

Mister? 先生
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to San Jose International Airport . 女士们先生们 欢迎来到圣何塞国际机场
Help! 救命
Adam?! - Oh, my God! 亚当 -天啊
Adam?! 亚当
Somebody call 911! 快打911
Oh, my God! 天啊
I'm a doctor, let me take a look. Let me take a look. 我是医生 让我看看 让我看看
His jugular vein 's been cut. 他的颈静脉被割破了
jugular:adj.颈静脉的;颈部的;咽喉的;n.颈静脉; vein:n.血管;叶脉;[地质]岩脉;纹理;翅脉;性情;vt.使成脉络;象脉络般分布于;
Does anyone have a clean cloth? 谁有干净的布
Please. Someone! 拜托了 谁有
I have a fresh change of clothes in my bag. 我包里有干净的换洗衣服
That's great. 可以
You're killing him. 你这是在害他
I'm saving his life. He was bleeding out. 我在救他 他快流血而死了
N-- You have it in the wrong place . 不 你放错地方了
in the wrong place:不合适的地方;
I think I remember enough of Anatomy 101 to know where the jugular vein is. 我还没忘记解剖学入门章节 知道颈静脉在哪
You would be in the right place if he were an adult. 他如果是成年人 你就找对地方了
He's not an adult. He is a boy. 但他还没成年 他还是个孩子
Which means you're also putting pressure on his trachea . 就是说你也按住了他的气管
Which means he's not currently breathing. 就是说他现在没法呼吸
You have to put the pressure higher up. 你得压迫上面一点的位置
There. ? 这里
Some glass. He'll be fine. 一块玻璃 他会没事的
Who are you? 你是谁
Hello. I'm Dr. Shaun Murphy . 你好 我是肖恩.莫菲医生
I'm a surgical resident at San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital. 圣何塞圣文德医院的外科住院医师
surgical:adj.外科的;外科手术的; resident:adj.居住的;住院医师;定居的;n.居民; Bonaventure:n.中世纪帆船上第四桅杆上的帆;
in communicating and using language and abstract concepts. 和抽象概念障碍为特征的精神状态
abstract:n.摘要; adj.抽象的; vt.摘要; vi.做摘要;
That's the definition . 这是定义
Does it sound like I'm describing a surgeon ? 这样的人也能当外科医生
describing:v.描述;形容;把…称为;做…运动;(describe的现在分词) surgeon:n.外科医生;
He's not Rain Man. 他不是「雨人」
He's high functioning, he's capable of living on his own, capable of managing his own affairs. 他是高功能自闭症患者 能自食其力 也能处理好自己的事
'"High functioning"? 「高功能」
Is that our new hiring standard ? 这是我们的招聘新标准吗
If it were, you wouldn't be here. 要是的话 你就不会在这了
I'm sorry. Is this really necessary? Really? 抱歉 真的有必要这样吗
A special meeting of the Board of Directors - as much as I love you all - questioning one of my hiring decisions? 虽然我很乐意见到你们 但有必要为质询我的一个聘用决定 召开董事会特别会议吗
Did you bother to look up the definition of "President" 你们翻字典时有劳驾查过
while you were skimming the dictionary? 「院长」这个词的定义吗
You're hiring him to be a surgical resident - my department -- over my objections . 你是聘他来我的科室做外科住院医生 却无视我的反对
Marcus, stop making everything so personal . 马库斯 别掺杂个人情绪
I made it personal? 我掺杂个人情绪
You've wanted his job since day one. 你从上班第一天起就想要他的职位
Everyone in this room knows that. 在座各位都知道
And, Aaron, yes, this is your hospital. 亚伦 没错 这是你的医院
But the money it takes to run it comes from the Foundation I control. 但医院的运转资金来自我管理的基金会
So let's all play nice, shall we? 所以都和气点 好吗
Stop acting like you're stunned that you're standing there. 别站在那里表现出一副很震惊的样子
stunned:adj.震惊的; v.使昏迷; (stun的过去分词和过去式)
You tried to slip one past us. 你也震惊到了我们