

By abu 201703
My name is Kara Zor-El. 我叫卡拉.佐.艾尔
24 years ago my planet, Krypton , was in serious peril . 二十四年前 我的星球 氪星 陷入了严重危机
Krypton:n.[化学]氪(元素符号为Kr); peril:n.危险;冒险;vt.危及;置…于险境;
My cousin, Kal-El, was sent to a planet called Earth for his own safety and protection. 我的堂弟卡.艾尔 被送往地球 以保护其安全
You may know his story. 你们可能知道他的故事
The story you don't know is that I was sent to protect him. 你们不知道的是 我被派去保护他
Your pod's coordinates are interlocked with Kal-El's. 你分离舱的坐标跟卡.艾尔的互锁在一起
coordinates:n.[数]坐标;相配之衣物;v.使协调;使调和(coordinate的第三人称单数形式); interlocked:adj.联锁的;v.连锁(interlock的过去分词);连结;
You will follow him to Earth. - I'm not afraid, Father. 你会随他前往地球 -我不害怕 父亲
The trip is long but you'll sleep most of the way and we'll be with you in your dreams . 虽说旅途漫长 但大部分路程你都会在睡觉 我们会在梦乡中陪伴你
in your dreams:做梦去吧;
You'll journey to Earth to look after your baby cousin, Kal-El. 你要前往地球 照顾你的堂弟卡.艾尔
Because of the Earth's yellow sun, you'll have great powers on this planet. 由于地球的黄太阳 你在那颗星球上将拥有伟大的能力
You will do extraordinary things. 你会做出超凡之事
I won't fail Kal-El or you. 我不会辜负卡.艾尔和你们
I love you, Kara. 我爱你 卡拉
You must go, now. 你现在必须出发了
Go! 去吧
Things didn't exactly go according to my mother's plan. 事情并未完全按照我母亲的计划进行
according to:根据,据说;
Krypton's destruction sent a shock wave that knocked my pod off course and into the Phantom Zone. 氪星毁灭时发出的冲击波 使我的分离舱偏离路线 进入幻影区
destruction:n.破坏,毁灭;摧毁; shock wave:n.(爆炸、地震等引起的)冲击波;震惊;震荡; Phantom:n.幽灵;幻影;虚位;adj.幽灵的;幻觉的;有名无实的;
A region in space where time doesn't pass. 在太空中的这一区域 时间不会流逝
I slept there for 24 years... 我在那里沉睡了二十四年
until somehow I got here. 直到我莫名其妙地来到了这里
When I arrived, I was still a 13-year-old girl. 我到达时 仍然是个十三岁的少女
But in that same time my cousin Kal-El had grown up and revealed himself to your world... 但那时 我的堂弟卡.艾尔已经长大成人 向你们的世界揭示了自己...
as Superman. 超人的身份
The most powerful man in the universe. 全宇宙最强大的人
My cousin wanted me to have the same safe... 我的堂弟希望我像他一样
human-type of childhood he did. 安然无恙地度过人类童年
So he placed me with my adoptive family, the Danvers. 于是他把我交给我了我的收养家庭 丹弗斯一家
Scientists who once helped him understand his own super abilities. 他们是曾帮助他理解自己超能力的科学家
I know I'm not your mom, sweetheart . 虽说我不是你的亲生母亲 亲爱的
But you're safe here. 但你在这里是安全的
They had a daughter, Alex. 他们有个女儿 叫艾丽克斯
And despite being born on different planets, we both shared one thing: we knew our lives would never be the same again. 虽说我们出生在不同的星球 但却有一个共同点 我们知道自己的生活从此将大不相同
My cousin... he didn't need my protection. 我的堂弟 他不需要我的保护
I didn't have a mission anymore. 我不再肩负使命了
But even though I had all the same powers he did... 但即便我拥有与他相同的能力
all the same:仍然:依然:照样:
Sorry, sorry. 抱歉 抱歉
I decided the best thing I could do is fit in. 我认为自己最好还是融入地球生活
After all... 毕竟
Earth didn't need another hero. 地球不需要另外一位英雄
I need two tickets in the Orchestra section for Wicked . 我要两张《女巫前传》前排座位的票
Orchestra:n.管弦乐队;乐队演奏处; Wicked:adj.邪恶的;缺德的;调皮的;n.恶人;邪恶的人;
No, not for Ms. Grant , her mother wants to see it. 不是为格兰特女士订的 她母亲想看
Yes, again. Sure, I'll hold. 对 还想再看一次 好 我等着
Charlie? 查理
I'm calling about the correspondence dinner, 我打来是为了记者晚宴的事