

Is this on? -That's fine. 这个开了吗? -就这样
I can break through walls, I just can't... 我会穿墙破壁 却不会...
break through:突破;突围;有重要创见;
That's fine. -I can't get this on. 就这样 -却不会玩这个
Mr. Incredible ... Do you have a secret identity ? 神奇超人... 你有保密的身份吗?
Incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; identity:n.身份;同一性,一致;特性;恒等式;
Every superhero has a secret identity. I don't know a single one who doesn't. 每个超级英雄都有保密的身份 我还不知道有谁不是这样
Who wants the pressure of being super all the time? 谁愿意一直承担当超人的压力呢?
Of course I have a secret identity. 我当然有保密的身份啦
Can you see me in this at the supermarket? Come on. 你以为会在超市里看见我穿成这样? 得了
Who'd want to go shopping as Elastigirl, know what I mean? 谁愿意用弹力女侠的身份去买东西 明白我的意思吗?
Superladies, they're always trying to tell you their secret identity. 那些女超人 总是想把自己的 保密身份告诉你
Think it'll strengthen the relationship or something. 她们觉得可以这样来套近乎
I said, "Girl, I don't want to know about your mild-mannered alter ego or anything like that." 我就说: 姑娘 我不想知道你那温柔的另一面
mild-mannered:adj.温良恭谨的;温柔的; alter ego:n.第二自我;至交;知己;挚友;
I mean, you tell me you're a super-mega-ultra-lightning-babe, that's all right with me. I'm good. I'm good. 我是说 你告诉我你是 宇宙无敌超级霹雳小甜甜 那就行了 我很满意 很满意
No matter how many times you save the world, it always manages to get back in jeopardy again. 不管你多少次拯救世界 它总是又会陷入危机
Sometimes I just want it to stay saved, you know? 有时候我真想叫它消停一下 明白吗?
For a little bit. I feel like the maid. "I just cleaned up this mess . 只要一会儿 我觉得自己像女佣一样 我刚刚把这里收拾好
Can we keep it clean for ten minutes?" 咱们就不能让它干净个十分钟吗?
I could get to that point. 我能理解
'"Please?" -We're not finished. 劳驾? -还没结束呢
Sometimes I think I'd just like the simple life, you know? 有时我觉得我就喜欢平平淡淡 的生活 你明白吗?
Relax a little and raise a family. 稍微休息一下 安心养家
Settle down? Are you kidding? I'm at the top of my game! 退隐江湖? 你开玩笑吧? 我正在兴头上呢!
I'm up there with the big dogs! Girls, come on. 我可是跻身大人物的行列! 姑娘们 来吧
Leave the saving of the world to the men? I don't think so. 把拯救世界的工作让给男人? 我可不同意
I don't think so. 我可不同意
We interrupt for a bulletin . 现在插播一条新闻
interrupt:v.中断;打断;插嘴;妨碍;n.中断; bulletin:n.公告,公报;vt.公布,公告;
A high-speed pursuit between police and armed gunmen is underway , traveling northbound on San Pablo Ave. 警方正在飞车追捕持枪歹徒 他们沿圣帕布洛大道向北行驶
pursuit:n.追求;追赶;追捕;跟踪; underway:adj.进行中的;起步的;航行中的;n.[公路]水底通道; northbound:adj.北行的;向北方的; Pablo:n.帕布鲁棕色;
Yeah, I've got time. 好啊 我有时间
Mr. Incredible. 神奇超人 神奇超人
What is it, ma'am? -My cat, Squeaker , won't come down. 怎么了 太太? -我的猫 小喳喳 不肯下来
Certainly. I suggest you stand clear. There could be trouble. 好的 建议您站远点 可能有麻烦
No, he's quite tame . 不会 他很乖的
Let go now. 快放手
Thank you, Mr. Incredible. You've done it again. 谢谢你 神奇超人 你又成功了
You're the best. -No, I'm just here to help. 你是最棒的 -不 只是刚好来这儿帮忙
All units. We have a tour bus robbery ... 各单位注意 发生了观光巴士抢劫案...
Tour bus robbery. I've still got time. 观光巴士抢劫案 我还有时间
Officers. Ma'am. Squeaker. 警官 太太 小喳喳
Cool! Ready for take-off ! -What the...? 酷! 准备出动! -这是...?
Who are you supposed to be? -I'm IncrediBoy. 你到底是谁? -我是神奇小子
What? No. 什么? 不对
You're that kid from the fan club. 你是那个追星族俱乐部的孩子
Brophy. Brody. Buddy ! Buddy ! 布洛菲 布洛迪 巴迪! 你叫巴迪!
My name is IncrediBoy. 我叫神奇小子
I've been nice, I've stood for photos, signed every scrap of paper you pushed at me... 我一直对你们很和气 跟你们合影 在你们给我的每张纸上签名 可这...
No, don't worry about training me. I know your moves, crime fighting style, favorite catch phrases, everything! 啊 不用费心训练我 我知道你的动作 打击犯罪的风格 最喜欢的口头禅 我全知道!
I'm your number one fan! 我是你的头号崇拜者!
Hey! Hey, wait! 喂 喂 等一下!
You know... 你知道...