

So I just want to tell you my story. 我想跟大家谈谈我的故事。
I spend a lot of time teaching adults how to use visual language and doodling in the workplace . 我的很多时间都用在 指导成年人怎样在工作中使用视觉化语言 还有涂鸦。
visual:adj.视觉的,视力的;栩栩如生的; doodling:v.乱涂,胡写乱画;(doodle的现在分词) workplace:n.工作场所;车间;
And naturally , I encounter a lot of resistance , because it's considered to be anti-intellectual and counter to serious learning. 自然,我遇到很多抵触 因为有人认为这样做不理性 而且不严肃。
naturally:adv.自然地;自然而然地;轻而易举;天生地;大方地; encounter:v.遭遇,邂逅;遇到;n.遭遇,偶然碰见; resistance:n.电阻;抵抗;阻力;抗力;
But I have a problem with that belief, because I know that doodling has a profound impact on the way that we can process information and the way that we can solve problems. 但是我不这样认为 因为我知道涂鸦 对于我们处理信息 和解决问题的方式有深远的影响。
profound:adj.深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的; impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
So I was curious about why there was a disconnect between the way our society perceives doodling and the way that the reality is. 所以我就纳闷——为什么 社会上对于涂鸦的看法 和涂鸦真正的功能是脱节的呢?
curious:adj.好奇的,有求知欲的;古怪的;爱挑剔的; disconnect:vt.拆开,使分离;vi.断开; perceives:vt.察觉,感觉;理解;认知;vi.感到,感知;认识到;
So I discovered some very interesting things. 我发现了一些非常有趣的事实
For example, there's no such thing as a flattering definition of a doodle . 比如说,对doodle 这个词 没有任何一种解释是褒义的。
flattering:adj.奉承的; v.奉承; (flatter的现在分词) definition:n.定义;清晰度;(尤指词典里的词或短语的)释义;解释; doodle:v.涂鸦;乱涂,胡写乱画;n.乱写乱画(出的东西);
In the 17th century, a doodle was a simpleton or a fool -- as in Yankee Doodle. 在17世纪,doodle 是傻瓜、笨蛋的意思 就像扬基歌中唱的那样。
simpleton:n.傻子;笨蛋; Yankee:n.美国佬,美国人;洋基队(美国棒球队名);
In the 18th century, it became a verb, and it meant to swindle or ridicule or to make fun of someone. 到了18世纪,它变成了一个动词 意思是欺骗、嘲弄、或取笑某人
swindle:n.欺诈;骗局;vt.诈骗;骗取;vi.诈骗; ridicule:vt.嘲笑;嘲弄;愚弄;n.嘲笑;笑柄;愚弄; make fun of:取笑;
In the 19th century, it was a corrupt politician . 到了19世纪,这个词指贪污的政客
corrupt:v.损坏;破坏;使腐化;使堕落;adj.贪污的;受贿的;腐败的;营私舞弊的; politician:n.政治家;(蔑)政客;(美)政治贩;
And today, we have what is perhaps our most offensive definition, at least to me, which is the following: 而现在,这个词拥有了有史以来最讨厌的定义 至少在我看来是最讨厌的,那就是:
To doodle officially means to dawdle , to dilly dally , to monkey around , to make meaningless marks, to do something of little value, substance or import, and -- my personal favorite -- to do nothing. Doodle的正式定义是 偷懒, 吊儿郎当、鬼混胡闹、 涂画无意义的记号, 做没有价值、没有实质、没有重要性的事情, 还有——我认为最绝的—— 无所事事。
dawdle:v.拖延;磨蹭;游荡; dilly:n.杰出人物;极好的东西;显眼的事物; dally:vi.玩弄;闲荡;轻率地对待;vt.浪费(时间); monkey around:鬼混,胡闹; substance:n.物质;实质;主旨;物品; personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词;
No wonder people are averse to doodling at work. 难怪人们反对在工作中涂鸦。
Doing nothing at work is akin to masturbating at work; it's totally inappropriate . 在工作时无所事事与在工作时手淫一样 是完全不恰当的。
akin:adj.类似的;同类的;同族的; masturbating:v.手淫;对(某人)行手淫;(masturbate的现在分词) inappropriate:adj.不适当的;不相称的;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Additionally , I've heard horror stories from people whose teachers scolded them, of course, for doodling in classrooms. 此外,我还听说了一些恐怖的故事 一些人因为在上课时涂鸦而被老师责骂
Additionally:adv.另外;此外;加之; horror:n.恐惧;厌恶;震惊;对某事物的强烈畏惧(或憎恨); scolded:v.训斥,责骂(孩子);(scold的过去分词和过去式)
And they have bosses who scold them for doodling in the boardroom . 还有在开会时涂鸦而被上司批评。
There is a powerful cultural norm against doodling in settings in which we are supposed to learn something. 社会上排斥涂鸦的文化定式是很强大的 在这样的文化定式中学习应该是很严肃的一件事。
cultural:adj.与文化有关的;文化的;与艺术、文学、音乐等有关的; norm:n.规范;标准;定额;常态;v.规范;规定; supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式)
And unfortunately , the press tends to reinforce this norm when they're reporting on a doodling scene -- of an important person at a confirmation hearing and the like -- they typically use words like "discovered" 遗憾的是 媒体倾向于加强这种文化定式 当记者们得以报道 某位要员在国会中涂鸦的场景时 他们通常会用“撞见”
unfortunately:adv.不幸地; reinforce:vt.加强,加固; vi.求援; n.加强; typically:adv.代表性地;作为特色地;
or "caught" or "found out," “被捉到”或者“查出”这类词
as if there's some sort of criminal act being committed . 就好像涂鸦就是犯了某种罪行一样。
committed:adj.坚信的; v.做出错事; (commit的过去分词和过去式)
And additionally, there is a psychological aversion to doodling -- thank you, Freud . 另外,人们对于涂鸦有一种心理厌恶。 谢了,弗洛伊德。
psychological:adj.心理的;心理学的;精神上的; aversion:n.厌恶;讨厌的人; Freud:n.佛洛伊德(1856-1939,奥地利心理分析学家及精神病学家);
In the 1930s, Freud told us all that you could analyze people's psyches based on their doodles . 在20世纪30年代,弗洛伊德告诉我们 你可以根据人们的涂鸦 来分析他们的心理
analyze:v.对…进行分析,分解(等于analyse); psyches:vt.用精神分析治疗;使作好心理准备; doodles:n.涂鸦(doodle复数);
This is not accurate , but it did happen to Tony Blair at the Davos Forum in 2005, when his doodles were, of course, "discovered" 这种分析并不准确,但托尼·布莱尔就中过招 在2005年达沃斯论坛上 他的涂鸦被“发现”,
accurate:adj.精确的; but it did happen:但这确实发生了;但这确实要发生了; Forum:n.论坛,讨论会;法庭;公开讨论的广场;
and he was labeled the following things. 并被贴上了这样的标签。
labeled:adj.有标签的; v.示踪; (label的过去分词和过去式)
Now it turned out to be Bill Gates' doodle. 现在它变成了比尔·盖茨的涂鸦。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And Bill, if you're here, nobody thinks you're megalomaniacal . 比尔,如果你在场,没有人会认为你是自大狂。
But that does contribute to people not wanting to share their doodles. 但这确实导致人们 不愿意公开自己的涂鸦。
contribute to:有助于;捐献;
And here is the real deal. Here's what I believe. 现在我要讲最重要的了。这是我所坚信的。
I think that our culture is so intensely focused on verbal information that we're almost blinded to the value of doodling. 我认为我们的文化 过分关注来自于语言文字的信息 而几乎看不到涂鸦的价值
intensely:adv.强烈地;紧张地;热情地; verbal:adj.口头的;言语的;动词的;照字面的;n.动词的非谓语形式;
And I'm not comfortable with that. 我觉得这样是不合适的。
And so because of that belief that I think needs to be burst , 正因为我有这样的信念需要传达给大家,
I'm here to send us all hurtling back to the truth. 今天我来到这里,希望把所有人扳回真相的这一边
And here's the truth: doodling is an incredibly powerful tool, and it is a tool that we need to remember and to re-learn. 这个真相就是: 涂鸦是一种极其有用的工具 我们要牢记并重新认识这种工具。
So here's a new definition for doodling. 以下是涂鸦这个词新的定义
And I hope there's someone in here from The Oxford English Dictionary, because I want to talk to you later. 我希望在座的有来自牛津英语词典的人士 因为我想和你稍后谈谈。
Here's the real definition: 这是真实的定义:
Doodling is really to make spontaneous marks to help yourself think. 涂鸦实际上是能帮助你思考的自发性记号
That is why millions of people doodle. 因此成千上万的人涂鸦
Here's another interesting truth about the doodle: 关于涂鸦的另一个有趣的事实是:
People who doodle when they're exposed to verbal information retain more of that information than their non-doodling counterparts . 当人们接收语言文字形式的信息时,涂鸦的人 比不涂鸦的人 能记住更多的信息。
exposed:adj.无遮蔽的; v.暴露; (expose的过去分词和过去式) retain:v.保留;保持;持有;继续拥有; counterparts:n.(契约)副本(counterpart的复数);相对物;相对应的人;
We think doodling is something you do when you lose focus, but in reality, it is a preemptive measure to stop you from losing focus. 我们以为人们在注意力涣散时才去涂鸦 但真相却是,涂鸦是一种预防措施 而使你的注意力不涣散。
Additionally, it has a profound effect on creative problem-solving and deep information processing . 另外,涂鸦对于 创造性解决问题 和深层次信息处理有深远的影响。
creative:adj.创造性的; problem-solving:adj.问题解决的;n.解决问题;找出问题的答案; processing:v.加工;处理;审核;数据处理;v.列队行进;缓缓前进;(process的现在分词)
There are four ways that learners intake information so that they can make decisions. 学习者通过四种方式来吸收信息 以便做出决策。
They are visual, auditory , reading and writing and kinesthetic . 这就是视觉、听觉、 读写、以及运动。
auditory:n.听众;礼堂;adj.听觉的;耳朵的; kinesthetic:adj.运动觉的;肌肉运动知的;
Now in order for us to really chew on information and do something with it, we have to engage at least two of those modalities , or we have to engage one of those modalities coupled with an emotional experience. 为了能够完整掌握某种信息 并活学活用 我们至少要使用其中的两种学习模式 或者只使用其中的一种学习模式 但要加上自己的情感共鸣。
engage:v.吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定; modalities:n.形式;形态(modality的复数);样式;
The incredible contribution of the doodle is that it engages all four learning modalities simultaneously with the possibility of an emotional experience. 涂鸦那令人不可思议的好处就在于 它同时用到了全部四种学习模式 也完全可能引起情感共鸣。
incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; contribution:n.捐款;捐资;定期缴款;贡献;促成作用;稿件; engages:从事; simultaneously:adv.同时地;
That is a pretty solid contribution for a behavior equated with doing nothing. 这真是一个相当重要的贡献—— 对于一个等同于无所事事的行为来说。
This is so nerdy , but this made me cry when I discovered this. 虽然有些蠢, 可我发现下面这个研究之后真是喜极而泣。
So they did anthropological research into the unfolding of artistic activity in children, and they found that, across space and time, all children exhibit the same evolution in visual logic as they grow. 有一项人类学研究 是关于儿童艺术活动的演进。 人们发现,无论来自哪里、哪个年代, 所有的孩子在视觉逻辑方面表现出一致的发展规律 伴随他们的成长
anthropological:adj.人类学的;人类学上的; unfolding:v.(使)展开;打开;展示;透露;(unfold的现在分词) artistic:adj.艺术的;风雅的;有美感的; exhibit:v.展览;表现;展出;n.陈列品;(在法庭上出示的)物证; evolution:n.演变;进化;发展;渐进;
In other words, they have a shared and growing complexity in visual language that happens in a predictable order. 换句话说,他们的视觉语言体系 有着共同的发展规律 按照一个可以预测的顺序而变得越来越复杂。
complexity:n.复杂性;难以理解的局势 predictable:adj.可预言的;
And I think that is incredible. 我觉得这是很神奇的。
I think that means doodling is native to us and we simply are denying ourselves that instinct . 我想这充分说明了涂鸦是人的天性 但是我们在拒绝自己的这种天性。
native:adj.本国的;土著的;天然的;与生俱来的;天赋的;n.本地人;土产;当地居民; denying:v.否认;否定;拒绝承认;拒绝给予;(deny的现在分词) instinct:n.本能;天性;直觉;adj.充满的;
And finally , a lot a people aren't privy to this, but the doodle is a precursor to some of our greatest cultural assets . 最后,很多人并不了解. 涂鸦草图 是我们一些最伟大的文化遗产形成的雏形
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; privy:adj.私人的;不公开的;秘密参与的;n.有利害关系的人;厕所; precursor:n.先驱,前导; assets:n.资产;宝贵的人材;(一项)财物;资产;(asset的名词复数)
This is but one: this is Frank Gehry the architect's precursor to the Guggenheim in Abu Dhabi. 举一个例子: 这是建筑师法兰克·盖瑞(Frank Gehry)完成阿布扎比的古根海姆美术馆的雏形。
So here is my point: 这就是我的观点:
Under no circumstances should doodling be eradicated from a classroom or a boardroom or even the war room. 无论什么情况下,都不要禁止涂鸦的行为 无论是在教室,在会议室, 甚至是在作战指挥部。
Under no circumstances:决不; eradicated:adj.画着根的;v.摆脱;擦掉;连根拔起(eradicate的过去分词);
On the contrary , doodling should be leveraged in precisely those situations where information density is very high and the need for processing that information is very high. 相反, 在这些场合,应该充分发挥涂鸦的作用 因为信息过于密集 而且需要处理的信息量很大
On the contrary:正相反; leveraged:adj.杠杆的; v.举债经营; (leverage的过去式和过去分词); density:n.密度;
And I will go you one further. 我还想更进一步地来说。
Because doodling is so universally accessible and it is not intimidating as an art form, it can be leveraged as a portal through which we move people into higher levels of visual literacy . 由于涂鸦是人人皆可的, 又不像任何一种艺术形式那样不可亲近 涂鸦可以成为一种很好的手段 来帮助人们 获得更高的视觉认知能力。
universally:adv.普遍地;人人;到处; accessible:adj.易接近的;可进入的;可理解的; intimidating:adj.吓人的;令人胆怯的;v.恐吓;威胁;(intimidate的现在分词) portal:n.大门,入口; literacy:n.读写能力;精通文学;
My friends, the doodle has never been the nemesis of intellectual thought. 朋友们,涂鸦从来不曾是 理智思考的仇敌,
nemesis:n.报应;给与惩罚的人;天罚;n.主要敌人,强硬对手; intellectual:n.知识分子;脑力劳动者;adj.智力的;脑力的;理智的;有才智的;
In reality, it is one of its greatest allies . 而事实上,它是最棒的盟友之一。
Thank you. 谢谢大家。
(Applause) (掌声)