
Look well, wolves. 不错,伙计们
Akela was a just and noble leader. 阿克拉是个公正,高尚的首领
He allowed Mowgli to dwell among them, all those years. 他一直允许毛克利跟族群生活在一起
The trouble was, wolves grew so fast... 但问题是小狼们长速惊人
and Mowgli... 可毛克利呢
let's just say he liked to take his time. 这么说吧 他长得真可以说是不缓不慢
Mowgli, pick me up high! 毛克利,把我举高高吧
My turn! - Stop. Not now. 轮到我了 - 别这样,现在不行
It was Raksha who raised him. 拉克莎把他抚养长大
She was the only mother he ever knew 她是毛克利认为的母亲
Come on, let's play! - I don't feel like playing, Gray. 到我了,来吧,我们一起玩吧 - 我不想玩,科雷
Come on, you're my brother. You have to play with me. 你是我的兄弟,必须得跟我玩
Let's go chase some mice. 我们去追老鼠吧
How did it go? 今天怎么样
Caught me again. 他又抓住我了
If it's meant to be... 如果这是注定的
it will be. 就一定会发生
Let me hear the Law. 背一遍法则我听听
'"This is the Law of the Jungle "as old and as true as the sky. 本法则是森林法则 如上苍一般古老正确
'"The Wolf that keeps it will prosper ... 遵循的狼将繁荣昌盛
'"but the Wolf that breaks it will die. 违反的狼必招致灭绝
'"Like the creeper that girdles the tree trunk... 似匍匐植物缠绕树干
girdles:n.束腰紧身衣; v.围绕;
'"the Law runneth over and back. 森林法则也左右不宁