

The Good Wife S01E01 《傲骨贤妻》第一季 第一集
Good morning. 早上好
An hour ago, I resigned as state's attorney of Cook County . 一小时前 我辞去了库克县州检察官职务
resigned:adj.逆来顺受的;顺从的;v.辞职;辞去(某职务);(resign的过去分词和过去式) attorney:n.律师(尤指代表当事人出庭者);(业务或法律事务上的)代理人; County:n.郡,县;
I did this with a heavy heart 我心情沉重
heavy heart:沉重的心情;心情沉重;忧伤的心;
And a deep commitment to fight these scurrilous charges. 将与那些诽谤性指控抗争到底
commitment:n.承诺;投入;保证;许诺; scurrilous:adj.下流的;说话粗鄙恶劣的;无礼的;
I want to be clear. 我要强调
I have never abused my office. 我从未滥用职权
abused:v.滥用(以致危害健康); (abuse的过去分词和过去式)
I have never traded lighter sentences for financial 我从未因钱色贿赂
Or sexual favors. 而给人减刑
At the same time , I need to atone for my personal failings 但是 我愧对妻子艾丽西娅和两个孩子
At the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时; atone:vt.赎罪;弥补;偿还;vi.弥补;赎回; personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词; failings:n.失败; prep.如果没有…; adj.失败的; v.失败;
With my wife, Alicia, and our two children. 我要向他们赎罪
The money used in these transactions was mine... 那些交易所涉款项 是我个人财产
And mine alone. 全都是
No public funds were ever utilized . 我从未动用公款
funds:n.[会计]资金,现金(fund的复数);基金;v.资助(fund的三单形式);提供资金; utilized:adj.被利用的;v.利用(utilize的过去分词);
But I do admit to a failure of judgment in my privity with these women. 但我承认 我与那些女人确实存在不正当关系
judgment:n.判断;裁判;判决书;辨别力; privity:n.私下知悉;共同利益关系;
Alicia and I... 我和艾丽西娅
Ask that the press please respect our privacy . 请求媒体尊重我们的隐私
Give us time to heal . 给我们时间平复伤痛
With the love of god, and the forgiveness of my family, 有上帝的保佑和家人的宽恕
I know I can rebuild their trust. 我相信能赢回他们的信任
I want to thank the people of Chicago. 我要感谢芝加哥民众
It has been an honor to serve you. 很荣幸为你们服务
And I pray that one day, 我希望有朝一日
I may serve you again. Thank you. 能再次为你们服务 谢谢
Sir! Are you still involved with prostitutes , sir? 请问你和妓女还保持着关系吗
involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词) prostitutes:n.卖淫者;妓女v.滥用才能;出卖肉体(prostitute的第三人称单数和复数)
How many were there, sir? 你与多少女人有染
Will you ever try to hold public office again? 你还会再担任公职吗
Sir! Answer the question! 请回答
We have interviews set up with the Tribune and Channel Four. 已经安排了《论坛报》和第四频道的采访
interviews:n.面试; v.对(某人)进行面试(或面谈); Tribune:n.护民官;讲坛;看台;公民权利保护者;
Absolutely not . I'm not doing any more interviews. 我绝对不再接受任何采访
Absolutely not:绝对不会;绝对不是;绝对不行;
I want you to cancel all of them. That's it. 全都给我取消
I'll tell Channel Two 我会告诉第二频道
We don't have a comment at the present time. 我们现在无可奉告
But we emphatically question the authenticity of this thing. 但就此事的真实性深表怀疑
emphatically:adv.着重地;强调地;断然地; authenticity:n.真实性,确实性;可靠性;
You all right? 你没事吧
Mrs. Florrick, how long have you known 福瑞克夫人
Your husband was having an affair? 你何时知道丈夫有外遇的
How are you going to protect your children? 你打算怎么保护你的孩子
Excuse me, isn't the staff meeting at 9:30? 请问 不是9点半开会吗
You're in the wrong conference room. It's up one floor. 不是这间会议室 在楼上呢
God... 天啊
This is a major class action . 这是一项大型集团诉讼
class action:集体诉讼;
A case that could propel us to the top rank of full service firms, 能帮我们奠定顶级律所的地位
And I don't think I need to remind you 这对年终奖金的影响
What that will do to your year-end bonuses. 不用我多说了吧
Anyway, Sheffrin-Marks fired their last firm 不过 谢弗林公司解聘了上一家律所
Because they took their eye off the ball. 是因为他们不够专心
So, until further notice, 所以 除非另行通知
Your personal lives have been cancelled. 你们的私生活全都取消了
So, we'll need some of you 你们有些人
To help out with the lower profile client work 要去帮着处理小客户案件
profile:n.轮廓;简介;形象;外形;v.扼要介绍;概述;写简介; client:n.[经]客户;顾客;委托人;
To free up our top litigators . 让我们的顶级律师腾出手来
Ed, you take the witness prep on highway redistribution . 艾迪 公路再分配案你去准备证词
witness:n.证人;目击者;证据;v.目击;证明;为…作证; prep:n.预备;预习;准备功课;v.上预备学校;作好准备; redistribution:n.[经]重新分配;
Don, you take the Brighton criminal. 东 布赖顿的犯人交给你了