

Those are good worms right there. 这些虫子真不错
Hey, Alex! How's the commute treating you? 嘿 艾利克斯 旅途还愉快吗
commute:v.减刑;交换;通勤;代偿;n.通勤(口语); treating:v.以…态度对待;把…看作;处理;讨论;(treat的现在分词)
Hey, I can't complain . 嘿 还不错
That never stopped him before. - Right? 他从来都不会为这个停住脚步呢 -是吧
Well, we made good time today. 我们今天时间掐得正好
Red was one of my students. 胖红曾经是我的一个学生
Not sure about the dabbing though. 就是不大理解他为什么做那个动作
Mom! Mom, did you get my picture? 妈妈 妈妈 你拍好照片了吗
Well, this is our stop. 好了 我们到站了
? The birds in the sky Go through the air ? ? 鸟儿在天空中飞翔 ?
? All the way there ? ? 飞到远方 ?
Today, we're gonna learn about how Red saved the eggs. 今天 我们要学习胖红如何拯救我们的蛋
I love Red! 我爱胖红
I gotta go to the bathroom! 我要去下卫生间
Why didn't you go in the slingshot ? 为什么你刚刚在弹弓飞的时候不去
Bomb, anything from Piggy Island? 炸弹黑猪猪岛有什么消息吗
Nope. Chuck . Anything to the north? 没有 飞镖黄 北边有什么动静吗
Nope. Nothing. What's that? 没有 什么都没有 那是什么
Incoming pie! 派来袭
It's coming straight for us. - What do we do? 它直直地往我们这里来了 -我们怎么办
Duck! 快闪[鸭子]
I got pie all over my face! - Hey, sorry, buddy . 我脸上全是派 -抱歉 伙计
What, what? Yeah! 怎么样
Those pigs... 这些猪头
Are gonna pay... 要付出
For our lunches! 我们的午餐钱
Uh... Because of our hunger to give them... 因为我们想给
A taste of their own... 他们一点
Quesadillas ! 墨西哥鸡肉饼看看
What? 怎么了
It's Red. - I'm sorry, guys. 是胖红 -很抱歉 大家
We're taking over the Blue Line. Official business. 公事 我们要占用一下蓝色专线
Oh, yeah! Of course, anything for you. 好啊 当然了 很高兴能帮到你
Hey, Red! 嘿 胖红
Isn't it funny how nobody liked you until you saved Bird Island? But now we all love you. 你在救小鸟岛之前没人喜欢你 但是现在我们都喜欢你了 是不是很搞笑啊
Ha. Thanks so much for bringing that up. 谢谢你破事重提
Okay, ready? 准备好了吗
Three... Two... 三 二
Bomb, you say "one." - Oh, right. 炸弹黑你要说一 -对哦
Yoo-hoo. Hot sauce , please. 来些辣酱谢谢
Yeah! Got him. 打到他了
Thank you. - red! Red! 谢谢 -胖红 胖红
I really want the red one. The red one. 我很想要那个红的 红的
Ha, ha! Balloonie! 太好了 气球球
Heh, heh. That's it. A little bit higher. 就是这样 再高一点
But I was bouncing! 但我刚才还在跳呢
You mess with the hatchlings , you get the cannonball . 你敢惹我们的鸟宝宝 就要准备好被加农炮轰
mess:n.混乱;餐厅;杂乱;肮脏;v.使不整洁;弄脏;弄乱;随地便溺; hatchlings:n.人工孵化的鱼苗或小鸟; cannonball:n.炮弹;
Ready, big guy? 准备好了吗 大家伙
Oh, yeah. You ready, bigger guy? 当然 更大的家伙 你呢
Cannonball! Cannonball! 加农炮 加农炮