

Stop. 够了
I'll stop if you just explain it to me, because I don't… 你不解释 我只好一直问…
Would you please just drop it? 你不能放下吗?
All right, all right. Fine, fine, fine. 好啦好啦 我懂
Consider it dropped. It's dropped. It's on the ground. 接受它 放下它 我已经放好了
Good. 很好
But, I mean, come on, everybody loves birthdays. 可是 大家都喜欢过生日啊
You got decorations , you got balloons, you got parties and cake. 会有装饰、气球、派对还有蛋糕
Look. I don't need presents, I don't want decorations, and I'm not a cake guy. 听着 我不要礼物 不要装饰 而且我也不喜欢吃蛋糕
Seriously, though, you don't like cake? 你认真 你不喜欢吃蛋糕?
Name one food better than cake. 有什么是比蛋糕还好吃的?
Guinea pig . 天竺鼠
Guinea pig:n.豚鼠;天竺鼠;荷兰猪;实验材料;
Again, with the guinea pig. 又是天竺鼠
I bet if I blindfolded you, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a skunk and a guinea pig. 要是蒙上眼睛 你肯定分不出来 臭鼬跟天竺鼠的差别
bet:n.打赌;赌注;预计;估计;v.下赌注(于);用…打赌;敢说;八成儿; blindfolded:v.(用布等)蒙住…的眼睛(blindfold的过去分词和过去式) skunk:n.北美臭鼬;v.使惨败;使得零分;烂醉如泥;
Snakes have impeccable taste buds . I can taste air. 蛇的味蕾超强 能尝出空气的味道
impeccable:adj.无瑕疵的;没有缺点的; buds:[植]芽;蓓蕾;未成熟的人(bud的复数);
Air? -Yes. Air. 空气? - 对 空气
Nice. 真美味
I don't know. They're a little, uh… 我不知道 对我来说…
They're a little cute for my taste. 它们吃起来有点太萌了
That's what makes them so delicious. 所以它们才这么好吃啊
You're not just eating food, you're eating pure goodness. 那不只是吃东西 是吃一种纯粹的美好
It's not about the pig. 重点已经不是天竺鼠
It's about what it symbolizes on a deeper level. 而是更深层的象征意义
So, you can…You can taste air? 你说 你能尝到空气的味道?
Ah. Forget about it. -What else you got? 还有呢? - 当我没说
Wait, wait, wait. Can you also hear color? 等一下嘛 你也能听见颜色吗?
All right, all right. 又要开始了
Can you see sound? -Okay. 能看到声音? - 够了
'Cause we should really be capitalizing on these skills. 我们应该要好好利用这些技能
Okay, all right, fine. 好啦 可以了
Get it all out. Get it all out now. 一次说完啊
Okay, okay. 好啦
Look at that. 4:00 p.m. 看 下午四点了
Now I know the exact moment our friendship died. 原来这就是我们友谊结束的时刻
Let's bounce . -Yep. 闪吧 - 好
Tastes like, uh, you're gonna stick me with the bill… again. 这是又要把帐单丢给我的味道吗?
Well, it is my birthday. 今天是我生日啊
So, now you play the birthday card? That's interesting. 现在你倒是拿生日当藉口了 真妙
Can we get a check, please, when you get a chance? 我们要买单 有人吗?
Hello? Checkity-check-check. 有人吗?我们要结帐了
You know what? 这样吧
We're just gonna leave the money right here, okay? 我们直接把钱放这边罗
You know the one good thing about this place? 你知道这间店有什么好的吗?
What? -We never have to wait for a table. 什么? - 永远都有位置
Well, isn't that every place? 不是每间店都这样吗?
Hey, man. How you been? I haven't seen you… 嘿 你好吗?好久不…
Snake attack! 猛蛇过江!
Oh! Mints . 薄荷糖
Sorry, folks. I'm switching him to decaf . 抱歉 我会让他改喝低咖啡因的
All right. - Let's do this. 好啦 - 动起来吧
Guinea pig, huh? 天竺鼠喔?