

Guy? 盖伊
Guy. You've got to go! 盖伊 你必须得走了
Guy, it's okay. - No! 盖伊 没关系的 -不
Son, the tar is rising. You've got to go. 儿子 焦油越来越高了 你必须得走了
No, not without you! 不 我不要丢下你们
Don't look at us. Look behind you. 不要看我们 看你的身后
Do you see the light? You need to follow that light, okay? 看到光明了吗 你得沿着光明前行 好吗
Don't stop. Don't hide. 不要停下 不要躲藏
Follow the light, and you'll find Tomorrow. 沿着光明前行 你会找到明天
'"Follow the light." 沿着光明前行
Travel log . Guy here. 旅行日志 我是盖伊
It's been 14 moons since the mission began. 自出发那天起已经看到了14次月亮
Following the light, but no sign of Tomorrow yet. 我沿着光明前行 但还没找到明天
Travel log. It's been 29 moons. 旅行日志 已经29个月亮了
Still no sign of Tomorrow. 还是没有明天的迹象
I did find this little fellow. 我倒是找到了这个小家伙
He's all alone, just like me. 他跟我一样 孤身一人
He's a good lookout . 他很擅长瞭望
I'm thinking of calling him "Watch." 我在考虑叫他 望望
Travel log. It's been 54 moons. 旅行日志 已经54个月亮了
Seventy-three moons. 73个月亮
A hundred and ten moons. 110个月亮
Two hundred moons. 200个月亮
Travel log. It's been... 旅行日志 已经
a lot of moons. 很多月亮了
All the moons. 那么多月亮
Still no sign of Tomorrow. 还是没有明天的迹象
Something's coming. Belt , disguise mode. 有东西接近 皮带猴 伪装模式
Belt:n.皮带;腰带;传动带;传送带;v.猛击;狠打;飞奔;飞驰; disguise:v.掩饰;假装;隐瞒;n.伪装;假装;用作伪装的东西;
It's a person! 那是个人
Oops. Yeah, that was me. 哎呀 没错 那就是我
Hi. I'm Eep. 嗨 我是小伊
In my defense, I had been living in a cave my whole life, and I didn't really come across other people very often, let alone ... a boy! 为我自己说句话 我这辈子都住在洞穴里 真的很少跟别人接触 更别说 男孩了
come across:偶然遇见;给人以…的印象; let alone:更不必说;听任;不打扰;
And to think, the only two teenagers in the world, and we found each other. 好好想想 我们是世界上仅有的 两个青少年 我们还找到了彼此
It's like fate brought us together. 就好像是命运把我们聚在一起
My whole family loved him... 我全家都爱死他了
...except for Dad. 除了爸爸
But eventually , Guy won him over. 不过最后 盖伊还是把他拿下了
Fire. - Fire. 这是火 -是火啊
And now we're traveling the world, searching for a perfect place to call home, a place Guy calls Tomorrow. 现在我们在环游世界 寻找一个完美的家园 一个盖伊称之为明天的地方
Tomorrow. 明天
Isn't Guy amazing? 盖伊是不是很棒
He gives me a funny feeling, like I have butterflies in my stomach. 他带给我一种有趣的感受 感觉像胃里有蝴蝶
Not just the ones I had for lunch, but other butterflies. 不只是中午吃的那些蝴蝶 还有别的
I don't know what this feeling's called, but it looks like this. 我不知道这种感觉是什么 但它像这个
And this, and this, and this! 这个 这个 还有这个
I love drawing this shape! I don't know why. 我太爱画这个形状了 我不知道为什么
It just feels right. 但感觉就该这样
Eep likes Guy. Eep likes Guy. 小伊喜欢盖伊 小伊喜欢盖伊