

With every sun comes a new day. 每每旭日东升
A new beginning. 都是崭新的开始
A hope that things will be better today than they were yesterday. 总是期冀今日之美远胜昨日
But not for me. My name's Eep. 但不属于我 我叫小伊
And this is my family. The Croods. 这是我的家人 克鲁德一家
If you weren't clued already, by animal skin and sloping forehead , we are cavemen . 如果你看到我们的兽皮和倾斜的额头 还不明白 我们是原始人
clued:n.线索;(故事等的)情节;vt.为…提供线索;为…提供情况; sloping:adj.倾斜的;有坡度的;成斜坡的;v.溢出(slop的ing形式); forehead:n.前额; cavemen:n.(史)原始人;穴居人;(caveman的复数)
Most days we spend in our cave, in the dark. 我们整日在洞穴中度日 藏于黑暗
Night after night, day after day . 日复一日 年复一年
day after day:日复一日;
Yep. Home sweet home. 真是甜蜜的家啊
When we did go out, we struggled to find food in a harsh and hostile world. 难得出洞 还得在残酷的大自然里 拼命找食物
struggled:v.奋斗;努力;争取;艰难地行进;抗争;(struggle的过去式和过去分词) harsh:adj.严厉的;严酷的;刺耳的;粗糙的;刺目的; hostile:adj.敌意的; n.敌对分子;
And I struggled to survive my family. 我还得拼命保护家人
We were the last ones around. 我们是仅存的一家了
There used to be neighbors. 曾经有很多邻居
The Gorts, smashed by a mammoth . 高茨一家 被猛犸象踩扁了
smashed:adj.大醉;v.打碎;(使)猛烈撞击;(用力)撞开;(smash的过去分词和过去式) mammoth:n.长毛象;猛犸象;庞然大物;adj.巨大的,庞大的;猛犸似的;
The Horks, swallowed by a sand snake. 霍克一家 被沙蛇吞了
The Erfs, mosquito bite. 厄夫一家 被蚊子叮死了
The Throgs, common cold . 斯洛格一家 感个冒就挂了
common cold:na.感冒;
And the Croods... That's us. 还有克鲁德一家 就是我们
The Croods made it, because of my dad. 我们活下来了 全靠我老爸
He was strong, and he followed the rules, the ones painted on our cave walls: 他不但强壮 而且遵守规则 规矩都刻在洞穴的墙上了
Anything new is bad. Curiosity is bad. 新鲜事物都很危险 好奇心也很危险
Going out at night is bad. 夜晚出门更是危险
Basically , anything fun is bad. 总而言之 有趣的事情都危险
Welcome to my world. 欢迎来到我的世界
But this is a story about how all that changed in an instant . 这故事讲的是这一切如何瞬间改变
in an instant:瞬间;马上;
Because what we didn't know was that our world was about to come to an end . 因为我们还不知道 我们的世界面临末日
was about to:眼看就要;即将;正要;行将; come to an end:v.结束;
And there were no rules on our cave walls to prepare us for that. 我们洞穴的墙上 可没有应对之法
You're supposed to wait for my signal, Eep. 你应该等我信号的 小伊
Eep. 小伊
We've been in that cave forever. 我在洞里呆够了
Three days is not forever. 三天可不算长吧
It is with this family. 和你们一起度日如年
Eep, will you come down here? 小伊 拜托下来好吗
You're being so... so dramatic . 你真是 太夸张了
No, no, no, Sandy, come back here! 别别别 仙蒂 快回来
Remember the signal. Good girls wait for the signal. 记住信号 好女孩总是等信号
Ugga! - As soon as I get Sandy, 乌格 -一抓到仙蒂
As soon as:一…就;
I'll go back in, and you can give the signal. 我就回洞里 你就可以发信号了
No. But you're already out now. 可是 你已经出来了啊
I am waiting for the signal, Dad! 我在乖乖等信号呢 老爸
Never mind , Thunk . Just come out. 没事了 桑克 出来吧
Never mind:没关系; Thunk:n.形实转换程序;
But if you don't give me the signal, how do I know you're my dad? 可如果你不发信号 我怎么知道你是我老爸
The signal isn't so you know it's me. 信号不是为了验明我的正身
It's so you know I wasn't eaten by an animal. 是为了证明我还没被野兽吃掉
Then why is the signal an animal noise? 那为何信号是野兽叫啊
I mean, doesn't that just confuse things? 那样不会产生歧义吗
I'm still waiting for the signal. 我还在等信号
Mom, we're ready to leave! 妈妈 准备出发
Mom? 妈妈