

Tashka Yawanawá (Sharp exhale) 塔什卡·亚瓦纳瓦(TY): (尖声呼气)
(Sharp exhale) (尖声呼气)
(Sharp exhale) (尖声呼气)
(Sharp exhale) (尖声呼气)
(Singing) (唱歌)
(Singing ends) (歌声结束)
(Sharp exhale) (尖声呼气)
I'm Tashka Yawanawá. 我是塔什卡·亚瓦纳瓦。
I'm here with my wife. 这是我的妻子。
I come from the Yawanawá community , which is located in the state of Acre in the Brazilian Amazon . 我来自亚瓦纳瓦部落, 它位于巴西亚马逊雨林的 阿克里州。
community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; located:adj.位于; v.确定…的准确地点; (locate的过去分词和过去式) Amazon:亚马逊;古希腊女战士;
Takes some days to arrive here. 我们来这要花几天时间。
I just did the song to reconnect us to the spirit of the rainforest . 我刚刚唱的歌 让我们与雨林神灵重新连结。
reconnect:v.使再接合; rainforest:n.(热带)雨林;
From immemorial time, my people live in the Yawanawá territory . 从古至今, 我的族人生活在亚瓦纳瓦地区。
immemorial:adj.远古的,古老的;无法追忆的; territory:n.领土,领域;范围;地域;版图;
We see this holistic way of how nature is. 我们用完整全面的方式 来看待大自然。
Nature, to us, belongs to the whole of humanity . 对我们来说,大自然 是属于全人类的。
the environment, the forest, as alive. 环境和森林都是有生命的。
But everything is always a challenge. 但是,挑战无处不在。
Mostly now, because I think many of you know that the Amazon now is on fire. 特别是现在,我想各位都知道, 亚马逊正在燃烧着熊熊大火。
That affects all of us. 大火影响着我们所有人。
Destroying the Amazon does not affect just the indigenous people, because we are all connected. 摧毁亚马逊不只影响着原住民, 因为所有人都是连在一起的。
Whatever we do in my community, if I burn everything, it's going to affect it here, when the snow comes here at Christmas. 无论我们在亚马逊如何生活, 如果一切被烧毁, 到圣诞节下雪时, 一定会影响到这里。
If you pollute here, it's going to affect it when the rain comes to my country. 如果你们把这里污染了, 也会随着下雨影响到我的国家。
I used to say we all belong to the global village . 我总是说大家都属于地球村。
global village:n.地球村(指整个世界作为一个由电子通信系统连接的单一集体);
I used to say, Amazon belongs to humanity, and also that humanity needs to take care as the indigenous do in the world. 我总是说,亚马逊属于全人类, 但人类也需要保护亚马逊, 像原住民一样保护它。
And for this reason, today is a time to wake, unite us. 因此可以说, 今天就是我们觉醒、团结的时刻了。
We Yawanawá are doing our part. 我们亚瓦纳瓦人正在尽自己的责任。
We take care of Mother Earth. 我们照顾着大地母亲。
And now, I will give to my wife. 现在,请我的妻子继续讲。
Laura Yawanawá: We are here with our hearts crying. 劳拉·亚瓦纳瓦: 我们站在这里,我们的心在哭泣。
I am smiling here, but my heart is crying, because a lot of our forests are being destroyed. 我脸上在微笑,但我的心在哭泣, 因为我们有很多森林正在被摧毁。
And I just want to give you a message. 我只想给你们传达一个消息。
This crisis is giving humanity two options . 这场危机给了人类两个选择。
crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的; options:n.选择; v.得到或获准进行选择; (option的三单形式)
One option is you help to end, to destroy and exterminate all our forests and all our cultures that go with it. 一个选择是你来参与, 结束、摧毁和灭绝 我们所有的森林和与之相关的文化。
Or, we transform this crisis into an opportunity to empower indigenous people, to support indigenous people and to save the rainforest and their cultures. 或者,我们可以把这场危机变成机遇, 赋予原住民权力, 支持原住民, 来拯救雨林和相关文化。
transform:v.使改变;使改观;使转换;n.[数]变换式;[化]反式; empower:vt.授权,允许;使能够;
And how can you do that? 怎么做到呢?
We have, the Yawanawá, we created a life plan, which is our strategic planning that tells us the steps of how we want to secure our territory. 我们亚瓦纳瓦人 制定了一个生命计划, 它是我们的战略规划, 是我们如何保护自己领土的步骤。
We take care of about 200,000 hectares of rainforest. 我们照顾着 20 万公顷的雨林。
But now it's under threat. 但它现在处于危险中。
So this life plan shows the steps for us to secure our land, our biodiversity , our culture, our education. 这个生命计划告诉我们 如何保护土地、 保护我们的生物多样性、 我们的文化、我们的教育。
I invite you all, 我邀请你们每个人,
I invite all companies, 邀请所有的公司,
I invite all governments, all civil society, to listen to indigenous peoples, to go back to our roots. 邀请所有的政府,文明社会, 倾听原住民的声音, 回到我们的根源所在。
We have been here for many, many ... for centuries. 我们已经在这里生活了 很多很多个世纪。
And we have been trying to scream to the world that we need to protect our territory, our nature. 我们一直对世界大喊, 我们需要保护领土、保护自然。
And you never listen to us. 可没有人听我们说。
Never. 一直不听。
I guess this crisis is teaching humanity that now you need to listen to us and to support indigenous peoples directly , to support their initiatives directly. 我猜这次危机教育了人类, 要倾听我们的诉说, 并直接支持原住民, 直接支持他们的计划。
directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就; initiatives:n.积极性;主动权(initiative的复数);创始;
So that's the message that I would love to leave to you. 这就是我想传递的信息。
That indigenous people have the answer, and if you want to save the Amazon, we have to take action now. 原住民有解决方法, 如果你想拯救亚马逊, 必须马上开始行动。
TY: (Sharp exhale) TY:(尖锐呼气)
(Applause) (掌声)