

Henry, it's time. 亨利 是时候了
Which one did you say moved? 你刚刚说看见哪个蛋动了
The one on the left. 左边那个
You're a POPPa 你当爸爸了
You're a momma . 你当妈妈了
You little sneak . Hello, Libby. 你个淘气包 你好啊 莉比
sneak:v.溜; n.鬼鬼祟祟的人; adj.暗中进行的;
Libby. 莉比
Hello, Buck . 你好啊 巴克
He's got your eyes. 他的眼睛像你
Get out of there, you little prickle bush . 一边玩去 你个小捣蛋
prickle:n.刺; vt.针一般地刺; vi.引起刺痛; bush:n.灌木; v.以灌木装饰; adj.如灌木般长得低矮的;
All right, this is gonna be a big one. 好吧 看来这是个大个子
Hello, Arlo. 你好啊 阿洛
Come on out. 出来吧
Look at you. 瞧瞧你
Buck! 巴克
That's Clawtooth Mountain. And this is our farm. 那是爪牙峰 这儿是我们的农场
And we're all gonna take care of it together. 我们要一起来打理好它
What? -Gotcha! 是谁 - 整到你啦
Libby! 莉比
Gotcha back! 哈哈 总算喷到你了
Momma, I'm done watering. 妈妈 我浇完水啦
Good job, Libby. Buck, get back to your chores. 干得不错 莉比 巴克 还不快去干活
What? -Thanks, Buck. 什么 - 谢啦 巴克
But I... I... 但是 我 我
You're all set. 全都装好啦
Can't I do something else, Momma? 我能干点别的活吗 妈妈
Get 90mg- -Okay. 去吧 - 好吧
Who is that? 谁在那
Hey, Eustice. 嗨 尤斯蒂斯
You stuck, little guy? 你被缠住了吗 小家伙
Let me get that for you. You're free. 我来帮你 现在好啦
Hello, move. Go find your poppa and your... 去吧 去找你的爸爸和你的...
Momma! 妈妈
Whoa. The river's not something to mess around with there, Arlo. 哇哦 河边可不是你能随便过去玩的 阿洛
mess around with:瞎搞;乱动;与…勾搭;
Be careful. What's the problem? 小心一点 怎么了
Poppa, Henrietta is the worst one in the coop ! 爸爸 鸡舍里的亨丽埃塔最坏了
coop:vt.把…关进笼子里; vi.值勤警察在警车里打瞌睡; n.鸡笼;
Yesterday you said Footless Fran was the worst. 昨天你才说独脚的弗兰是最坏的
She's only got one foot. 她只有一只脚
You don't have to like 'em, Arlo. You just have to feed 'em. 你不用非得喜欢它们啊 阿洛 只要把它们喂饱就好了
That should do it. 那样就行了
Now, this will keep them rotten critters from stealing our food because I made this silo 100% critter-proof. 这样 那些该死的野人就不能偷走我们的食物了 我建造的这个粮仓百分百能防住他们
rotten:adj.腐烂的;堕落的;恶臭的;虚弱的;极坏的;adv.非常; critters:n.生物;小动物(critter的复数形式); silo:n.筒仓;青贮窖;飞弹发射井;vt.把…存入青贮窖;把…储存在筒仓内;
Put your mark on there, Henry. You earned it. 印上你的标记吧 亨利 这是你应得的
Yeah, Poppa, do it! Come on! -Yeah! 对啊 爸爸 快点快点
Only if your momma does it first. 那得你们的妈妈先来才行
If anyone's earned a mark around here, it's her. 如果说谁最有资格在这印上标记的 非她莫属
Did you just put your mark higher than mine? 你是不是把标记印得比我的高了
What? No. It's just the angle you're looking at it. 啊 没那回事 只是你的角度问题啦
The "angle," huh? 角度问题 嗯?
Me too! My turn! -Me, me, me! My turn! 我也要 我也要 轮到我了 - 该我了
Now hold on. It's not that easy. 等一下 这可没那么容易
You've got to earn your mark by doing something big. 你们得干出一番大事才能有资格留下标记
For something bigger than yourself. 超越自我的大事
Someday you'll all make your mark and I can't wait to see it. 总有一天 你们都会印上标记的 我期待那一天的到来
That is how you clear a field. Attaboy , Buck. 清理田地就得这样 干得不错 巴克