

What the fuck? ?搞什么鬼
There she is. ?她来了
Woman of the hour. - Morning. ?-风云女子 ?-早上好
Condolences . 请节哀
Thank you. Where's Joan? - I don't know. ?-谢谢 乔恩去哪儿了 ?-我不知道
Welcome back, everyone. ?欢迎大家返校
Here's a little swag from Dean Larson. ?这些赠品是拉尔森院长给的
swag:n.赃物,掠夺品;摇晃;大量;vi.垂下;摇晃,倾斜;vt.使…摇摆;用垂挂物装饰; Dean:n.院长;系主任;教务长;主持牧师;
Our first lady chair. - Woman chair. ?-我们的第一位女士主任 ?-女性主任
first lady:n.第一夫人;元首夫人;总统夫人;
Aren't you gonna sit at the head of the table? ?你不坐上座吗
Chair sits at the head of the table. ?主任应该坐在上座
Thank you, Elliot. ?谢谢你 艾略特
Don't mind if I do. ?那我就不客气了
Is this green or brown? ?这是绿色还是棕色的
Let's try this again. It's lovely to see you all. ?重来一次吧 见到大家可真好啊
In a couple of minutes, we'll know if that was right. ?再过几分钟就知道到底好不好了
Okay, first order of business-- ?好了 第一件事…
Bill's not here. ?比尔没来
Maybe we could cut him some slack , given his situation. ?考虑到他的情况 ?也许我们可以对他网开一面
Bill is sending his daughter off to college. He'll be here any minute. ?比尔的女儿要到外地上大学 ?他去送她了 随时会到
Get your shit together. ?振作起来吧
I'm gone now, and that's the way it's gonna be for the rest of your life. ?我现在要走了 你余生得自己过了
You're not… gone. ?你没走啊
Yes, I am. ?我就是走了
And what happened, happened. ?木已成舟了
The time when people were, like, leaving casseroles and whatever at the house, it's over. ?有人把做好的砂锅菜和别的东西 ?送来家里的日子 ?已经一去不复返了
Okay. Are you finished? ?行吧 你说完了吗
Yes, I'm done. - Okay. ?-完了 ?-好
I'm not gonna miss you. I'm just gonna miss this guy and this guy. ?我不会想你的 ?我只是会想念这个人和这个人
Stop. - Goodbye to you and you. ?-住手 ?-我要跟你和你说再见了
Okay. ?好了
Go. Get outta here. ?去吧 快走
Text me when you land. - Okay, stalker . ?-记得降落后发短信给我 ?-行了 跟踪狂
I'm not gonna sugarcoat this. We are in dire crisis . ?我没打算粉饰太平 ?我们陷入了可怕的危机
sugarcoat:vt.裹以糖衣;粉饰,使有吸引力;n.糖衣; dire:adj.可怕的;悲惨的;极端的; crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的;
Enrollments are down more than 30%. ?参与课程的人数下降了超过30%
Our budget is being gutted . ?我们的预算被大幅削减
budget:n.预算,预算费;v.安排,预定;把…编入预算;adj.廉价的; gutted:adj.十分伤心; v.损毁(建筑物或房屋的)内部; (gut的过去分词和过去式)
It feels like the sea is washing the ground out from under our feet. ?感觉像是大海 ? 正把我们脚下的土地冲刷走
But in these unprecedented times, we have to prove that what we do in the classroom… …modeling critical thinking, stressing the value of empathy , is more important than ever, and has value to the public good. ?但面对这种前所未有的情况时 ?我们得证明我们在课上教的内容 ?是有用的... ?...塑造批判性思维 ?强调同理心的价值 ?这比以往任何时候都重要 ?也有利于公众利益
unprecedented:adj.空前的;无前例的; critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的; empathy:n.神入;移情作用;执着;
It's true, we can't teach our students coding or engineering . ?没错 我们没法教学生编程或工程
coding:n.译码;v.把…编码;(code的现在分词) engineering:n.工程;工程学;v.密谋策划;设计制造;改变…的基因;(engineer的现在分词)
What we teach them cannot be quantified or put down on a résumé as a skill. ?我们所教授的内容是无法被量化的 ?也没有办法当作技能写到履历上
quantified:adj.量化的,定量;v.被量化(quantify的过去分词); résumé:n.(法)简历;
But let us have pride in what we can offer future generations. ?但让我们心怀自豪 ?为我们能为年轻人们提供的资源 ?感到自豪
We need to remind these young people that knowledge doesn't just come from spreadsheets or… or Wiki entries. ?我们要提醒这些年轻人 ?知识不是从电子表格或维基百科条目 ?就能轻易获取
remind:v.提醒;使想起; spreadsheets:n.电子表格;电子数据表;试算表;空白表格程序; Wiki:n.维基百科(网站名);
I was thinking this morning about our tech-addled culture, and… and how our students are hyperconnected 24 hours a day, and I was reminded of something, Harold Bloom wrote. ?对了 我今早在想 ?这被科技弄得昏头昏脑的文化 ?我们的学生全天24小时 ?都与线上世界过度连接 ?我想到了文学评论家 ?哈罗德.布鲁姆写的话
hyperconnected:超高速连结;超高速连结化;超高速结; reminded:v.提醒;使想起;(remind的过去分词和过去式) Bloom:v.盛开;开花;繁殖;繁盛;n.水华;风华正茂;霜;青春;