

No way! - Yeah. 不会吧 - 没错
This is the Cuban spirit. 古巴精神
Dom. 多姆
You know I can't make a living without my car. 你把我的车拿走 我靠什么吃饭呐
make a living:谋生,维持生活;
Not my problem, bro. 这可不怪我呦
Dominic Toretto, I heard about you. 多米尼克.托雷托 久闻大名
Welcome to my island. 欢迎来到我的地盘
Why you hookin' up my cousin's car? 干嘛扣我表弟的车
He needed money, I gave it to him. 他手头紧 我借钱给他
He can't pay, I take the car. 他还不上 那我就把车拿走
I just need a few more days. 再宽限我几天就行
'"Few more days" wasn't part of the deal. 当初可没说要宽限
Come on. You make a deal, you gotta live up to it. 得啦 按约定 说到做到
live up to:不辜负;做到;实践;
You make a deal, you gonna live up to it. 既然有约定 做不到也得做
'"Gonna" live up to it? 别过分啊
Oh, so you're one of those types. 你玩的都是套路
You take everyone's ride, and then ship it back to the States? 先搞定别人的车 再转运回美国 对吧
You watch your mouth. 说话小心点儿
Now you got a problem. 你这可是找不痛快了
I'm gonna keep it about the cars. 我现在不谈人只谈车
You want a car, get it the right way. 想要车 得光明正大
How? 怎么着
Race for it. 飙一把试试
I already own it, bro. 车已经是我的了 老兄
Not that car. 不赌那辆车
Mine. 赌我的
Dom, his car is the fastest car on the island. 多姆 他的车可是岛上最快的
Do you know what he has under that hood? 知道他装了什么吗
He knows it doesn't matter what's under a hood. 知道他车里装什么并不重要
The only thing that matters is who's behind the wheel . 真正重要的是谁来把握方向盘
You think so? 是吗
I know so. 那还有假
Then race his car. 那就赌他的车
And we ain't racing no quarter-mile, here. 我们在这儿不跑四分之一英里
We race the Cuban mile. 按古巴这里的长度来跑
Done. 成交
I appreciate what you're trying to do, but my car is the slowest car on the island. 我 我很感激你挺身而出 但我的车 是岛上最慢的车
Was. 现在不是了
Pull the seats, the doors, the battery ... 把座椅 车门和电池都拆掉
If it ain't the motor, take it off. 除了发动机之外 剩下的都不要
Laughing gas ? 一氧化亚氮吗
Laughing gas:na.[化]笑气;
Nah, Fed. This is Cuban NOS. 不 费南多 这是古巴版的氧化亚氮
You guys are crazy. 你们真是疯了
What are you doing? 你 你这是干什么
Poor man's turbo . 山寨版涡轮
Pull the vacuum line and hold on. 把真空管路拉起来 接好
vacuum:n.真空; adj.真空的; v.用真空吸尘器清扫;
Old trick that Buster used to play, in case of emergencies . 都是老司机的老把戏
You know that's way too much boost for that engine. 你知道这发动机承受不了那么大劲儿
It's gonna be fast. 这不是要快嘛
It's gonna be a bomb. 可能会爆缸
Only needs to go a mile. 跑完全程就够了
Are you ready for this, my family? 准备好了吗 我的家人
This is Havana ! 这里是哈瓦那
Be fast. 开快点儿