

Are you okay? Is she all right? 你没事吧 她还好吗
Come on, come on, baby. 下车 宝贝
Come here, honey, come here. Let Mommy check you. 来 让妈妈看看你有没有事
Come here. Come over here. 来 过来
Is it your head? Did the car go bump ? 是头撞疼了吗 车颠吗
It's okay. 没事了
All right. You've gotta take her. Okay? 好了 你得带她快走 明白吗
Go...It's about two miles north. - No, no, no. 快走 大约往北走两英里 -不 不行
He said someone's gonna meet us. 他说过有人会在那里接我们
All right, go with Mommy. - What about you? 乖 跟妈妈一起走 -那你呢
What about you? - No. No, no, it's all right. You go. Go! 那你怎么办 -不 没事 快走
Run, run, run! Run, run! 跑 跑 快跑啊
I'll be right behind you. - Come on. Here we go. 我马上就跟过来 -快 快走
Faster. Watch your step. 快点 当心脚下
Careful. 当心
Watch the road. 看着路
Go to the left, honey. 往左转 宝贝
Come on. Go quickly. 快 快走
Go left. Here you go. 往左转 就是这里
Do you see her? 你看到她了吗
She went that way. 她往那边跑了
Stay here, hon. Stay there. 待在这里 宝贝 躲起来
Come here, honey. Good girl. 快来 乖孩子
We're gonna hide right here. Quick, quick, quick. 我们躲在这里 快 快点
Put your head down. Good girl. 头低下 乖孩子
Now be very quiet, okay? 千万别出声 知道吗
Be quiet. - Check behind that tree. 别出声 -看看那棵树后面
Mommy? 妈妈
Quiet, baby girl. 别出声 宝贝
Quiet. 别出声
I don't see her. 我没看到她
Pull up around there! 那边的人都过来
Here we go. Good girl. Good girl. 快走 乖孩子
Mommy! 妈妈
Mommy, they're coming! - Move! 妈妈 他们追来了 -快追
Stop her! 拦下她
We got her! - No! 我们抓到她了 -不要
Mommy! - No! No! No! 妈妈 -不 不要
Take her! - No! Hannah! No! Please! 抢走她 -不要 汉娜 不要 求你了
Please don't take her! Please don't take her! No! 求你别抓走她 求你不要抓走她
No! No! - Mommy! 不 不要 -妈妈
Stop it! No! Please! No! No! 住手 不 不要 求你了
No! No! No! No! Please! 不 不要 求你了
Mommy! - Please don't... 妈啊 -求你不要...
No! 不要
A chair. 一把椅子
A table, a lamp . 一张桌子 一盏灯
There's a window with white curtains, and the glass is shatterproof . 一扇挂着白窗帘的窗户 玻璃是抗震防碎的
But it isn't running away they're afraid of. 但他们害怕的不是我们逃走
A Handmaid wouldn't get far. 一个侍女是跑不远的
It's those other escapes. 是其他的逃离方式
The ones you can open in yourself given a cutting edge . 利用尖锐物在自己身上开个口子
cutting edge:n.(刀片的)刃口;尖端;前沿;adj.先进的,尖端的;
Or a twisted sheet and a chandelier . 或是用床单挂在吊灯上吊死
twisted:adj.扭曲的; v.使弯曲,使扭曲; (twist的过去分词和过去式) sheet:n.薄板;床单;纸张;报纸;v.覆盖;展开;给…铺床单;铺开;adj.片状的; chandelier:n.枝形吊灯;