

In seeking his British nationalization , His Royal Highness . 为了取得英国国籍
seeking:v.寻找;寻求;谋求;争取;(向人)请求(seek的现在分词) nationalization:n.国有化;同化,归化; Royal Highness:n.(用作王室成员的尊称)殿下;
Prince Philip of Greece and of Denmark 丹麦与希腊菲利普王子殿下
renounces his Greek nationality... - Here, sir. 宣布放弃希腊国籍... -这里 殿下
And all foreign titles. 以及所有外籍头衔
And, from henceforth , he will be known as Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten, Royal Navy . 自此之后 他的称谓为 皇家海军的菲利普.蒙巴顿上尉
henceforth:adv.今后;自此以后; Lieutenant:n.中尉;副官;助理人员; Navy:n.海军;深蓝色的;
And here. 还有这里
Philip Mountbatten... 菲利普.蒙巴顿
I... 我...
I... 我...
I... 我...
I grant you and the heirs , male of your body, lawfully begotten , the dignities of Baron Greenwich , 我授予你格林威治男爵头衔 梅里奥尼思伯爵和爱丁堡公爵头衔
grant:v.授予;允许;承认;同意;n.拨款;[法]授予物; heirs:n.[法]继承人;继承者(heir的复数形式); lawfully:adv.合法地;守法地; begotten:v.产生(beget的过去式); dignities:n.尊严;高贵; Baron:n.男爵;大亨;巨头; Greenwich:n.格林威治
Earl of Merioneth and Duke of Edinburgh . 以及最高勋位嘉德勋位的皇家骑士称号
Duke:n.公爵,(公国的)君主;公爵(种)樱桃; Edinburgh:n.爱丁堡(英国城市名);
And Knight Companion of our Most Noble Order of the Garter . 你的合法男性继承人亦承此殊荣
Knight:n.(中世纪的)骑士;(英国)爵士(其名前冠以Sir);v.封(某人)为爵士; Companion:n.同伴;伴侣;陪伴;手册;v.(与…)同行;(跟…)搭伴儿去; Noble:adj.高尚的;贵族的;惰性的;宏伟的;n.贵族; Garter:n.(通常为弹性的)袜带;v.用袜带系紧;授给…嘉德勋位;
Congratulations. - Thank you, sir. 祝贺你 -感谢您 陛下
Well done . - Thank you. 做得不错 -谢谢您
Well done:好样的,干得好;
And? 如何
They got through it. I got through it. 仪式结束了 我应付过去了
I think they'd have preferred a nice, pink-faced marquis with a grouse moor in the Scottish Borders. 我想 他们更希望是一个性格平和 在苏格兰边境有块松鸡场的的欧洲侯爵
preferred:v.较喜欢;喜欢…多于…;(prefer的过去式和过去分词) marquis:n.(法)侯爵;世袭贵族(等于marquess); grouse:n.松鸡;雷鸟科的猎鸟;怨言;vi.埋怨; moor:v.系住;使停泊;n.沼泽;荒野;
Are you sure you wouldn't have preferred one of those? 你确定你不想要那样的丈夫吗
Someone with a grand title, rather than a homeless Charlie Kraut ? 身份高贵 而不是我这个无家可归的德国佬
That would have all been very antiseptic . 那生活就太无聊了
Must you really smoke? You know how I hate it. 你一定要吸烟吗 你明知我很讨厌别人吸烟
Pity. Because I love it so very much. 真遗憾 我非常喜欢
But, like a great many other things, I'm going to give it all up for you. 但我会为你戒烟的 如同我为你放弃其他事情一样
a great many:很多,许多;
Well, you still have 24 hours to change your mind. 接下来的24小时内你还能改变主意
You think I can change my mind after all that? 都到这一步了 你觉得我还能反悔吗
No. Too late. 不行 木已成舟
I've signed myself away. - Or won the greatest prize on Earth. 我都签字放弃国籍和头衔了 -或者说签字得到了地球上最棒的奖赏
That's certainly what they think. 他们肯定也那么想
Sir. 殿下
It's what I think, too. 我也是这么想的
Watch out. 照顾好自己
See you tomorrow. 明天见
Try and get some sleep. 好好睡一觉
You too. 你也是
A naval officer's stag night ? Chance would be a fine thing. 在海军军官的婚前单身派对上吗 怕是没有机会了
naval:adj.海军的;军舰的; stag night:n.男子婚前夜(常与男性朋友一同度过);
Thank you. 谢谢你
Question for you both. 问你们俩件事
Spot of blood in my spittle yesterday morning. 昨天早上我的唾液里有血沫
Ought I be concerned ? - Well, I'm not a doctor, sir. 我该为此担心吗 -我不是医生 陛下
If it's just specks , sir... - It was. 陛下 如果只是一点血沫的话… -是就一点
It's probably just the cold weather. Gets right to the back of the throat. 可能是因为天气太冷 冷空气刺激到喉咙后部了
Cold weather. That's what I thought. 我也这么想 因为天气太冷了
The carriage will be cold too, Peter. 马车上也会很冷 皮特
I've arranged for there to be hot water bottles, sir. 陛下 我已经安排人放热水瓶在马车上了
Oh, well done. 很好
Oh, for Christ's sakes , James! 天呐 詹姆斯
You're making bloody hard going out of this collar ! 你怎么连个领子都戴不好
bloody:adj.血腥的;血淋淋的;v.血染; collar:n.衣领;领子;箍;(动物,尤指狗的)颈圈;v.抓住;捉住;揪住;逮住;
Sorry, sir. Nearly there. - You're doing it on purpose ! 抱歉 陛下 马上就好了 -你是故意的
on purpose:有目的地,故意地;
Now, sir, we're not going to let something as small as a collar agitate us, are we? 陛下 别让领子这种鸡毛蒜皮的事烦扰自己 好吗
No, thank you, James. Sir, eyes front. Chin up. 不用了 谢谢你 詹姆斯 陛下 目视前方 抬起下巴