

I'm used to thinking of the TED audience as a wonderful collection of some of the most effective , intelligent , intellectual , savvy , worldly and innovative people in the world. 我以前一直认为TED的观众是很棒的一群人 他们让人印象深刻,聪明 善于思考,机智 有世界观并且富有创造精神
effective:adj.有效的,起作用的;实际的,实在的;给人深刻印象; intelligent:adj.有才智的;悟性强的;聪明的;有智力的 intellectual:n.知识分子;脑力劳动者;adj.智力的;脑力的;理智的;有才智的; savvy:n.悟性;理解能力;懂行(的人);v.理解;懂;vi.理解;知道; worldly:adj.世俗的;世间的;尘世的;adv.世俗地;世故地; innovative:adj.革新的,创新的;
And I think that's true. 当然,这是事实
However, I also have reason to believe that many, if not most, of you are actually tying your shoes incorrectly. 但是,我同样有理由相信 你们中的很多人 其实系鞋带的方法是错误的
(Laughter) (笑声)
Now I know that seems ludicrous . 现在我知道这看似有些可笑
I know that seems ludicrous. 我知道这看上去有些可笑
And believe me, I lived the same sad life until about three years ago. 但相信我,我的生活中不断重复着这个错误 直到三年前
And what happened to me was I bought, what was for me, a very expensive pair of shoes. 当时,我给自己 买了一双很贵的鞋
But those shoes came with round nylon laces , and I couldn't keep them tied. 但是那双鞋的鞋带是尼龙的 我不知道怎么系
nylon:n.尼龙,[纺]聚酰胺纤维;尼龙袜; laces:n.网眼织物; v.由带子系紧; (lace的第三人称单数和复数)
So I went back to the store and said to the owner, "I love the shoes, but I hate the laces." 于是我回到鞋店跟老板说 “我喜欢这双鞋,但我讨厌鞋带”
He took a look and said, "Oh, you're tying them wrong." 老板看了看说:“哦,你系鞋带的方法是错的”
Now up until that moment, 直到那一刻
I would have thought that, by age 50, one of the life skills that I had really nailed was tying my shoes. 我都认为一个50岁的人 最擅长的技能莫过于 系鞋带了
But not so -- let me demonstrate . 但是,事实却并非如此--我来说明一下
This is the way that most of us were taught to tie our shoes. 现在这个系法 就是我们大多数人一般系鞋带的方式
Now as it turns out -- thank you. 现在事实证明--谢谢
Wait, there's more. 等一下,还没完
As it turns out, there's a strong form and a weak form of this knot , and we were taught to tie the weak form. 事实证明 这种打结的方式会有牢固和不牢固两种手法 我们以前学得是不牢固的手法
And here's how to tell. 我来演示一下
If you pull the strands at the base of the knot, you will see that the bow will orient itself down the long axis of the shoe. 如果你像这样撑开绳结的底部 你可以看到鞋带 会自动的像这样呈长轴式的转过来
strands:n.线; v.搁浅; orient:vt.使适应;确定方向;使朝东;n.东方;东方诸国;adj.东方的;vi.向东; axis:n.轴;轴线;轴心国;
That's the weak form of the knot. 这就是不牢固的打结
But not to worry. 不过不用担心
If we start over and simply go the other direction around the bow, we get this, the strong form of the knot. 如果我们重来 并且仅仅是按原先反方向让右手从下面 绕过来打结 这就是牢固的打结方式
And if you pull the cords under the knot, you will see that the bow orients itself along the transverse axis of the shoe. 如果你还是这样拉开 你会看到鞋带 仍能保持原样呈横轴式
cords:n.(结实的)粗线,细绳;灯芯绒裤子;(cord的复数) orients:vt.使适应;确定方向;使朝东;n.东方;东方诸国;adj.东方的;vi.向东; transverse:adj.横向的;横断的;贯轴的;n.横断面;贯轴;横肌;
This is a stronger knot. It will come untied less often. 这就是更牢固的打结,不会轻易松开
It will let you down less, and not only that , it looks better. 也会为你减少麻烦 不仅如此,它看起来也更美观了
only that:只是;要不是;
We're going to do this one more time. 我再来演示一次
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Start as usual, go the other way around the loop . 就像往常那样开始 再反方向地绕过来系
This is a little hard for children, but I think you can handle it. 这对小孩会有点难 但是我相信你们可以做到
Pull the knot. 拉一下这打结
There it is: the strong form of the shoe knot. 这样就完成了,鞋带的牢固系法
Now, in keeping with today's theme, 现在,为了符合今天的主题
in keeping with:符合;与…一致;
I'd like to point out -- and something you already know -- that sometimes a small advantage someplace in life can yield tremendous results someplace else. 我想指出--有一些大家已经了解的东西-- 在人生的某一阶段 有时一个小优势 可能会在别的地方给你带来意想不到的收获
advantage:n.有利条件:优势:优点: yield:n.产量;产出;利润;v.屈服;让步;放弃;提供; tremendous:adj.极大的,巨大的;惊人的;极好的;
Live long and prosper . 活到老学到老
(Applause) (掌声)