

Up! 起来
Still doesn't not want to talk? 还是不肯说吗
Very well! 好吧
You will die a brutal death. 你会死得很难看
Keep this sucka steady , Toll ! 你给我开稳一点 托尔
steady:adj.稳定的; v.使稳定; v.稳定地; n.关系固定的情侣; Toll:n.伤亡人数; v.(缓慢而有规律地)敲(钟); (尤指)鸣(丧钟);
I'll do my best. 我尽力了
Here we go! 开始吧
Come on, you bastards ! 来吧 混蛋
Eat shit! 去死
You better duck! 你最好蹲下
Oh, shit! 噢 见鬼
Turn around... 掩护
Break! 分头行动
Watch your handling, slick ! 小心碰头 混蛋
slick:adj.光滑的; n.[机]平滑器; v.灵活地; v.使光滑;
Shut up, Gunner . 闭嘴 贡纳
Gunnar love it! 爽到家了
Incoming chopper ! 有直升机
Incoming:n.进来;收入;adj.新当选的;新任的; chopper:n.[电子]斩波器;斧头;切碎机;vt.用直升机运送;vi.乘直升机飞行;
We gotta get this thing outta here! 得把那玩意儿打下来
You got any ideas? 打下来 你有主意吗
That's what I'm asking you. 我在问你呢
Well I'm asking you! 我还想问你呢
Clear! 安全
I got this. 我去
Think you're tough? Did your team arrive? 不肯说是吧 那就去死吧
Toll Road, get 'em up. 托尔 扶他起来
Trench ? 战壕
Oh, this is embarrassing . 噢 真是太丢人了
embarrassing:adj.令人尴尬的; v.使尴尬; (embarrass的现在分词)
Yeah, sure is. 丢到家了
What's he doing here? 他来这儿干嘛
Saving this Chinese billionaire . 我来营救那个中国富豪
Oh yeah? That's funny. So are we. 噢 是吗 有意思 我们也是
Looks like we're in a sketchy problem, aren't we? 看来我们接了同一个任务 对吗
Cut me loose ! Frankenstein . 快帮我解开 科学怪人
loose:adj.宽松的; v.释放; v.松散地; n.放纵; Frankenstein:n.毁灭创造者自己之物;作法自毙的人;
Don't get nuts, Gunner. 别生气 贡纳
Do it. 解开吧
Where's your team? - Waiting. 你的团队呢 - 在等我
I need a weapon, something big. Yours! 我需要武器 大家伙 这个不错
My big weapon's hangin' right where it is. 我的大家伙不会借给别人的
Come on, Caesar , you got a back-up . 行了 你还有把备用的
Caesar:n.凯撒(罗马皇帝);暴君;人间的主宰;剖腹产手术; back-up:n.备份;adj.作支援的;v.为…做备份;
If I don't get this back, your ass is terminated . 你敢借了不还 我就终结了你
In your dreams . 你想得美
In your dreams:做梦去吧;
Trench, We've got a way out. 你跟我们一起走吧
Thanks, I got my own. 谢谢 我自有办法
Let's get you out of here, pal. 我们带你出去 伙计
Hey look, I hate to break up the bromance . 听着 我不想打扰你们两个
We're 20 seconds late. 可我们晚了20秒
Get money bags up! 快带大款出去
A 'thank you' would be nice. 连谢谢都不会说
I hate owing you. 我不想欠人情
What'll you do, big boy? 你已经欠了 伙计
Let's go, Yang! 我们走 阴阳
You in? 你赢了
Of course, I'm in. 那还用问
Let's go! 快走
I'm out. 我也上去