

Previously on The Big Bang Theory. 《生活大爆炸》前情提要
Previously:adv.先前;以前; Bang:n.猛敲; v.猛敲; v.正好;
Dad, this is Sheldon's mother, Mary. 爸爸 这是谢尔顿的母亲 玛丽
How do you do? -Nice to meet you. 你好 -很高兴见到你
And,of course,Mom. -Hello, my hateful shrew . 当然,还有我妈 -你好,可憎的悍妇
hateful:adj.可憎的;可恨的;可恶的; shrew:n.泼妇,悍妇;
Hello to you, you wrinkled old bastard. 你也好,皱巴巴的老王八蛋
Hey,I just got an e-mail from the U.S. Air Force . 我收到了美国空军发来的电邮
Air Force:n.空军;
I'm just afraid if I respond ,then they'll know I got it. 我就怕万一我回复了,他们就知道我的项目成功了
Oh, dude .The minute you opened that e-mail,they knew you got it. 伙计,你点开邮件的那一刻,他们就知道你成功了
I mean,they're probably looking at you through the camera right now. 没准他们现在就通过电脑的摄像头监视你呢
Oh,God.I think someone's following us. 天啊!好像有人跟踪我们
Uh, turn left here and see if he turns with us. 在这左转 看他们会不会跟着转
Why is he turning here? The restaurant's the other way. 他为什么在这转弯 饭店在另一边
I don't know. He uses that traffic app.Maybe there's an accident. 不知道,他有用一款路况软件,可能前头出车祸了吧
Oh, so follow him. 那跟他走吧
Oh, no! 不好
Leonard,if you don't mind,I think I'm a little tired. 莱纳德,希望你别介意,我有些累了
I'm gonna call it a night. -Sure,Dad. 今晚就到这里吧 -当然不介意,爸爸
I'm a little tuckered out myself.Well,I will see you all in the morning. 我也有些累坏了,各位明早见
Would you like to share a cab? -That would be fine. 愿意跟我一起打车吗 -当然好
Where are you staying? - I'm at the Westin. 你在哪住 -威斯汀酒店
Well,so am I.Could I interest you in a nightcap ? 我也是,能请你喝杯睡前酒吗?
I think that you could. 当然可以
Leonard? 莱纳德
Leonard? 莱纳德
What? 干嘛
You realize you and I could become brothers. 你意识到我们有可能会成为 兄弟 吗
We're not gonna be brothers.We're not gonna be stepbrothers . 我们才不会变成兄弟,我们也不会成为继兄弟
Go to sleep. 快睡吧
I hope you're right. 希望你是对的
'Cause a grown man living with his brother and his brother's wife is weird . 因为一个老大不小的爷们跟他的兄弟,还有兄弟的老婆一起住太奇怪了
Go to sleep. -Okay. 快睡觉 -好吧
Do you think your father's doing unspeakable things to my mother? 你觉得你父亲正在对我妈做 不可描述的事情 吗?
Are you saying that because the things are unspeakable? 你这么说是因为这件事 不可描述 吗?
Your parents are old.Anything unspeakable was finished by 9:30.Go to sleep. 你们的父母都老了,任何 不可描述 的事情九点半前就搞完了,快去睡啦
Very well. 好吧
I'm sorry if this stuff is gonna make the ceremony awkward . 如果因为这事把婚礼搞尴尬了 我很抱歉
stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: ceremony:n.典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪;客套,虚礼; awkward:adj.尴尬的;笨拙的;棘手的;不合适的;
God, I thought my brother fresh out of jail was gonna make everyone uncomfortable,but now this... 我还以为我刚出狱的哥哥 会搞得大家都不自在呢,结果闹出这出...
Hey, if you want me to sleep,you're gonna have to stop talking. 你们想让我睡觉,就得闭上嘴巴啊!
Okay, I'm gonna go pick up my family. 我要去接我家人了
Like an hour and half, two hours, depending on traffic. 估计要一个半到两小时 看堵不堵
Yeah,drive safe. -Oh,hey,and do yourself a favor,all right? 小心开车 -记得千万别哪壶不开提哪壶
When Beverly gets here, do not bring up last night.All right? 贝弗莉来的时候,千万别提昨晚那事,可以吗?
As far as you're concerned ,you don't know anything, you didn't see anything.I want you just to play dumb . 你们要表现得啥都不知道 啥都没看到,反正就是装成傻逼就行了
As far as:至于…; concerned:adj.有关的;关心的;v.关心;与…有关;(concern的过去时和过去分词) dumb:adj.哑的,无说话能力的;不说话的,无声音的;
It was nice of her to show us playing dumb with an example. 她人真好 还亲自示范怎么装傻逼
What? 什么
Hi.Okay,hey there,I got...I'm sorry,I got to go now. 你好啊,我...抱歉,我有事先走了
Penny, wait. - Why? 佩妮 留步 -为什么
I wanted to thank you for going through all the trouble of planning a second wedding ceremony for me, but unfortunately I cannot attend. 我想感谢你为了我大费周章地策划了 第二次结婚典礼 但很遗憾 我不克参加
Well, why? What's wrong? 为什么?怎么了?
Wha...are we still doing the dumb thing? Okay.Why,what's wrong? 我...我们还要来装傻这招吗?好吧,为什么?怎么了?