

To understand what I'm about to tell you, 想听懂我要讲的故事
You need to do something first. 你得有所准备
You need to believe in the impossible. 你得相信一些不可思议的事
Can you do that? Good. 你能做到吗 很好
You see that red blur ? 看到那红色的影子了吗
That's me. 那是我
That too. 那也是
There I am again. 还是我
My name is barry allen. 我叫巴里 艾伦
I am the fastest man alive. 我是世上速度最快的人
My story is pretty simple. 我的故事很简单
My whole life, I have been running. 我一生一直都在奔跑
Usually from bullies . 通常是因为被欺负
Sometimes I escaped. 有时我逃脱了
Sometimes I did not. 有时被逮着
Tell me what happened. 告诉我发生了什么
Those guys were picking on kids 那些家伙欺负人
Just 'cause they thought they weren't cool. 就是因为他们觉得不爽
It wasn't right. - I know. 这不对 -我明白了
I guess I wasn't fast enough. - No. 我想该怪我跑得不够快 -不
You have such a good heart, barry. 你有一颗善良的心 巴里
And it's better to have a good heart than fast legs. 善良之心比飞毛腿好得多
Hello. I'm home. 有人在家吗 我回来了
Barry got into a fight. - Oh, yeah? 巴里打架了 -噢 是吗
And he won. 而且打赢了
Ah, way to go, slugger . 噢 干得漂亮 猛男
Oh, and uh, no more fighting. 噢 我是说 不许再打架了
Mm-mm. 嗯 嗯
But after that night, 但在那晚之后
I was running from something much scarier. 我奔跑是为了逃避一些更恐怖的东西
Something I could never explain. - Henry! Henry! 一些我永远无法解释的东西 - 亨利 亨利
Something impossible. 一些不可思议的东西
Help! 救命
Mom! Mom! - Barry, don't! 妈妈 妈妈 - 巴里 别过来
Mom! - Don't let him touch you! 妈妈 - 别让他碰你
Mom! 妈妈
Mom! 妈妈
Nora! - Stay back! 诺拉 - 呆远点
Nora, hold on! 诺拉 坚持住
Run, barry, run! 跑 巴里 快跑
Mom? 妈妈
Dad? 爸爸
Sorry. 抱歉
Second robbery this week. 本周第二件抢劫案
The teller I.D.'d clyde mardon as the shooter. 目击者称劫匪是克莱德 马顿
What? 什么
Oh, jeez, the mardon brothers are back? 噢 天哪 马顿兄弟回来了吗
What do we got? 发现了什么没
Perps took the bank, shot out the cameras, 劫匪抢劫银行 破坏了摄像头
And as a chaser , killed the security guard over there. 顺便还杀死了那的警卫
chaser:n.驱逐舰;猎人;饮烈酒后喝的饮料;[机]螺纹梳刀; security guard:保安人员;
I've got unis kicking in doors 我让联合国信息服务处的人去挨家挨户调查
Of known mardon brothers associates . 与马顿兄弟同伙有关的人
associates:n.同事; v.联想; (associate的第三人称单数和复数)
Csi been over it? 犯罪现场调查科的人来了吗
Uh, no. 呃 没有
Where's allen? 艾伦哪去了