

Listening to his closing argument, 听着他的总结陈词
I almost want to let him go myself, except for one thing-- He's a liar . 我自己差点都想放他一马了 唯独有一个问题 他是个骗子
He thinks he doesn't have to play by the same rules. 他觉得自己不用和你们遵守一样的规矩
But we know he does. 但我们知道他应该
What did you do? - I pled guilty . 你做了什么 -我认罪了
pled:v.辩护;恳求(plead的过去式和过去分词); guilty:adj.有罪的;内疚的;
If you think I'm gonna let you do this, you're out of your goddamn mind. 如果你以为我会让你这么做 你就是疯了
He cut a deal to save this firm. 他是为了救律所达成协议
cut a deal:达成协议,达成交易;最后达成决定性的协议;
He cut a deal to keep us from going to prison. 他是为了不让我们进监狱达成协议
We give Evan people who already want to go, and I give Anita Gibbs murderers in exchange for Mike. 把已经想走的人给伊凡 我给安妮塔.吉布斯凶手名单交换迈克
in exchange for:作为…的交换;
And what if it doesn't work and we lose everything? 如果没效果然后我们什么都没了呢
what if:如果…怎么办?
Then we do. But if we don't try to save him, who are we? 那就这样了 但如果没尽力救他 我们是怎样的人
Make the deal. 达成协议
I am not letting you go to prison for a crime that I committed . 我不会让你因为 我犯下的罪责进监狱
committed:adj.坚信的; v.做出错事; (commit的过去分词和过去式)
I'm not letting you go when you're gonna be found innocent ! 我也不能在你会被判无罪的情况下进监狱
Why the hell would you lie to me? 你究竟为何要骗我
'Cause the truth would've broken you. 因为真相会击垮你
You know what, Harvey? 你知道吗 哈维
You want to come to my wedding, you let me know. 你如果想参加我的婚礼 告诉我
I'm not trying to take your place anymore. 我不能再什么都替你做了
I'm trying to get you ready because you're weak. 我要让你做好准备 因为你太弱了
Harvey, I am not weak. - Yeah? Well, hit me. 哈维 我不弱 -那好 打我啊
Is this what you want? 这就是你想要的吗
That I hate you and that you made me do this? 想要我恨你 想要我对你这样做吗
We lose everything because of you! 我们因为你而失去一切
I am not saying that I don't want to get married. 我不是说我不想结婚
You go finish law school. 你去读完法学院
And then in two years, when I get out, if you still want to marry me... 然后 两年后我出来 如果你还想嫁给我
They're all gone. 都走了
Watch your back in there, Mike. 在里面多加小心 迈克
I will. 我会的
General wake-up for all inmates is at 6:00 A.M. 所有犯人的起床时间是早晨六点
wake-up:吵醒,叫醒 inmates:n.被收容者;居民(inmate的名词复数);
You will be standing next to your bed at that time. 那时你要站在床边
If you are not, you will face disciplinary action. 如果没有 将会被处罚
At least five inmate counts will be held during each 24-hour period at random times. 每24小时至少会 随机清点五次人数
You will stand still during every one of those counts. 每次清点人数时你要立正站好
If you are not, you will face disciplinary action. 如果没有 将会被处罚
You will be at meals on time if you want to eat. 如果你想进食可以在规定时间内就餐
You will be at work on time, no matter what . 不管有任何情况 你都需要按时上工
no matter what:不管什么…;
You will keep your cell in a clean and sanitary condition. 你必须让你的牢房保持清洁与整齐
If you fail in any of these areas, you will face... 如果你无法做到上述任何一点 将会
Disciplinary action. 被处罚
Good. You're getting the picture. 很好 你学得很快
Do you mind if I ask what disciplinary action means? 能不能告诉我惩罚是什么
Do you mind:你介意吗?;
Since you got the balls to ask that, 既然你有种问
I'm sure you're gonna find out soon enough. 我很确定你很快就会知道
What's this for? - What do you think it's for? 这是干什么用的 -你觉得呢
Strip naked , put everything you own inside that bag, then follow me. 脱光衣服 把所有东西都塞进这个袋子 然后跟我走
Strip:n.带; v.夺; adj.脱衣舞的; naked:adj.裸体的;无装饰的;无证据的;直率的;
Harvey, what are you doing here? 哈维 你怎么在这