

Don't shoot me. 别开枪
Who is that? 谁在那里
There's your money, release the hostage 钱给你 把人质放了
release:v.释放;发射;让与;允许发表;n.释放;发布;让与; hostage:n.人质;抵押品;
How much in there? - Three - 有多少 - 3
You're too late. We want five million dollars 太晚了 现在我们要500万美元
Wha'da ya know, a greedy pirate 死到临头 还这么贪
greedy:adj.贪婪的;贪吃的;渴望的; pirate:n.海盗;盗版;侵犯专利权者;v.掠夺;翻印;剽窃;
Last chance, take it or leave it 再说一遍 拿还是不拿
We want the money... now! 我们现在就要钱马上
Warning shot- No!- 给你们点颜色看看 -不
A little low 低了点
I'll kill him, I swear I will kill him 我发誓我会杀了他的
Drop your guns! 把枪放下
Not a chance - Yeah, that'll happen - 门都没有 - 没错
Last chance, let the hostages go or you're outta there 最后机会 把人质放了 我们就放过你们
Bring the money here to me, Cocoa face 先把钱给我 快点
I'll take the four on the left 左边四个交给我
Why don't you take the two on the right leave the rest alone 你怎么不杀右边那两个 其他别管
I'll kill them all, I don't care 我要杀了他们的 我才不管他们死活
You should take the two on the right, you're not that fast anymore 你该杀右边两个 你身手可没那么快了
The only thing faster is light 比我快的只有光
We'll see 走着瞧吧
Bullets are faster than the blades 子弹永远比刀快
Bullets:n.子弹;弹丸;(bullet的复数) blades:n.刀身;刀片;刀刃;叶片;桨叶;桨身;(blade的复数)
Bring the money here! Now! 快把钱扔过来
Want money? 想要钱吗
Go and Get It 过来拿啊
What's that? 什么东西
It's a text 一条短信
Excuse me? 你说什么
Kill him! 杀了他
I call that a tie - Come on, you're dreams - 打了个平手 - 少来 别做梦了你
These guys are rest of development 这些家伙真是帮原始人
A little compassion , folks 有点同情
Ya' know, I don't think you hit one of 'em 我猜你一个都没干掉
I don't see any knives actually 我也没见到任何刀伤
How you guys doin? 你们搞完了吗
What the hell is he doin? 他在搞什么
Hanging a pirate - Don't be rediculous 吊死海盗 - 别开玩笑
Gunner ! What are you doing? 加纳 你在干吗
Hanging a pirate 吊死海盗
He's seriously demented 他真的疯了
demented:adj.发狂的,疯狂的; v.精神错乱; (dement的过去分词和过去式)
This is not good - You're on your own - 这可不太妙 - 你自己搞定
Apreciate it, it's good to have friends 多谢你们的支持 可真够朋友
Gunner 加纳
Yeah? 什么事
This is not the way we work Let him go 那不是我们的风格 把他放下来
Why? He'd do it to us 为什么 他对我们开枪了
Gunner, last chance Let him go or we let you go 加纳 再说一遍 把他放下来 我就不怪你
It's good to hang pirates 吊死海盗可没错
We don't kill like that 我不会那样杀人
Yeah? Not polite enough? 是吗 不够绅士是吧
Let him go, Gunner - How are you a partner? - 放开他 加纳 - 你怎么样 邦尼
Very Good 还不错
My partner here kicked me with steel tipped boots, can you believe that? 我差点被弹片打死 你信吗