

The Tesseract has awakened . 宇宙魔方已经苏醒了
Tesseract:n.立方体的四维模拟;四次元立方体;超正方体; awakened:adj.觉醒的;v.唤醒(awaken的过去式);
It is on a little world, a human world. 它处在人类那微不足道的世界
They would wield its power, but our ally knows its workings as they never will. 人类觊觎它的能量 但只有我们的盟友才对它了如指掌
wield:v.拥有,运用,行使,支配(权力等); ally:n.盟友;同盟国;v.与…结盟 workings:n.作用;工作方式;操作(working的复数);
He is ready to lead and our force, our Chitauri, will follow. 他将为我们开路 我们的军队奇塔瑞 紧随其后
A world will be his. 事成之后 那个世界归他
The universe, yours. 整个宇宙 归您
And the humans, what can they do but burn? 至于人类 除了灰飞湮灭 还能有什么下场?
All personnel , the evacuation order has been confirmed. 所有人员注意 疏散命令已确认
personnel:n.人事部门;全体人员;adj.人员的;有关人事的; evacuation:n.疏散;撤离;排泄;
How bad is it? 到底什么情况?
That's the problem, sir. We don't know. 问题就是 我们也不知道
Dr.Selvig read an energy surge from the Tesseract four hours ago. 塞尔维格博士观测到 四小时前宇宙魔方能量爆发一次
NASA didn't authorise Selvig to go to test phase . NASA没准许塞尔维格进入测试阶段
authorise:vt.授权;批准;允许;委任(等于authorize); phase:n.阶段;时期;月相;(月亮的)盈亏;v.分阶段进行;逐步做;
He wasn't testing it. He wasn't even in the room. 他没在测试 他根本就不在实验室里
Spontaneous event. 这是魔方自发行为
It just turned itself on? 魔方自行启动?
Where are the energy levels now? 现在它的能量等级呢?
Climbing. When Selvig couldn't shut it down, we ordered evac. 不断上升 塞尔维格控制不了 我们就下令疏散了
How long to get everyone out? 全部撤离还要多久?
Campus should be clear in the next half-hour. 全部撤出基地还要半小时
Do better. 再快点儿
Sir, evacuation may be futile . 长官 疏散人群怕是徒劳
We should tell them to go back to sleep? 那难道让他们坐这儿等?
If we can't control the Tesseract's energy, there may not be a minimum safe distance. 如果我们无法控制宇宙魔方的能量 逃到天涯海角也躲不了
I need you to make sure the Phase 2 prototypes are shipped out. 我要你确保 所有第二阶段的原型机安全撤离
Sir, is that really a priority right now? 长官 当务之急在此吗?
Until such time as the world ends, we will act as though it intends to spin on. 不到地球毁灭那一刻 我们都得做好本职工作
intends:v.打算;计划;想要(intend的第三人称单数) spin:v.旋转;纺纱;吐丝;纺线;n.头晕;(快速)旋转;常用于英式英语;晕头转向;
Clear out the tech below. 把技术部全部撤走
Every piece of Phase 2 on a truck and gone. 所有第二阶段研究的设备全都装车运走
Yes, sir. 是 长官
With me. 跟我来
Talk to me, Doctor. 博士 情况说说吧
Director. 指挥官
Is there anything we know for certain ? 我们现在知道些什么?
for certain:肯定地;确凿地;
The Tesseract is misbehaving . 宇宙魔方处于异常状态
Is that supposed to be funny? - No, it's not funny at all. 会是虚惊一场吗? - 不 看起来不妙
The Tesseract is not only active, she's behaving. 宇宙魔方不单单是活跃 它在反应
I assume you pulled the plug . 你试过给它断电了吧
assume:v.承担;假定;采取;呈现; plug:n.插头;塞子;栓;v.塞住;用插头将与电源接通;
She's an energy source . 它是个能量源
We turn off the power, she turns it back on. 我们试图切断 它总会重启的
If she reaches peak level... 如果能量饱和...
peak:n.高峰; v.达到高峰; adj.最高度的;
We prepared for this, Doctor. Harnessing energy from space. 这不正是我们需要的吗 博士 掌握宇宙的能量
But we don't have the harness. 可我们还无法掌控
My calculations are far from complete. 我的计算还远没有完成
And she's throwing off interference , radiation. 它还不断发射干扰波 辐射
Nothing harmful, low levels of gamma radiation . 没什么大碍 低强度的伽玛射线
gamma radiation:n.γ辐射;伽马辐射;γ射线;伽马射线;
That can be harmful. 这可能就是大碍
Where's Agent Barton ? 特工巴顿在哪?
Agent:n.代理人,代理商;药剂;特工;v由…作中介;由…代理;adj.代理的; Barton:n.庄园内的农场;
The Hawk ? 鹰眼?
Up in his nest, as usual. 跟平时一样 窝自己巢里