

(Guitar music) (吉他音乐)
I was just thinking that I have been missing you way too long (演唱开始) 我在想, 我对你的思念多么长久。
There's something inside this weary head that wants us to love just instead 这疲倦大脑中的某种声音, 总会呼唤我们对彼此的爱。
But I was just thinking, merely thinking 我曾经这样想, 只能这样想。
I've got loads of pictures, 我有无数的相片,
I've got the one of you in that dancing dress 其中一张有你穿着舞衣,
But man I feel silly in that dim light 但我看起来有些傻,在那暗淡的灯光下。
dim:adj.暗淡的,昏暗的; v.使暗淡,使失去光泽; n.笨蛋,傻子;
Just after doing you by the sight of my Kodak delights , 就在柯达相机的镜头下,
Kodak:n.小型照相机; delights:n.高兴; v.使高兴; (delight的第三人称单数和复数)
I am sinking, merely sinking 我在渐渐沉没, 只能沉没,无法自拔。
I think about long distance rates instead of kissing you babe 我只能想着长途话费,而不是亲吻你,宝贝。
I'm a singer without a song 我是一个没有歌来唱的歌手。
If I wait for you longer my affection is stronger and I ... I was just thinking, merely thinking that this boat is sinking 如果我等你再久一点, 我的感情就更强烈, 然而我...我只是想着, 只能想着, 我这艘船正在渐渐沉没。
I'm tired of postcards , especially the ones with cute dogs and cupids 我对明信片感到厌倦, 尤其是画着可爱狗狗和丘比特的那种款式。
postcards:n.明信片;(postcard的复数) especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; cupids:n.丘比特画像(cupid的复数);
I'm tired of calling you and missing you and dreaming I slept with you 我对打电话给你和想念你感到厌倦, 希望我抱着你入睡。
Don't get me wrong I still desperately love you inside this weary head 不要误解我,我仍然无可救药的爱着你, 就在这个疲倦的大脑中。
I just want us to love just instead 我只想让我们相爱。
But I was just thinking and thinking, merely thinking 但我只是想着,想着, 只能想着。
I think about long distance rates instead of kissing you babe and time is running me still 我只能想到长途话费,而不是亲吻你,宝贝, 时光飞逝,我心依旧。
If I wait for you longer my affection is stronger 如果我再等久一些, 我的情感就越发强烈。
I ... I was just thinking 我...我只是在想。
I ... I was just thinking that I'm tired of calling you once a week thinking of long distance rates instead of kissing you 我...我只能想着, 厌倦了每周一次的电话, 比起亲吻你,我却担心长途话费。
So baby I'm sinking, merely sinking 宝贝,我在沉没, 只能沉没。“(歌曲结束)
(Guitar music ends) (吉他音乐结束)
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Thank you. (演讲开始)谢谢。
Singing is sharing. 歌唱就是一种分享。
When you sing, you have to know what you're talking about intimately , and you have to be willing to share this insight and give away a piece of yourself. 当你歌唱的时候,你需要知道内心的想法, 愿意与他人分享你的观点, 把你的一部分展现出来。
intimately:adv.熟悉地;亲切地;私下地; insight:n.洞察力;洞悉;
I look for this intention to share in everything, and I ask: what are the intentions behind this architecture or this product or this restaurant or this meal? 所有的事我都以这样的意图分享, 我时常问:这个建筑或是这个产品, 或是这个餐厅,这顿饭,背后有怎样的意义?
intentions:n.目的,意向,意图;打算;(intention的复数) architecture:n.建筑学;建筑风格;建筑式样;架构;
And if your intentions are to impress people or to get the big applause at the end, then you are taking, not giving. 如果你的意图是让人们对你留下深刻印象, 或是赢得掌声, 那你就是在索取,而不是给予。
impress:v.盖印;强征;传送;给予某人深刻印象; applause:n.欢呼,喝采;鼓掌欢迎;
And this is a song that's about -- it's the kind of song that everyone has their version of. 下面这首歌是关于—— 这是那种每个人都有自己版本的歌。
This song is called "Home," 这首歌叫“家,”
and it's sort of a "This is where I'm from, nice to meet you all," 它要表达的意思就是:”很高兴见到各位,
kind of song. 这里是我的家乡。“
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (鼓掌)
(Piano music) (钢琴演奏开始)
Home is the sound of birds early in the morning (演唱开始)”家是清晨小鸟的叫声。
Home is a song I've always remembered 家是一首永远难忘的歌。
Home is the memory of my first day in school 家是我第一天上学的记忆。
Home is the books that I carry around 家是我带在身边的书本。
Home is an alley in a faraway town 家是远方小镇的窄巷。
alley:n.小巷;小路;小径; faraway:adj.遥远的;恍惚的;
Home is the places I’ve been and where I’d like to go 家是我思念的老地方。
Home 家,
I'm always gonna feel at home 我永远都能随遇而安,
feel at home:在家中般轻松自在;感觉自在;
No matter where I may roam 无论我走到哪里。
I'm always gonna find my way back home 总会找到回家的路,
No matter how far I’m gone 无论我走得多远。
I’m always gonna feel this longing 总会有这样的渴望,
No matter where I might stay 无论我身处哪里。
Home is a feather twirling in the air 家是空中旋转漂浮的羽毛。
Home is flowers in a windowsill 家是窗台上的小花。
Home is all the things she said to me 家是她告诉我的一切。
Home is a photo I never threw away 家是一张我永远不会丢弃的照片。
Home is the smile on my face when I die 家是我死去时脸上的笑容。
Home is the taste of an apple pie 家是苹果派的味道。
apple pie:n.苹果派;苹果馅饼;
I met a woman, she always lived in the same place 我遇到一个女子,她总是住在同一个地方。
And she said home is where you’re born and raised 她说,家是生你养你的地方。
And I met a man, he sat looking out to the sea 我遇到一位男士,他坐在那里,遥望大海。
And he said home is where you want to be 他说家是你想去的地方。
I met a girl in some downtown bar 我在闹市区的酒吧遇到一个女孩。
And she said I'll have whatever he's having 她说,她要喝和他(我)一样的饮料。
And I asked her how come we never met before? 我问她,我们怎么会没见过?
And she said all my life I’ve been trying to get a place of my own 她说,我的一生都在尝试, 找一个属于自己的地方。
I’m always gonna feel at home 我总能随遇而安。
No matter where I may roam 无论我在哪里流浪。
Always gonna find my way back home 总能找到回家的路,
No matter how far I’m gone 无论我走了多远。
I'm always gonna feel this longing 我总会感到这样的渴望,
No matter where I might stay 无论我身处何处。
(Piano music) (钢琴音乐)
(Piano music ends) (钢琴音乐结束)
(Applause) (掌声)