

It's always the same dream. 我总做同一个梦
I'm in the city... 我在纽约城
And I belong. 我属于这里
Manhattan is mine. 曼哈顿是我的
Hey, watch it! 看路
But then I always wake up the same old Carrie Bradshaw... 可醒来终归还是原来的凯莉.布莱肖
In Castlebury, Connecticut. 在康乃狄克州 凯瑟布莱
They say the key to being a writer is figuring out who you are, finding your voice. 人们说成为作家的关键 是认清自己 给自己定调
Well, that seemed to be the only thing 那个调调似乎是我那天唯一
I had found that day. 找到的东西
Where is it? Please, please. 跑哪里去了 快出来 拜托
Dorrit! 多莉特
Where's the purse ? 手提包在哪里
What purse? - Give me a break, Dorrit. 什么手提包 -别装蒜了 多莉特
You know exactly which purse I'm talking about. Mom's purse. 你知道我说的是哪个手提包 妈妈的手提包
You can't go through my stuff . Don't. 你不能翻我的东西 别动
You have pot? 你藏了大麻
Your friends smoke pot. 你朋友们都抽大麻
You're 14. - So? 你才14岁 -所以呢
So if dad finds out, he's going to kill you. 所以要是老爸发现 非杀了你不可
So you better not tell him. 那你最好别告诉他
Well, it'd serve you right if I did. 我就算告诉他 也是你活该
You're such a tattletale . 你真爱搬弄是非
I'm sorry I have a life, and you don't. 很抱歉 我生活丰富多彩 而你不是
Oh, is that why you're always spying on me, listening to my phone conversations? 所以你才总监视我 偷听我的电话吗
Do not! - Do too! 我才没有 -你就有
The year? 1984. 那年 1984年
Romance novels were all the rage . 爱情小说风靡一时
Romance:n.爱情;恋爱;风流韵事;传奇故事; novels:n.小说;(novel的复数) all the rage:非常流行;风靡一时的东西;
We had an actor for president, and most people could say they were better off now than they were four years ago... 我们的总统曾是名演员 多数人可以说现在 比四年前更幸福
Except us. 除了我们
Four years ago, we had our mom, and three months ago, we lost her to cancer . 四年前 我们的母亲还在人世 三个月前 她因癌症去世
Things were definitely not better. 显然我们没有更幸福
Give me back my purse, Dorrit! 还我手提包 多莉特
God, what the hell is going on in here?! 天呐 到底发生了什么事
She bit me! -She's going through my stuff! 她咬我 -她乱翻我的东西
We do not have time for this. 没时间争这些了
You both have to be in school in half an hour, all right? 你们俩都得在半小时内到校 好吗
Carrie, go on and get dressed. 凯莉 快去穿衣服
I know you took it. - Go. 我知道是你拿的 -快去
You can't be late on your first day. And, dorrit... 上学第一天不能迟到 还有你 多莉特
That is... way too much eye makeup . 你的眼妆太浓了
Carrie... 凯莉
You're the older one. You can't take the bait . 你是姐姐 让着点
I have teeth marks on my arm. 我的手臂上还有她的牙印
I know that Dorrit can be difficult. 我知道多莉特不太随和
But... your mom would want you two to get along. 可你妈会希望你们和睦相处
Yeah. Yeah, I know. 好 好 我知道
All right? So whatever you two were fighting about, it's not worth it. 好吗 那不管你们吵什么 都没必要
She stole mom's purse. 她偷了妈妈的手提包