

(Armored Prison Transport) (运送囚犯的装甲火车)
We have recaptured the fugitive 我们抓回了逃犯
recaptured:vt.夺回; n.夺回; fugitive:adj.逃亡的;无常的;易变的;n.逃亡者;难捕捉之物;
We're returning the prisoner now 我们在返回监狱的途中
(Denzali Prison) (邓扎里监狱)
Lucky ring's on 幸运戒指戴上了
I feel so much safer 这让我感觉很有安全感
Raving ! We are coming in high 喔…我们来啦
Hold on! 抓稳了!
Clear! 安全!
Let's go! 我们走吧
What's the hold up? 磨蹭什么呢?
Nothing,we are on our way 没什么,我们这就走了
Let's go! 走啦!
Your dude's tripping 你朋友真烦人
Doc! 医生!
Forget this! Evacuate ! 别管他了,咱撤吧
I'm not leaving him! 我们不能丢下他
Doc! 医生!
Bomb! 要炸啦!
Oh,you just screwed up on me, ah? 你他妈的把我害惨了,不是吗?
After 8 damned years 他妈的8年了
damned:adj.该死的; v.该死,混账; (damn的过去分词和过去式)
What's up with that? 怎么回事?
You know black house prision doesn't officially exist 你知道,黑房子监狱在官方地图根本不存在
I just got the location from a guy named "Church" 一个名叫“丘奇”的哥们把你的位置给我的
An agency spook 一个间谍机构
agency:n.代理,中介;代理处,经销处; spook:n.鬼;幽灵;vt.惊吓;鬼怪般地出没;vi.受惊;
Excuse me? 什么?
The agency's official , relax ! 别紧张,这个机构是官方的
official:adj.官方的;正式的;公务的;n.官员;公务员;高级职员; relax:v.放松,休息;松懈,松弛;变从容;休养;
I think you're the timebomb, man 兄弟,我觉得,你是定时炸弹
What a wast of life 真是浪费生命
You made one damned mistake 你犯了个该死的错误,害得我这样
Was it a mistake? 那是个错误?
You stupid,if you've done that to me,i would chapter you into pieces 你个笨蛋,如果你对我那样,我就把你大切八块
You would try! 你试试!
Hey,you wanna thank the guys? 你应该感谢这些兄弟吧?
The guys? 兄弟?
Where are our guys? 我们的兄弟呢?
Pema? Wutzby? 佩玛?伍兹比?
Gone 没了
Dead gone? 死了?
Yeah 是的
Heard you kill more people than the plauge 听说你比瘟疫杀的人还多
How about that? 那又怎么样?
Why they call you "Dr Death"? 为什么他们叫你“死亡医生”?
Used to be a medic 曾经是一名医生
But that was a long time ago 但那是很久以前的事了
So why did you get locked away? 为什么他们把你锁起来?
Tax evasion 逃税
Tax evasion:n.偷税;漏税;(非法)逃税;
So you're all this left expendables ? 敢死队就剩下你们几个了?
We are it 是的,就我们几个
We started with 5 敢死队创立的时候是5个人
Built up to 22 最高峰22人
I see Barney is still hanging the tags up there 我看到巴尼仍然把胸牌挂在那边
tags:n.标签; v.附加;
See that Jingling sound that tags' making? 你听到胸牌发出的叮当声了吗?
That's remind that our… brothers are still here 那是在提醒… 我们的兄弟都还在这里